A true ascension story to inspire beginners and still sleeping souls. [1]
My given name is Gokhan A., but I am not Gokhan A.
I was born in Turkey; so they told me that I was Turkish, but I am not.
I was born in to Islam religion so I was thought only Islam, but I am not Muslim.
Yes, indeed I was Gokhan A., Turkish, Muslim. They were all written on my Turkish Citizen I.D. card so I believed them and lived accordingly for almost 33 years.
I am 33 years old now. I am not Gokhan A., I am not Turkish, I am not Muslim.
So who am I? Where do I belong? What is my religion?
I am Strong Wings. I don’t belong to any government drawn, bordered lands. Because I don’t believe in borders and I absolutely don’t believe in governments and I don’t believe in nationalist history books. I believe religions are to show the direction of oneness to humanity but most of them lost the purity. I don’t need religions anymore because I am ONENESS. I broke out of the Matrix of Illusions. I broke out the energetic prisons. I am awaken and I am ascending. I am ascending with my soul mate Yuuka Shimada. We met just few months ago in India. She had changed my life. She purified me.
I will tell you. I will tell you how I broke out of the Matrix of Illusions and the energetic prisons. I will tell you about my first and only novel “Gaak and Baap” which is about two soul mates finding each other and ascending and becoming God and Goddess; is becoming truth for me, my soul mate and for rest of humanity, right now. I will tell you what soul mate is and what the feeling at the moment of finding is. I will tell you what waking up and ascending are. I will tell you how it feels to be God and Goddess. I will tell you what is happening to you in the year of 2012 and what will happen on 21st December 2012.
Oh, to be Gods and Goddesses…
Yuuka Shimada. She was already a goddess when I met her first time.
I will tell you all…
I am Strong Wings. Because…
5-6 March 2012 Rishikesh-INDIA
Both of us were over excited. We didn’t know what to say further. Both of us did not have a relation for many years and we forgot romance long time ago. We sat on the stairs by the Ganges River. She held my hand and it was the end of my old life.
When she held my hand, I had a bliss feeling from top of my head to feet. I suddenly felt completed as if I was half before. I first time in my life felt as one with all. The Himalayan mountain, Ganges River, eagles swirling around us in the sky, people passing by on the street, the beings beyond my vision, beings of stars and other planets, angels and the guardians… We were all one. I said: “ We are all one”.
Tears were falling from our eyes.
That was the final understanding. There was no more doubt. She was the one. She was my soul mate.
We sat in Sirius Star Ship and I played and sang the song which I composed for her:
Star Child Yuuka
I have been searching for you all my life
I was wondering what love is
I was wondering what peace is
I was wondering what harmony is
Finally I found all in you
Finally I found all in you
Finally I found all in you
by you
around you
in you
Just a second please. There is more of the lyric of this song and I decided to cut it at the most exciting point for now. Do you think it was that easy? If it was that easy this book should be one page only. Do you think we did not fight to come to this joyful moment of divine reuniting? We fought. We are 33 and 37 years old. We searched each other that much of time and we fought against many illusions and we broke many chains. If you don’t break the chains of illusions, if you don’t set yourself free from the prisons of illusions, how can you find your soul mate? If you are surrounded by an illusionary life how can you find? How can you understand when he /she comes to your door?
Finding soul mate is definitely gift from your higher self and your guiding spirits which is presented to you after you complete certain life achievements and experiences. Breaking out of illusions is one of them; purifying yourself is another one of them. Breaking illusions and purifying yourself al so means ascension (spiritual growing), which means becoming who you really are, becoming your true power. When you begin to walk the path for finding your true self you can meet not only your soul mate but all other your wishes as well.
How did we do that? How did we breakout of illusions and how did we succeed to find each other? We cannot teach but we can inspire by our true life story. Do you want to know?
It shall begin with understanding who, how and why is controlling your life. Who, how and why are placing seeds of depression in your mind?
When you are under the negative effects of mind control you cannot achieve your wishes and you cannot find your soul mate as well. Are you ready to hear all this? Then, I promise you will read the most excited part of the lyric of our song too and even more excited end of our life story.
Before beginning to tell you our inspiring story I have to explain in chapter 2 what those illusions are, because I cannot explain how we break them, if I don’t explain what they are.
(If you consider yourself as an already awaken person you can jump to chapter3 by not reading the following 5 pages of Chapter 2)
I know, you have heard some of the illusions and mind control methods and the Cabal and the Illuminati things before; you have read, you have watched. We are at the edge of a Global Awakening and reading now gives a different feeling then reading last year. Because the energy of this year, energy of this moment is willing to lit your candles.
Understanding the matrix of illusion
3rd dimension world is based on Fear and Denial. The Dark Dominant Powers of the world knew all about it and used them to rule us all, for centuries. The big illusion began long time ago and gain power in time.
Where and when I was born, there was fear of being poor and still there is. There was fear of hell and still there is. Fear of not being loved by others, fear of being alone, fear of dying, fear of self power etc.
These fears were always used by the dark powers within the mind control methods for keeping us under control, keeping us silent, keeping us sleeping, keeping us unaware of our true self. Those dark powers owns the governments, co-operations, banks, media, education system, health care, food sector, guns, narcotics, human traffic, etc.
Here are the most well known few examples of their mind control and ruling methods:
Movies and cartoons: If not all, most of them contents subliminal messages, which flows in to your sub-consciousness without your awareness. A movie hero drinking coca cola gives your mind suggestion of drinking cola. Because your ego wants to be a hero (W) like the character in the movie, you buy and drink a coca cola. You give them your (A) money and they poison your body with several different chemicals. Those chemicals (K) have different abilities of reducing IQ, inactivating DNA genes, creating sicknesses (E) which leads you to buy medicines which are also produced by them and which brings (U) forward other sicknesses and depression, which guides you to use anti-depression (P) pills which are also produced by them, which leads you to deeper depressions, unhappiness, aimlessness and a world of fear. Do you see the subliminal message above? W-A-K-E UP! You might think a single can of Coca Cola may not do that much affect. It contents addictive substances which may cause you to be addictive to their products. Surely after a few months of using these products you may begin to see and feel the negative side effects.
A hamburger in Mc Donalds? Burger King?
The floride in the Tooth pastes reduces IQ. It creates mind control. Do you know any tooth paste brand without floride?
Tv news… Have you ever watched a full Tv news which was full of happiness? All full of diplomatic lies and terror and accidental dies, wars, environmental pollution, economical crisis, murderers, darkness, etc. They give you more and more fear and your mind produce more and more denial; they give more and more lies and you are surrounded by more and more illusions.
A tomato perhaps? A tomato which they have played with the DNA gene of it?
(!!!)Education system is full of lies. I don’t say the teachers are necessarily liers, but by knowingly or unknowingly they are the part of big lie. History of the earth, history of the humankind, history of the countries and religions; all of them were created according needs of the dark dominant powers (groups-families) to create differences and conflicts between people of different groups and countries. Because they do not want people to know that they all are same, they all come from same source and they all are one. We all are ascending back to same source. They created false histories to stop us from knowing our true self. Because if we all know that we are light and love of creator, therefore we are Creator himself, how can they rule us?
Biology? Scientists do not know the purpose of 97% of our DNA genes and yet we are thought in the schools that we are this body. No, that is not true. We are not body. We are the spirits who are experiencing the body and the material world.
Health care system is full of lies. We are the spirits who have the ability to use our self energy or the energies of the universe or the energy of pure love to heal ourselves or each other. Off-course they do not want us to know our true power. If we know our true power, if we begin to heal ourselves without using their (poisons) medicines, they cannot earn money, they cannot create depression, they cannot create more sicknesses, they cannot create fear, they cannot control our minds; but are we ready? Are we really ready to heal ourselves? I do not say you to stop taking your medicines. For that, first you have to become who you really are and meet your true powers. Till that time comes slowly you can replace their medicines with herbal remedies and your own healing powers.
Wars and terror… They create two different groups of people. They say to one group: “ You are the terrorists, you will kill innocent people” ; and they say to other group: “ You are the nationalist heroes, take this gun and fight the terrorists back and die if necessary because we are proud of you; this country is proud of you and that’s not enough; you will surely go to heaven if you kill them or if you die in the action.” They sell the guns and bullets to both groups. A win-win situation for them. They love the war and they love the power and money.
They say, you are born here, so you are Christian, or you are Muslim or you are…
As They teach: “There is hell where you will go after dying and you will be burned there for eternity because of your sins. Oh off-course thinking to be part of god is the biggest sin of all.”
The banks? Yes this is their pocket. Keep putting your money there and your money will serve for their dark plans.
Even the cartoon characters are smoking cigarette which is very cool(?) so why shall we not smoke?
We shall not smoke because it serves them to keep us sick, depressed, addicted, sleeping… We shall not smoke because we give them more power by doing so. We shall not smoke because ascension requires straight characters. An ascending person cannot continue supporting the dark ones by using their products, products of sickness and illusion.
What is ascension and why do they prevent us from ascending?
Our world has been operating in the 3rd dimension where the fear and denial ruled for centuries. However this is coming to end. According to divine plan of oneness and according many prophecies of the ancient wise people, on 21st December 2012 Mother Earth will shift to a higher dimension which is 5th dimension and the new age will be known as Golden Age. Every human, animal, plant, spirit, being has a working vibration (frequency). The vibration of the 3rd dimension is much lower than the vibration of the 5th dimension. That’s why we cannot jump to 5th dimension all of a sudden, with a miracle. We have to increase our vibration step by step to experience the shift at the end of 2012. Increasing our vibration is called “ascension”.Please see Fig1
Fig. 1 (Description of ascension)
In the history, many people ascended and took their place in the universe as masters, gods and goddesses. They are the enlightened ones. They asked questions, they found answers, they meditated, they kept fast, they did yoga and several different methods for enlightening. They succeeded by hard work. They earned the enlightenment not in one life time but in several hundreds of life times. They did not have the chance of golden age but we have. It is the gift of god to all beings. God wants us to be enlightened by the end of this year. 3rd dimension is the dimension of fear and denial. 4th dimension is the dimension of love and acceptance. 5th dimension is the dimension of light and wisdom. Our journey from 3D to 4D is from fear and denial to love and acceptance. Our fears are leaving us and we are filled by love. Denial habit of our mind is transforming in to acceptance. Our journey from 4D to 5D is from love and acceptance to light and wisdom. Our love is growing deeper and purer and turning in to angelic light. Our acceptance is turning into wisdom. The golden age is the age of pure light and wisdom. Please see Figure 2.
In the matrix of illusions, we are surrounded by fear, denial, death, education, medication, wars, mind control, monetary system, religions etc.) Emotions and thoughts are energy (vibration). By the negative thoughts and emotions such as fear, we unconsciously choose to stay in the 3rd dimensional energy level. By letting go our fears and by accepting our experiences we unknowingly open up space in us, for more love and peace. Love is al so energy (vibration) and it is a very high energy. When we are filled with more love and begin to accept our experiences, our vibration is increasing (we are ascending) (our spirit is growing). In some point (between 4D-5D) we find ourselves out of all illusions. Everything becomes so clear to our eyes and minds and heart. Most of the things we call fun begins not resonating with us anymore. Because after your vibration increases, you cannot like low vibration energies which are created by mind control methods. You can not enjoy anymore the songs about lonely nights, a movie of violence, a computer game of fear, a book of history. You begin to understand many actors and actress, pop and rock stars are supported or forcefully used by those same dark powers to shoot movies or make songs with the theme of depression, suicide, alcoholism, drug addiction, wars etc. Someone is trying to keep your vibration down by giving you negative emotions and thoughts. That’s because if you increase your vibration to level of pure love and if you then increase level of your vibration to light, those dark powers (illuminati) cannot exist among you anymore. This is the nature of law; when light comes, darkness turns in to light.
The present situation is very bright. Since ascension is the divine plan of Creator, we are not alone in this journey. To carry out the divine plan of creator; Archangels, Ascended Masters, Gods and Goddesses and Star People are pouring down their pure love and light energy on earth since many years, increasing our vibration step by step. Amount of the energy which they are sending on us is increasing day by day. It is now so powerful that even the dark powers of the earth began to surrounder themselves to light. By the time of publishing this book, they might have already speak to public, explain their evil plans of centuries, ask for forgiveness and act for healing the damage they caused to people and earth by wars and mind control poisons etc. By that time already the ascended masters and star people might have landed down for helping humanity to change their rotten ruling and money systems and to help their ascension trough out the year. Beside that, star people are already on earth. Yuuka and I, we are 2 of the star people who are reincarnated on earth several life times. Many of us are star people and very old spirits who agreed to come on earth for helping humanity and Mother Earth at the time of ascension and to live this big experience. Most of us began to remember the reason of coming on earth recently by the ever increasing energies coming from our higher source. Please wake up. Please remember who you really are. Please remember how you agreed to come on earth. Please remember your earth mission. A mass awakening is about to unfold. Please take your part in it and play your part as you agreed to. By this book Yuuka and I, we hope to give this gentle push to still sleeping souls and the Earth reincarnated star people who are about to wake up.
In hope of inspiring, i will shortly explain how I broke out of the matrix of illusion, how I met my soul mate Yuuka, how she purified me, how the wings of my spirit opened in my aura and what that means.
Path of Strong Wings
I was born in Istanbul, on 24th of September 1979 in to the bottom line of 3rd dimension where if I had a wrong step I could easily fall back to second dimension and be a simple straight line on the surface of a white paper or a dot. (point 1 on the matrix illustration)
As a child I was afraid of darkness because of the stories told about the aliens of the nights. This funny fear followed me strictly till I was an adult man.
When I was a kid, my mother was afraid of me being unsuccessful in the class. Because I was her kid and how could a kid of her could be unsuccessful? At this time she did not know what ego meant and neither anybody knew I suspect at the town where we lived. Her fear was very 3rd dimensional, however she did not know that this world was 3rd dimension and there were other dimensions as well. As many other people she knew that world was the only place with life on it and her kid should be successful in this only one world where everybody competes with each other. Because she knew that competing was the way of survival. I am wondering now, what her answer would be if anybody at that time approached her and told that she was the the light and love of creator, therefore she was the god and matter of survival was her own illusion. I guess she would say : “This is a sin” .
So I grew up with the fear of being unsuccessful.
I watched kids at fight and developed fear of fight.
I watched lonely kids who were not welcome to friend groups; I developed fear of being alone.
I watched my father and mother`s noisy discussions and mouth fights, I developed fear of loosing peace.
I learned about heaven and hell. Off-course I developed fear of hell.
I learned that money was hardest thing to earn and loosing it, was very easy; so I developed fear of poorness.
I have seen horror movies; i feared of ghosts. I watched war movies and feared wars.
I heard some sick people died. I feared from sicknesses.
Many of those fears followed me to my adulthood years.
A mind of fear acts with denial and denial creates more fear. A mind of love acts with acceptance and accepting brings more love and compassion. If the fear begins to reduce so does the denial. If the fear is replaced by love so does the denial by acceptance.
As a person of 3rd dimension I denied my experiences. By saying : “Nooooooooooooooooooooo” , “How can this happen to me?” “This must be the punishment of god” , “I am the most unlucky person of the world”.
I did not know that:
“Nooooooooooooooooooooo” brings more “Nooooooooooooooooooooo”.
“How can this happen to me?” brings more “How can this happen to me?”
“This must be the punishment of god” brings more “This must be the punishment of god”
“I am the most unlucky person of the world” makes you what you claim to be. So all my friends and even my parents began to approve that I was a very unlucky person.
I and everybody believed in the illusion which I created.
Denial of some experiences were so strong that I chosen to hide them in my sub-consciousness. A person who cannot accept his experiences sends them down in to their sub-conscious mind. Un-accepted experiences are the fearful and shameful ones. These deep hiding experiences time to time send fear and negative thoughts in to your conscious mind which is not as conscious as you think it is; the fears that you don’t even remember how you have created them at first time. They hide in the darkness so sneaky, so did my fears too.
Your first move forward (to higher) from the bottom of 3rd dimension, happens miraculously with a bird, a song, a word, an old man, a book, a picture, a dream, a movie, a source which inspires you.
In my case, I was inspired by Kurt Cobain (Seattle Grunge Band lagendary Rock star-singer). I lived in the bottom of 3rd dimension till I reached my age of 14, when I got my first guitar and began listening Kurt Cobain. (Surprisingly similar, both of us were gifted our guitars by our uncles when we were 14 years old.) I did not understand what he was saying word by word but I felt that he was angry to his parents and to teachers and to even god. I was feeling angry too. I did not know what was wrong in my life exactly but I was feeling that it was wrong. I began to feel like Kurt Cobain. He was rebellious hero who my ego wanted me to be. I experienced my youth riot with his music.
By listening his music and reading about his life story, I understood that there was nothing wrong in being different than others. He was the first person who courage me to step out of society acceptance limits. I began making street music, like he did. Street music was not understood and welcomed widely by the Turkish people at this time. I did not care what others thought of my action. I sang Kurt Cobain songs on the street. An important fear about being accepted by society was broken there and then. This action carried me to POSITION 2 in the illustration of the Matrix of Illusions. (THANKS TO KURT COBAIN)
After reaching a few step from the bottom of 3rd dimension my ego began to grow. I began to imagine I was the street musician, black wearing, cigarette smoking, alcohol drinking, rebellious cool guy of Istanbul. At the same time I was the little kid who was afraid of being un-successful at school. So I was playing the good boy in the school and bad boy on the street. However bad boy I was, it was all a game and I always had compassion and (not unconditional but kind of) love to others. This was in my genetics or in my spirit.
After your first few steps from the bottom, again a poem, a song, a star, a book, a bird, a source of guidance or inspiration appears to you which takes you few steps more forward (higher).
When I was 18 years old I was already tired of playing rock star game on the streets. I was tired of playing my most favorite Kurt Cobain songs. I was in need of a big change. My girl friend also used the same sentence when she was breaking up with me : “I need a big change”. I denied the being left of course. How could she leave me? Was I not the coolest street musician of Istanbul? Was I not the one who loved her very badly and 3rd dimensionally? Her leaving me ignited a fire, a fire of change in me. I was nothing lesser than her. If she needed a big change, so did i. (THANKS TO HER)
Then miraculously an advertisement on the newspaper caught my eye. Miraculously, because I was not the type of person who reads newspapers and especially the advertisement pages. “ Would you like to become a Ship Captain? Would you like to earn high salary and at the same time travel around the world?”
I was sitting in the waiting room of a dentist, looking at my future on the picture of newspaper advertisement. A white uniformed, white capped strong looking man, standing on the wing of a huge ship. I said: “ YES”
From black, cool street musician to white, cool bright Captain, a journey began. (But I have never become white, cool, bright captain.)
Choosing a future and stepping forward carried me few steps forward (Higher) in the Matrix of Illusions. Because deciding to become a Captain was a brave step which made me believe that I was a strong willed person and broke one of my invisible fears. “ Fear of deciding”. Even the decision was not made fully consciously and truly bravely; even the decision was made with a childish excitement, and wish of escaping; it was still my decision, was taken by me and made me feel strong and brave. I accepted an unknown future. Therefore it was reduce of denial habit too. I was at the POSITION 3 in the illustration of the Matrix of Illusions.
I cut my hair, changed my black rocker outfits to white Captain uniforms, and lived in Cyprus island during the next 4 years of University. During those years watching tv news became one of my favorite home fun. It was hypnotizing. How the politicians were fighting in the garden of parliament building, how the police was beating the students at strike, how two pop stars were getting married in famous hotel, how ten soldiers were killed by terrorists and how twenty terrorists were killed by soldiers, how twin towers fell, how armies marched in Afghanistan, an illusion of Osama bin Laden, another illusion man Saddam Huseyin of Iraq, how the Bush family visited an orphanage house and gave presents to children, how ice cream of Turkey was good for health, how the bikini wearing young Russian girls were enjoying the life on Turkish beaches etc. These were all on the news. At that time I was listening hippie bands of 69`s and I was saying “ Peace & Love” and “No war - Make love” .
At few holidays I backpacked in Turkey like old time hippies, made street music in different towns and met fellow travelers and realized that there was a world beyond tv room of the house. I stopped watching tv. This brought me to POSITION 4 in the illustration of the Matrix of Illusions.
I began working on the ships as 3rd deck officer (4th Captain). Each trip (contract) was 6 to 8 months. In the first 3 years of sea life, I became a traditional seaman who drunk alcohol, smoked so hard, fell in depressions, rised up from depressions, visited many ports around the world, visited the dirties bars around the ports, had prostitute friends, drunk drunk, smoked smoked, fell in depressions, cried out of loneliness, used anti-depressants, made suicidal songs, lost connections with old friends, began to turn into an alien.
But then again a bird, a song, a word, an old man, a book, a picture, a dream, a movie, an inspiration from an unknown source…
In this case, it was a documentary movie called “ Secret”, carried me further (Higher) on the path of ascension.
“Secret” was the revolution of my life. As soon as I finished watching I knew that my life was going to change for good. The documentary was about a nature of law which is called “Attraction Law”. There I learned that thoughts and emotions are the energies which creates future. If you are keeping in your mind the image of a good future, actually at this moment you are beginning to create the goodness around you and it is growing bigger and becoming even better in your future. If you are thinking and feeling like the unluckiest person of the world, those thoughts and emotions are bringing you all the possible troubles. Then you feel unluckier than ever and even the people around you are beginning to think same way. Then their thought energies about your unluckiness joining to your negative thoughts and emotions, they become a giant negative energy of unluckiness above your head like a dark cloud. Then you are walking everywhere with this rain cloud above your head. This was my situation. By the help “Secret” I came out of a big illusion. I reached to POSITION 5 in the Matrix of Illusions.
On the fourth year of sea life my habit of negative thinking began to change in to positive thinking habit. I was still drinking and having dirty relations and following some of the sea life traditions. Mostly it was not out of misery like before, but for enjoying the 3rd dimension. My loneliness feeling did not disappear all of a sudden but I began to enjoy those lonely moments and began to know myself better and deeper. At these lonely moments, I realized that I could write. I began writing very short stories with no ends, so we cannot even call them stories. I began enjoying the storms and hurricanes, wild oceans. The moments of close to death, made me think about after life. I felt that they were all for educating me. Thinking positive does not mean to escape from hard experiences, instead it means to accept the hard experiences and regardless to think positive. Off-course those educations, trainings carried me few more step ahead (higher).
Before the 5th year of my sea life began, I was introduced to Europe Chief Of United Cherokee Nations “Tony Night Eagle”, by my dearest and only friend Merter of that time, who was named by the same Chief as Hawk Eyes. After Merter had told him how I was fond of Native Americans, and after few times we met, Chief decided to give me a Native American name. We went to a mountain top in Cyprus island, burned a sacred fire. It was a magical moment of my life. I was standing and my eyes were closed; he was cleansing me with a huge eagle feather and white sage smoke. My consciousness left the mountain for a time that I cannot recall how long, I was in the sky and there was a big bird in front of my face, swinging his wings, teaching me how to fly or just introducing himself to me. Then I began to hear the voice of Tonty Night Eagle again. He was praying and dancing in front of me. I began to understand what he was saying:
“Strong winds for the strong wings, Strong winds for the strong wings, Strong winds for the strong wings, Strong winds for the strong wings.”
He said something like : “ From this moment forward, your name is Strong Wings, my friend. Be Strong Wings.”
In the 5th year of my sea life I stopped crying to the painful experiences. I wanted to become Strong Wings. I began accepting if not all most of my experiences. I did not know that I was rising up on the path of ascension. I did not even know what ascension was. I think I was 28 years old, one morning of boredom, where I was at home in Cyprus Island and it was a home vacation; I began to search my laptop in hope of finding some fun. I found a nameless Word file and opened it. It was a single page of writing, which I wrote few years before. I read it and loved it. It was the detailed description of a scenery where a traveler man (who off-course looked like me) was laying on the ground -his head on his backpack- by the side of a very quite road reading a book namely “Meaning of Life”. He looked dirty and tired. He was thinking that he was at the end of his long journey. He did not know that it was not the end but the very beginning of his journey. He stopped reading the book, stood up and stared at the crows on the tree branches. He spoke with the crows in their language with a voice like “ Gaaaaaaaaaak, Gaak”, then he rose his right hand for hitchhiking to approaching car.
This was all. I loved it. I loved it so much that I was so inspired to continue writing it. I began writing. For about 4 months I was not on the Earth. I spent most of my time in my room writing the story. My family barely saw me even we were living in the same house. It was an insane feeling. Story was flowing from an unknown source to me and my body was shaking with over dose emotions. I was crying so hard, or laughing insanely, jumping on the bed, running back to write. Sometimes I was waking up in the middle of the night with a dream which was showing me how to continue to story. In the mornings before washing my face I was beginning to write and only than I was little bit of relaxing. I completed the story. Merter Hawk eyes gave the name “Gaak and Baap” and printed the first copy for me. By very simple explanation; the story is about two soul mates finding each other and spiritually growing with most of the humanity in the year of 2012 and they become god and goddess.
I could not know that the story which I wrote was not only my fantasy but it was mostly forecast of future given to me by my higher self and my guiding spirits. I did not know that it was all about future reality. I did not know that my soul mate was a Japanese girl Namely Yuuka and at the time when I was writing the book, she was in India, in an ashram, praying to oneness asking to meet her soul mate “me”.
It was still the 5th year of my sea life. I spent 8 months on the ship in the dream of publishing Gaak and Baap. I believed writing and publishing this book was the right energy for finding my soul mate.
I spent many hours in the dreams of being famous, being rich, being important, and beside, finding my soul mate. My ego climbed to climax. Ego means “me”. We create a fake me when we do not understand that we are not the body but we are the spirit. We then become what we are really not. We become our bodies, we become our careers, we become our clothes, we become our curly hair, we become our shiny car, we become… It goes like this. All of a sudden in those dreams I became something that I was not. A famous, rich, loved writer. I am so happy now for I experienced a high ego at that time; otherwise I might not understand my true self now. It was another teaching life experience which I lived unconsciously.
In the beginning of the 6th year of my sea life I changed my profile picture in facebook to a more fancy one then I knocked the doors of publishers. It was 2009 I believe.
In this year, before joining to my next ship, another important source of knowledge came in to my life which is documentary movie “Zeitgeist”.
In Zeitgeist I have first time in my life heard about a dark group of people who were ruling the world. This was not a conspiracy but the reality to me. I always suspected such thing and after watching the movie I felt like “Ahaaaa! I knew it”. They had men and women working in great secrecy in the governments of all countries. They were trying to achieve a hundred year old evil plan called “New World Order” They owned well known corporations, they created wars, they sold narcotics, they owned education and medication systems all around the world. All they wanted was to create the New World Order where every human being planted with an electronic chip which would give them ability to stop the life of any human being by pressing one button from far distance. This way they wanted to control the world by one government and to create even more silent and pressed society. After watching the Zeitgeist I felt really awaken. I was still in the illusionary world created around me however I was awaken and partly aware of where I was. I researched the subject deeper. Some other documentaries were not giving peace to heart as Zeitgeist did. Some of them awakened anger, hatred and fears within me. I did not know that awakening our hatred and anger was also the plan of the dark ones. They did it by giving us a small portion of truth in a negative way. Then we thought that we knew everything and we hated them badly. This was what they wanted. Because hate and anger are low frequency emotions which keeps our vibration down. They did not want us to ascend.
I don’t hate them anymore, but instead I am sending love from my heart from top to bottom of their organizations. You can end the darkness by only light and love.
I spent the 6th year at sea by continuously thinking and talking the same subjects; which were “Gaak and Baap, attraction law, finding soul mate, awakening, illuminati, new world order”. At the same time I was waiting an answer from the publishing companies. One of them told me that my book was not possible to be published in Turkey. Another one told me good luck in the life and rest of the companies did not even reply. Because the subject of the book was too radical for an Islamic country, may be they were also afraid of making a sin against god. I was afraid too but my ego was bigger than my fear of hell.
At the 7th year of my sea life, September of 2010, I published one thousand copy of the book in a private publishing company by payment. The book was not sold due to lack of advertisement and rotten system of publishers sector. My ego shattered in front of my eyes. The false me and false dream dissolved into thin air. I was not writer, I was never a writer. While I was writing the book I was inspired deeply by a quote of Socrates : “There is no coincidence in the universe.”
“There is no coincidence” means, everything happens for a reason. So I began to question my real reason of writing the “Gaak and Baap”. I understood that human sometimes makes things without knowing the true reason of doing and the true reason can be a divine one. During the 7th year of my sea life, I read the book few more times to understand the true reason of writing it. It became clearer and clearer. It was not written for fame or for being rich. It was written in dedication to find my soul mate and my higher self. It was all the time in front of my eyes. It was written with big letters in the first few pages of the book. How funny it was to truly understand what I wrote about few years back. This caused a deeper awakening in me and carried me to POSITION 6 in the matrix of illusion.
In the 8th year of my sea life, I had been thinking very deep. Every time I gazed the stars I thought about the life in other planets and stars. At every full moon night I danced like a Native American (On the bridge wing of the ship). I began thinking about freedom all the time. I began thinking about my job. I believed that there was already very high technology on earth to carry the goods by faster, cleaner, safer and healthier methods, however those technologies were not being released. Because there was still oil to dig out in the world, there was plans of future wars for the oil, there were more power to gain over oil. I felt myself as hypocrite for working in the ship. I was all the time telling how against I was to the dark powers and their new world order, yet in a way I was being part of their plan by working on the ship. The owner of the company was a big corporation who I suspected to be an important member of the dark powers, yet I was working in his ships. We were carrying millions of tons of iron ore every year from Brazil to China, therefore we were changing the magnetic balance of the world. I was telling that I was in love to Mother Earth, yet I was still working in the same job, damaging the balance of earth. I wanted to be Strong Wings again. I wanted to be man of my word. I decided to quit my job. When I gave this important decision I was still on the ship and I was close to Japan. There a big Earth quake happened on the 11th of March 2011. Fukishima Nuclear Power Plant exploded. My inner voice was telling me that it was done by the same dark people who made the 9-11 Twin Towers disaster, not the terrorists and not the mother nature but dark powers who have technology to create storms and Earthquakes (technology : HAARP). The fear shook me like it shook all humanity. Someone had to say them stop. But how?
I was thinking on this matter with a not finishing cigarette on my right hand. I realized that I was replacing one cigarette with the other one even before the one ends. I realized that I was using the poisons of the same people who I was looking for a hero to say them STOP. I remembered how I wrote in the book : “We are our saviors, we are the rainbow warriors1 . If we keep only waiting for an external savior we can die with open eyes.” Just at the right time, a seaman friend handed me a book of Alan Carr, namely “Easy way to quit smoking”. It was a very short book explaining how ridiculously easy it was to quit smoking. Once more in my life all thoughts, emotions, information, decisions came together to complete a puzzle and with a whole picture in my mind of being a healthy mind, I decided to quit smoking.
(Deep note 1. Rainbow warriors: According to a Hopi prophecy a generation of humanity will be called rainbow warrior and they will give start to golden age on the Earth)
After smoking approximately 18 years I quit smoking at once with a strong will. I was not going to let anybody control my mind or health anymore. I was not going to give them more power by spending my money on their products anymore. I understood that we are the one to say them STOP, by not using their products.
I left my last ship in the month of August 2011. Even I quit the job in my heart, I was not able to quit it in my mind, because it was the source of money. There was that old fear of being poor, in my conscious and subconscious mind. However I succeeded to sub-press these fears for just enough time to take new decisions. I stayed in a mountain house alone for about 25 days. There I made my mind to make a travel to East; a travel to find my soul mate and my higher self and the god. During the winter I made preparations of leaving, of leaving my old life forever behind. It was not easy, because my beloved ones could be hurt. I wanted to explain them that I was not going to leave them but I was going to leave my old self. I was not enough brave to explain. So I kept the purpose of the journey to my self. Everybody thought that I was going to an ordinary holiday. Only I knew, that it was going to change my life. About beginning of November, I began to hear about ascension. The idea of ascension was resonating with the story of my book. That could be no coincidence. I heard that 11.11.11 ( 11 november 2011) was going to be a very special day for the ascension of all. The higher dimension gates were going to be opened and energies of love and light were going to pour down on us for changing us and for preparing us to get enlightened on 21 December 2012. My inner voice told me to be in a special, quite place. I spent the 11.11.11 day and night on a beach on the west coast of Turkey. I prayed and asked from god: “I want to know more. Please let me know more.”
2nd of December 2011, I was on the west roads of Turkey with my backpack and my guitar. On the quite and sunny road, I walked down, talking loud: “ This journey, I dedicate for finding my soul mate and my higher self and God.”
Chapter 4
Spiritual Walk to the East
Summary from the journal of Strong Wings
“2nd December 2011”
I walked smilingly. John Lennon was singing in the i-pod:
They want to make you soldier
They want to make you work
They want to put tie on your neck
At every step, I opened up distance from the illusions and prisons of society.
My old friend John sang and I danced and I jumped and I walked and I hitchhiked and I made noise like crows: "Gaaaaaaaaaaaaak", as how it was in my novel "Gaak and Baap".
I reached to Izmir city in the same day.
There was an old girl friend living in Izmir, who I had a love relation with, for a very short time, long time ago. When I reached to Izmir, I realized that I never forgot her and never erased her from my heart. Could she be my soul mate? I sent this idea away from my mind while I was drinking a bear at a dark corner of a street bar at the same night. If she was my soul mate we should never separate or we should come back together miraculously. She would not be my sou…
Then a miracle happened. In the city of 15 million people, at a very crowded Saturday night, at the very dark corner of the street, she suddenly stood in front of me with her big opened eyes in shock. We were in shock. It was her birthday and she was out with her friends for a celebration. She sent away all her friends and we sat and drank and chat together all night long. She would joyfully reunite with me if I asked, but I didn’t ask, because my heart told me to continue my journey. Feeling of my heart was telling me that she was not the one I was seeking. This meeting was a heart purification for me, it cleaned my heart from the heaviness of the pain she caused me before, also answered the question of “what if she was my soul mate”. I thanked my higher self and my guiding spirits for the guidance. I continued travelling in the middle of the night with a new power in my blood and spirit.
“3rd December - 20th December 2011” (Turkey-Iran)
The road took me to Istanbul, than to Ankara, than to an eastern city called Van, then to Iran. I was going to Iran with the flow. Since I loved the Native Americans, I always believed in spirit guides who guided us trough out our lives. So I believed that my journey was being guided by my spirit guides and the voice which was coming from my heart could be their voice, trying to show me my path. Often I was cleansing my self with smoke of white sage and praying to my higher self to find my soul mate.
A freezing snowy winter night, while I was passing border from Turkey to Iran, I met an Iranian girl, who invited me to her house for the night. I stayed with her and her parents, in their home and we spoke about freedom, about governments, about books, etc. There she said she was a poet and she was writing poems about the lover she never met and my book was the book for my love who I not met yet. Could we be…? Next morning her eyes were talking: “Do not go. You could be the one. I could be the one for you. Do not go.”
I had to go, because my heart said so. I trusted to voice of my heart more and more and the voice became louder and louder.
One of those days I met a girl from France. She was traveling the world with her
bicycle. Could she be the one that I was seeking? Could she be Baap? She was as crazy as Baap, yet she was not Baap, as my heart told me.
Question rose. Okay, my heart was telling me if someone was not my soul mate; but would it tell me when I find her? What would exactly say my heart? How would I understand if the person was my soul mate? I walked with open mind and open heart, with trust to my guiding spirits.
“21th December 2011 - 5th of January 2012”(India)
India was my dream country which I wanted to see for many years. Finally I was there and coming closer to my soul mate at every step. Every new woman friend was a candidate of soul mate, so my life turned into an exciting adventure. In Amritsar, at golden temple I spent a week with a girl friend from Germany whose name meant goddess of love. Could Goddess of Love be my soul mate?
Goddess of love left and an Italian soul came. Could she be my…?
After many years of loneliness I felt a little bit dizzy.
In the middle of the mind created confusion storm, my heart screamed: “Leave.”
I asked: “Where to?”
Italian soul replied: “ I have a ticket to Bikaner for tonight, but I feel sick”
I said: “ I can buy it from you if you want”
Another friend who heard our conversation, approached and gave me a business card of a guest house of Bikaner. My route was set within a minute. Bus was going to leave within one hour and my backpack was not ready. I rushed and collected my stuff quickly and in last minute I gave her the guest house card and I said “I will be there if you come.” She said she was going to catch me on the road.
On the bus to Bikaner, I realized that we did not exchange telephone numbers or email addresses. There was no way of contacting each other. I thought: “If she really catches me on the road, she might really be my soul mate, even my heart was still saying NO”.
I began to play the “Catch me if you can” game. After few days staying in the guest house, I left a note for the Italian soul and told her where I was going to next. I was hoping to be with her at new year night at the dessert of Jaisalmer, instead I was with 2 other female souls from America and Poland.
On new year night, at the jaisalmer dessert, under a starry sky, I repeated my wishes to my higher self:
“ I want to know more, please let me know more”
“I want to find her, please let me find her”
“I want to find you, please let me find you”
“Catch me if you can” game continued for a little while more. I left little notes for her at every guesthouse I stayed.
Finally I got tired of it and found the game meaningless because my heart was telling me that she was not the one that I was seeking.
After being in Jodhpur and Jaipur, I arrived to Pushkar on 5th of January.
On the road many people pointed me Puskar and advised me to be there. I had an intuitive feeling that something or somebody was waiting me there in Pushkar.
“7 January 2012” Pushkar - Laughing Buddha Café
(As it is in the diary)
A small, homelike cafe restaurant. I am sitting on the floor cushions alone. Sun rays are falling in the room from a small window. I am feeling a very powerful attraction to something or somebody invisible.
You are the one
You are the one i've been searching for
You are the one i've been waiting for
You are the one i wished from god
You are the pearl, i am the shall
It is matter of minutes
You can come in any minute
It's a beautiful day, please come today
I love you from times beyond our present consciousness
We complete each other
It's a beautiful day, please come today
“7th January - 15th January 2012”(Pushkar)
In the book “Gaak and Baap” a mysterious, magical pearl had played an important role at the finding each other of two soul mates. Since some time, I was carrying with me a big, white pearl as a symbol of my search of her and I was believing that this pearl could also make me find my soul mate as in the book. I prayed many of nights with this pearl in my hands. This pearl filled my lonely nights with the invisible presence of my soul mate. There, in Pushkar, from 7th till 15th January I kept praying and chanting every morning and at every possible time with the pearl in my hands and I asked from every higher source to make us meet each other. I knew that we were very close.
However in the morning of 15th January, I lost hope of meeting her in Pushkar. My heart was telling me that I should stay more but logic part of my brain was telling me that I stayed too long time in Pushkar and I should move to another town for increasing my chance of finding her. At that time my brain was more active than my heart and it was influencing my moves when it wants. In the 15th morning, glory was the brain`s against heart.
“15th January 2012”(Safe & Clean Juice Shop)
I was smiling when I was eating my muesli yoghurt fruit salad breakfast, facing the first rays of the morning sun of Sunday, 9 o`clock in the morning. I was not flowing as I always did; instead, there were fixed plans about moving. I was going to have lunch with Italian friends, have dinner with guest house friends, give goodbye hugs to few local friends, prepare the backpack and leave early in the next morning. My mind was in the future instead of enjoying the moment and the smile on my face was probably the glorious smile of my brain.
Then a Japanese Lady sat to a close chair. I turned and looked at her. The morning sun rays were now falling on her face and my eyes were dazzled while staring at her. She blessed my morning by smiling. She said : “ Good Morning”
“Good morning” I replied.
“ What are you eating?” She asked.
“Um…Muesli yoghurt fruit salad. It is very delicious. I would advise you to eat if you haven’t tried it yet” I replied.
“Yes, I will try” she said.
While I was eating the muesli salad throaty, I felt like she stared at me for long time. I turned and caught her eyes; she smiled naturally. (I did not know that she was looking at my aura).
We had a lovely chat. I finished my breakfast and told her that I was going to leave Pushkar next morning.
We said good bye to each other and I left the shop. While I was getting away from the Safe & Clean there was an uncomfortable feeling in my heart.
For a short time I thought about her. I thought that she had slightly upset face when she heard that I was going to leave. Could she be my soul…? Glorious brain made its move again and promised me to find my soul mate in the next town. I spent the day as I earlier intended.
In the night of same day, after collecting my backpack, I surprisingly met an unexpected person; Italian soul, who earlier told me that she would catch me. I was so hungry to love and so tired of being alone, and also tired of seeking. There and then, my mind wanted so badly to be at the happy end of the story. I decided to stay in Pushkar for few more days to find the truth. The true reason of why I stayed there, was hidden in my heart and it was not the Italian Soul; but my heart was silenced by my mind. For good of all, all I needed was another morning of praying.
“16th January - 24th January 2012”(Pushkar)
I prayed long minutes in the morning of 16th. I wished to be at the stage of being at the happy end.
I spent the most of the day with the Italian soul. Because of my heavy expectation we pushed each other like two negative poles of two magnets. It was even clear to my mind that she was not my soul mate.
After sun set, I sat at the chairs of tea corner, drinking my mint tea and thinking why I stayed in Pushkar.
“ There is no coincidence in universe, so my staying in Pushkar should serve in something”, crossed my mind.
“I stayed here for a certain reason. May be for meeting my real soul mate who ever she is”, I thought.
Then came the Japanese Lady from Safe & Clean, Star Child, Yuuka Shimada, with a big smile on her face. She spoke so warm and excitedly as if we were long time friends.
“ Aaaaaaaaaaaa, you are here, you haven’t gone”, she said.
I also jumped from my chair with an un-understandable excitement and walked her fast. We hugged each other.
“Yes I am here now” I said.
Indeed I was there and I was in the moment of now. Not in a past memory or a future fantasy. I felt so joyful for meeting her again. We sat down together and drank tea after tea and chatted long about our lives; subject after subject; how I was making street music, how she went to art school when she was 18, how I worked in different small jobs, how her 3rd eye opened all of a sudden, how I went to university and worn white uniforms, how everybody thought that she became mad, how lonely life I had on the ships, how lonely life she had at her youth hood, how I got my Native Indian name, how she became a spiritual channeler healer, how I decided to quit my job, how she also decided to quit her job, how we travelled in different paths, how we met in Pushkar and how we were drinking our mint tea and how she was drinking the hot tea faster than any human I have known. Our chats flowed one place to another, one night to another. We began going out for dinners or sight viewing in the afternoons. Almost everything what she spoke was new to me and was attracting me. I became her best listener. The human aura, spirits, reincarnation, creation, gods and goddesses, oneness, past lives, universal lives, lives on stars and in other dimensions etc. I felt like I was born for these subjects. I was carefully listening and taking notes and asking questions. Sometimes for short moments I was diving in her eyes and not listening what she was saying; instead I was questioning her in my heart.
“My heart please tell me; is she my soul mate?”
There were some answers but non of them were the one I wanted to hear. Such as:
“Stop asking questions and enjoy the moment”
“Everything happens in the right time”
“You are on the right path, continue”
“Answers are ahead”
At one of our chat she told me that I had lives of a fairy and unicorn and star people in a star in the parallel dimensions. This information opened my consciousness to higher possibilities. I remembered what I wished from my higher self: “ I want to know more, please let me know more”.
One night near by a camp fire, we made music and she danced like goddess. Her every move was touching my heart. She flew in to my heart with her dance. I made a trance music while I was staring at her moves. We left the camp place, we left Pushkar, we left India, we left Earth. We were in the vast space as stars and with other stars. She danced, I sang, we synergized, we harmonized.
She told me that I had to purify myself. She chosen a big moon stone for me to carry on my chest for heart purification, then she advised me to go to 10 days Vipassana meditation course for purifying and edifying my mind. I felt that in the future there could be different stages in our relation, but for that moment we were teacher and student. With all my respect I accepted all she told. I left Pushkar on 24th of January for attending a Vipassana course. We promised each other to meet later, in Goa, cook fish and sleep on the beach.
Our relation, her teachings and the experiences of the road carried me to approximately position 7 in the Matrix of Illusions.
“24th January - 27th February 2012”(Rishikesh & Vipassana)
Rishikesh is a very quite, peaceful and very spiritual place along the river of Ganges in the North East of India, where the famous rock band Beatlles came and stayed 3 months in the 1960ies and made their well known music album called “White Album”. The ashram where they stayed had been closed by government for 40 years and it is surrounded by jungle. This ruin ashram is now called Beatles ashram and it is possible to visit it in the jungles of Rishikesh. On the top of big buildings there are star ship like, small strange structures. They look very universal.
Why am I telling all this? When I arrived in Rishikesh I would not know either that this star ship was going to change my life forever. Have a listen…
Everyday I spent in Rishikesh, I missed the friendship of Yuuka. Vipassana course was going to take place in the middle of the month and I was going to meet Yuuka at the end of the month. It looked like a long time and i needed new activities to make time pass faster. I worked 12 days in a workshop of making didgeridoo. It was a job of patience. Each carving to wood was top most important and reminded me some part of my life. I traveled through my life while I was making the didgeridoo. The prisons of Illusions appeared to my eyes more clear. I was too close to break all of my chains but I didn’t know how.
Vipassana course began on the 11th of February. The word meaning of Vipassana was exactly the thing which I needed to learn; “ Seeing things as they are” Course was a residential one, completely free of charge. Students do not talk or make any eye contact with each other during 10 days and they meditate about 10 hours per day. It was intense and healing. Vipassana meditation is a teaching of Lord Buddha which is very simple to understand. Student learns and accepts that everything born and dies, including the experiences. Reacting to experiences creates karma which gives a push to your consciousness to flow to next life. So we die and reborn and die again and reborn and die again; we keep experiencing the 3rd dimension. If we can accept the experiences as they are without any reaction, karma does not occur and a person with no karma ends the cycle of life and gets enlightened. (With the most simple explanation) Vipassana meditation teaches how to stop reacting to experiences, how to accept them as they are. It takes out to the surface of the mind, old karmas and reactions of past life memorial scars and gives you chance to clean them by not reacting them again. When you don’t react to an old traumatic memory which comes to surface, when you accept it as it is, sometimes later it disappears for good. Then comes older karmas and older traumatic memories. By this method a person can clear the karmas of all past life times. It purifies the mind and educates it for accepting the life experiences. It makes a person more compassionate, more in love, more peaceful, more harmonious.
At the end of the course I was deeply impressed with all I learned. I was repeating in my mind: “I am not this body; I am spirit, I am molecule of god. I accept all my experiences. My life experiences brought me to this understanding. I forgive my self and I forgive others. We were all experiencing.” This was not the teaching of Vipassana exactly, but just the outcome of mind purification.
This old wisdom and deep purification brought me to POSITION 8 in the Matrix of Illusions. Even I was living on a 3rd dimensional world, I was spiritually already in the 4th dimension or little forward-little back.
I moved to “Last Chance Guest House” together with two good friends “Thomas and Norbuu” who I met at the end of the Vipassana course. Name of the guest house did not mean anything to me at that time. Place was close to Beatles Ashram.
I sent an email to Yuuka and asked her when exactly we were going to meet. She wrote me back : “ I have short time now, we can`t go to Goa. I am coming to Rishikesh.”
I was so happy. I had a strong feeling that it was the right place for being. I ran back to Last Chance, hugged my friends very hard and excitedly. They didn’t understand what was going on with me. I excitedly shouted “ Yuuka is coming, Yuuka is coming”.
They asked, “ Who is Yuuka?”
It was a long night. I told them word by word everything about Yuuka. They got excited too. They knew that I was looking for my soul mate. They said jokingly: “May be she is the one… Hmm?”
I said, “ May be”.
They asked how long I was looking for my soul mate.
I answered, “Most of my life unconsciously, some part of my life half consciously and now full consciously”
Then naturally, I began telling them about Gaak and Baap. As I continued telling the story, some part of my mind began awakening. The story which I wrote in 2008 was matching story of Yuuka and me and the ascension and the world and humanity in 2012. In the book, Gaak met an angelic spiritual teacher who was wearing a red color Japanese Kimono and she was sitting crossed leg in the air and she was playing a magical tune with a flute. The angelic being in red Kimono was image of Baap in a higher dimension. They were soul mates. Baap reminded him truths of his subconscious mind; Oneness, creation of higher selves, higher selves incarnating in human body, spirits experiencing material world in human body, soul families from the same higher spirits ascending back to higher selves, all ascending back to creator.
Jigsaw began falling into place.
“Teacher in red Japanese kimono Baap and Gaak”
“Yuuka and Me”
“Baap healing and purifying Gaak in 2012”
“Yuuka healing and purifying me in 2012”
“They are ascending”
“We are ascending”
“The humanity and world is ascending”
I was crying and trying to talk.
“This is last chance guest house”
“She is coming tomorrow morning”
“She might be my soul mate”
I was not able to talk more. I went out and sat by the Ganges River. It was very cold, windy night. Wind driven river water was pouring on my face, mixing with my tears and mucus. I was crying out of shock and happiness.
“27th February – 5th March 2012” (She is the one)
Norbuu, Thomas and me, met Yuuka excitedly on 27th of February.
In the following days I expected a move from her; may be not consciously. I think I wanted her to prove her part in this soul mate relation. My human mind asked for proof. If we were soul mates she should feel it as well as me. She had to head back to Japan on the 6th of March evening. Therefore we did not have much time.
Those days we bought 2 Tibetian singing Bawls and we began chanting by the Ganges River at every sunset. She was singing the words of a universal mantra which she channeled some time ago, which works on heart chakra for purifying. She chanted every night to purify me deeper and deeper.
Mantra was as follows:
“Duy duy fey lassi yehi yehi lassi ya
Aheyya mudey layna”
My chest was expanding almost like cracking and I was coughing so dry and hard.
After one of those chanting she said she had seen wings behind me. I thought wings belonged to someone else; maybe one of my guardian angels. Wings were going to gain importance in the future. I didn’t question her vision further.
Again after one of those chanting she told me that she recalled one very far, parallel life memory. She said that we are friends in the Sirius Star at a parallel life. I asked what kind of friends we were, but she just smiled shy and she didn’t reply.
Next day we visited Beatles ashram. I was singing loudly a John Lennon song:
“All you need is love, pappa papa pa., All you need is love, pappa papa pa. All you need is love love. Love is all you need. Love is all you need.”
We were joyful like kids. We climbed up to old ruins and reached to those universal structures. We sat in front of one of them and enjoyed an afternoon. We gave a name to star ship: Sirius Star Ship.
In the same day, after sunset chanting and a delicious dinner, we were walking in the main street of Ramjula-Rishikesh. I asked about our parallel life in Sirius, insistently. She was still shy about it, but she replied.
“Are we close friends there?”
“Yes we are close friends”
“Is it a love relation?”
“Yes, it is”
After a short silence period, I told her about Gaak and Baap. I told her the summary of the story. Then I took off from my neck the pendant box which was holding the pearl inside. We stopped in the middle of the crowded street. It was not the most romantic spot but it didn’t matter. I could not wait any longer. I gave to her the pendant and the pearl. I also told her why I was carrying the pearl with me. We stood, where we stood for longer minutes while she was examining the pearl in her hands with opened eyes and mouth and trying to find a word to say.
She finally said: Thank you. This is very important.
We needed a more silent place and our feet took us off the street and brought to side of Ganges River. Both of us were over excited. We didn’t know what to say further. Both of us did not have a relation for many years and we forgot romance long time ago. We sat on the stairs by the Ganges. She hold my hand and it was the end of my old life.
When she hold my hand, I had a bliss feeling from top of my head to feet. I suddenly felt completed as if I was half before. I first time in my life felt as one with all. The Himalayan mountain, Ganges River, eagles swirling around us in the sky, people passing by on the street, the beings beyond my vision, beings of stars and other planets, angels and the guardians… We were all one. I said: “ We are all one”.
Tears were falling from our eyes. We sang together once more:
“Duy duy fey lassi yehi yehi lassi ya
Aheyya mudey layna”
That was the final understanding. There was no more doubt. She was the one. It was the night of 5th March.
I remembered once more what I wished from my higher self: “ I want to find her, please let me find her”.
I thanked my higher self and to oneness from depth of my heart.
“6th March 2012”(Sirius Star Ship)
I woke up early in the morning and sat with a guitar in the garden of Last Chance. I knew that it was my only one and last chance. Emotions began flowing through the guitar and the lyrics born out of my subconscious mind. Yuuka was going to leave in the evening and what could we do about it? Accept it, as all other experiences? I accepted her going too but I should do something to complete our experience of the moment. It was not completed. I decided to sang the song to Yuuka. In the afternoon, I took her to Sirius Star Ship. We sat in the ship and I played and sang the song
Star Child Yuuka
I have been searching for you all my life
I was wondering what love is
I was wondering what peace is
I was wondering what harmony is
Finally I found all in you
Finally I found all in you
Finally I found all in you
by you
around you
in you
Now you go your own way
Now I go my own way
That doesn't make any sense
That doesn't make any sense
We have to do something about it
We have to do something about it
We had love on the stars
We had love on the stars
How many life times more we have to wait?
How many life times more we have to seek?
How many times more?
Please please please please please
Please please please
Please please please please
Please please please
Marry me marry me marry me marry me marry me marry me marry me
Marry me marry me marry me marry me marry me marry me marry me
Song finished. I did not need answer and she did not need to reply. We knew that we were meant for each other. We were so calm but joyful. We sat under the dark rain clouds. Only few drops of rain fell on our face as a celebration gift. Then dark clouds gone away and sun shined on our face as another celebration gift. A big crow family flied around us (just as in Gaak and Baap). We sat down side by side, hand in hand. We did not fantasize about future. We lived in the moment of reality, we lived in LOVE. We did not worry because of her leaving. We did drop anchor in our hearts. We were married spiritually.
She left on the evening of 6th March. Norbuu and I had to jump from a moving train when her train began moving without warning. We didn’t worry for we did not have chance to hug, instead we were all laughing very hardly. She waved at us from the open train door and we looked at her heavily breathing exhausted of rush and hard laughing.
“What is higher self? What is soul family? What is soul mate? How can you understand if a person is your soul mate or not?
God is consciousness which is present at everywhere timelessly and endlessly. Higher self is creation of god consciousness which can lower it`s vibration to material world and incarnate in human body. (Higher self is your connection to Oneness). Vibration of Higher Self which takes the body of human is called soul. A higher self can (re)incarnate to 144 body at any time. Those 144 souls are called soul family or soul mate. Some of these souls meet each other in several life times; sometimes as parents and children, sometimes as soul mate romance, sometimes as teacher and student, sometimes as best friends, etc. On a very rare condition 2 souls are chosen from different soul trees (Higher Selves) can be matched as romance soul mates, depending on what they agreed to experience in their next life. In any condition an agreement is done before coming in life between soul mates to find each other. Before a Higher self reincarnates to a body with its vibration (soul), it calls guiding spirits and guardian angels and explains the life plan for its soul. A very simple example: “I will be male/female, I will experience this , that, this, that, I will meet soul mate X.” Guiding spirits agrees to help to soul for guiding him/her to path it chosen for next life. Soul mates, guiding spirits, guardian angels higher selves, agrees on conditions and makes a soul contract which includes all the experiences expected to occur in the next life time; then the reincarnation takes place in a chosen womb. When we are born to 3rd dimension our vibration (consciousness) is too low that we can not remember our true selves and where we come from and what is in our soul contract and off-course we don’t remember the soul mate who we agreed to find in life time.
So how are we going to find him/her?
The attraction law. All emotions and thoughts you create in your mind are energies which create the reality around you. If we were using wider portion of our consciousness, manifestation of the thoughts and emotions could be even instant. Such as imaging an apple in your hand and instantly to have the apple in reality in your hand.
Manifestation of the thoughts in 3rd dimension takes a little bit of mind afford and time. First you have to cleanse yourself from feeling of loneliness. Loneliness is illusion along with many other emotions. You are never truly alone. Think that you are spirit and spirit is love and light of creator. Look around you and see the same ingredient in every living being. Feel yourself one with them. You see? You are not alone anymore and even surrounded by pure love. Cleanse yourself from the fears. If you are keeping a fear of never finding your soul mate, attraction law is also working for this possibility; and you will never find him/her as it is in your fear, in your mind. Fear is also illusion. If you accept that you are not the body which is full of restrictions, but a free and capable of everything spirit and the essence of god, therefore god him/herself; there is nothing to fear in life. If you are the god him/her self what can give you fear? Not finding your soul mate? As the essence of oneness, as above so below, you have ability and capability to do everything. So why fear?
Another illusionary emotion is self pity. If you know your true self, how can you pity yourself?
If you have cleansed yourself from illusionary emotions, now it is time to work on your ego. Ego means not knowing your true self but creating a false self. Such as, “I am a successful company director”. Pardon me? Who are you? James Jameson, the successful company director. You see? This is the answer of your ego. You are nothing about this dimension. You are spirit. You are oneness. When you are under the affect of your ego self, even if you meet your soul mate, you can find the person too poor for you, or too short may be, or too hairy, or too ugly, too something. Because of your ego, you might not recognize the vibration of your soul mate. If him/her is also under the affect of negative emotions, thoughts and ego as you are; you have no chance to come even close to each other.
Do I have to become a Buddha for finding my soul mate? No.
How much ever you can clean yourself from negative feelings and thoughts, how much ever you can reduce the affect of your ego, that much faster you can reach to your goal.
Then you set your intentions. “ I want to find my soul mate”, “ I give myself permission to find my soul mate”, “ I will find my soul mate”
Pray to Creator. Be thankful for everything and everybody which/who gives you happiness, comfort, joy in your life since the creators energy is in all of them, including your soul mate where ever he/she might be. Even the idea of existence of your soul mate some place, shall give you joy. You have to thank to Creator for He/She created your soul mate too.
Pray to your higher self. Don’t be a separate personality from him/her. Know from your heart that your higher self is also You, but it sees everything from where it stands. Speak: “My higher self, I give myself permission to meet my soul mate, please help me find my soul mate”
Then listen your heart. If the answer is “not yet”; ask your higher self: “ My higher self, please show me what I need to learn or experience before finding my soul mate”
(Higher self sometimes does not give permission to your actions since you learn or experience certain subjects or events.)
Then listen your heart again. What feeling comes to your heart first and what idea crosses your mind is most probably the answer of your higher self. If you don’t hear any answer yet, do not worry. You called for help and help is underway. Your higher self will ask from your guiding spirits and leading angel to give you certain helps to make you learn or experience those certain subjects or events or it will send you certain type of energy to bring those experiences in your life.
Talk to your guiding spirits, guardian angels, leading angel. Be friend with them. They are the ones who help you beyond the veil trough out many life times. Ask them to help you in your mission of finding soul mate.
Then follow the voice of your heart. Your heart is like the intercom system between you and spiritual realms. Your higher self and guiding spirits speak with you trough your heart. For hearing them better, I would advise you to clean your heart chakra more. Moon stone worked on me very good.
Do actions which creates right energy for meeting him/her. Write a short story about him/her or a poem if you can. Make a song if you can, or paint a picture, make a soul mate event and teach people what soul mate means and how to find soul mates, make a soul mate travel to far distances if you can, or make soul mate walks in the evenings, make a soul mate cake and eat with good appetite and great joy, buy a present to this unknown person for he/she will come in to your life for sure. Be on the right energy wave to meet him/her.
Lastly; every being works on a certain frequency (Vibration-Energy). If there is a big vibration difference between 2 people, the lower vibration one cannot understand the high vibration one (in a mental and spiritual level). In such example, couples may or may not recognize each other as soul mates.
Purifying increases the vibration. If you intuitively recognize a person as your soul mate and if you understand he/she is operating at a different energy level, purify him/her. By purifying I mean to cleanse from negative thought and emotions and ego by friendly talking and teachings.
In our case;
Yuuka and me, we are one of a rare condition. We are matched as soul mates by our higher selves. We are from different soul families. May be, because of that it was not possible to recognize each other at once. Al so my mind and my heart needed a lot of purification for coming close to her vibration. She listened her inner voice and purified me.
“7th March – 01st April 2012” (Knocking on Heaven Gates)
I asked to know more and more knowledge flew to me. I asked to find my soul mate and we found each other. All my wishes became true. There was only one outstanding wish and it was to find my higher self. Who was this higher self giving me all of those gifts? I intended to find him. (He was a stranger to me at this time even I knew what higher self meant.)
I went to Vipassana 10 Days course, one more time for deeper purification of the mind. In the little meditation cells, at the end of every meditation, I was rising my hands up to sky and talking to creator with my new, cleaned heart. I was asking only one thing:
“Oh Lord Creator, I want to help mother earth and her children. Please give me chance. Please help me to help them.”
Then my emotions were over flowing from my heart, I was crying as if my wish happened real and as if I was so happy of helping. I did not have any idea why this was happening. My chest was all the time itching as a sign of the cleansing of my heart chakra.
The second time of Vipassana carried me to POSITION 9 in the Matrix of Illusions.
On the 20th of March 2012, I arrived to famous Ganges city Varanasi. Since I arrived India, Varanasi City was calling me silently. There was something or somebody waiting for me there, just as Puskar.
It is said that, teacher comes when the student is ready to learn. I met a Ukrainian channeler, namely Maxym. He listened my chanting with singing bawl and told me that I was emitting very high vibrations. Then we became friends and he began to talk about energies and channeling.
As he explained: Chanelling is connecting to a frequency of consciousness and bringing the energies of this consciousness down on earth in form of healing, cleansing, images, information, art, music etc. Channeling means opening a channel to frequency such as tuning in to a radio station. There are many different consciousness where a channeler can connect, such as; Angels, Fairies, Dolphins, Crystals, Star People, Oneness etc. Chanellers are not enlightened people but they are people who opened their souls to higher consciousness which brings them higher, finer, healthier, wiser vibrations and helps their ascension. Chanellers use these energies for helping Mother earth and humanity for healing, cleansing them and increasing their vibrations to help their ascension.
After almost three days of speaking about channeling energies, he asked me which kind of energy would I like to channel.
“Me? Channel? Really? Possible? Me? Are you sure?”
After one night of praying to Oneness and Higher Self and to Angels I told him my decision.
“I want to channel Angelic Energies”
He said he was not surprised.
On the 26th of March, we met in his hotel room. He called forth our guiding spirits and guardian angels. He called Archangel Michael Blue Ray for cleansing us and the room. We together prayed to oneness for permission. Then we together prayed to my higher self for permission. Then we together prayed to Archangel Michael to attune me to Angelic Realms. Maxym began channeling and laid his hands on my crown chakra (Top of head) Energy of Archangel Michael was flowing like river. It was very powerful, very peaceful, very heavenly energy, filled my body, my mind, my soul. The energy of the room was very high that I was feeling like I was swimming in a pool. Even as a beginner, feeling the energy in the air was easy. Not only the room but all the Hotel Building and even the street was full of Angels as Max told me and I felt with my heart. I was meant to be there. I was meant to be a channeler. I was meant to connect to Angels. I was imaging that all of my spirit guides and guardian angels were celebrating and my higher self was smiling on me. All was, the result of following voice of my heart, following signs left for me by my spirit guides and attending meetings which are arranged by my Leading Angel.
I had my first experience there. I channeled Archangel Michael blessing on Maxym.
“1st April – 01st May 2012” ()
On the 1st of April, I returned back to my home. I explained to my family that I found my soul mate and I was going to continue travelling with her till end of 2012, or till we find a place where we can call home. I tried to explain them that it did not mean to abandon my family. They were always in my heart and will always be in my heart. I called help of the angels to make them understand me. They partly understood, partly not. They chosen to be upset. This was the experience chosen by their soul. May be, this was the experience which they were supposed to have according their soul contracts. All I could do was to accept this experience for all of us and send love energy from my heart to their hearts.
The emotion which I called LOVE during all of my life was something about love but not clean, not clear. I was practicing planetary healing and cleansing everyday by Archangel Energies which purified my emotion LOVE. Love turned into something very pure. It became a pure energy flowing out of my heart. I gave this pure love to hearts of my family members. I set my self free from the wrong type of energetic family cords. As I said before, the emotions and thoughts are energies. The only right energetic cord is the one created by unconditional love and compassion.
If you take out the ego, out of human, he/she never calls someone by beginning “my…”. A person without ego understands that he/she can not and does not own any living being and understands clearly that every soul is completely free and there is no bondage whatsoever is the relation. Mother and son or husband and wife; doesn’t make difference. We have to be connected to each other only by unconditional love. This creates harmony. This helps us to let them go for finding their own path.
As a totally new person, I tried my best to accept this experience. I loved my family more than anything and seeing them upset was hurting my heart when I lost the consciousness of the moment. At the conscious moments, there were no any problems at accepting our experience. Human mind is such, it takes you away from the moment, takes you far back to past memories or takes you far ahead to the fantasies of the future. When you are in the past or future you are not conscious. You are conscious only when you are HERE and NOW, when you are at the MOMENT. When you succeed to remain in the moment, you realize all is love, all is one. On the path of the ascension our minds are like swinging amulets; swinging forward to future and back to past less and less every day and we begin spend more and more time in the center (Moment) while the swinging approaches to stop.
What is this all about? What means accepting experience? Why we have to accept them? They hurt me. I hurt them. How can I accept?
We are the God, on experiencing game. In experience there is no sin, no good, no bad. Experience is pure experience. Our all experiences are flowing to oneness trough our higher self. Experience is expanding the consciousness of us and increasing our vibration. Our consciousness is expanding life after life by our experiences till we get enlightened, till we purely understand what is unconditional love, what is light and what is lack of light. We experience life after life till we understand (not understand but experience) that we are our higher self and we are god and we are all one. In different lives we experience different levels of light to reach to purity in light and love. There is no darkness. Darkness is actually the light at lower rates of vibration. An experience which we call dark is actually lack of light. In one life we experience poorness, another one richness, another one you are murderer killing people; in other one you are doctor, saving lives. All of them are pure experiences of light. Some are shining bright, some emitting very low. All of these life experiences finally are bringing you to moment of understanding that you are pure love and light but nothing else.
We came here from God and we are returning to god and experience is the train ticket back to god. And even this expression is an illusion; after all we will see that we never left, we just forgot. Separation is the illusion veil which prevents us from seeing beyond, so we can experience the 3rd dimension till we take of the veil by our self.
So why shall we deny our experiences which expands our consciousness and carries us back to pure light and love? Denying an experience creates negative emotions and stress which reduces your vibration, acts as a blockage between you and the God. Instead of denying, we have to see the good side of them. Try to learn something out of them and accept them as they are which is bound to end as everything else than god.
Accepting your experiences carries you to wisdom. Wisdom develops physical manifestation of thoughts. This means you begin creating faster and better.
When you think about an old painful experience, when you see that it was an experience necessary for your soul, you will easily forgive people who are involved in the experience and al so you will easily forgive yourself if you are feeling guilty. All participants of the experience were purely experiencing for their soul development. Forgiving self and forgiving others brings you more love. Think that, first you have to take out the old drink from the bottle and wash it, than you fill up the bottle with fresh, clean, pure water -love-.
Explaining my new path to my family was a difficult one. Which made us all stronger.
During the Month of April, Yuuka came to Istanbul for 10 days and we stayed at the house of my friend Merter Hawk Eyes. It was a joyful unity. During this time she opened Reiki energies for me and thought how to clean my chakras. We enjoyed every minute together and we did not worry at the moment of her leaving. We did not plan what exactly we were going to do in Japan or where exactly we were going to go after Japan, or what we were going to eat, where were going to stay, how we were going to make money etc. There was no plan, but a full trust to universe. We knew and we said that Oneness was going to guide and support and protect us. You might think if we are rich people so therefore we were so relaxed. If so, you are wrong. I arrived to Japan with only 133 USD in my pocket.
After the mid of April (After Yuuka return Japan), everyday, I cleaned my chakras by Reiki. Every day I prayed and chanted. I continued cleansing Mother Earth by Archangel Michael Blue Ray and healed Mother Earth by Green Ray of Archangel Raphael. I so often laid down on the green grass and connected to Mother Earth and shared my love from my heart and I received her love.
I kept repeating my wish, which I first time wished at the meditation halls of Vipassana course, in India. :
“Oh Lord Creator, I want to help Mother Earth and her children. Please give me chance. Please help me to help them.”
I began reading the channeled messages. Some very well known famous channelers were channeling messages from Archangels, ascended masters, gods and goddesses and star people. All of these messages were giving knowledge about ascension. One of those messages which touched my heart was from Archangel Sandalphon:
Feel your wings. Test them out. Vision them. What colors are they? How big are they? How will it feel to truly fly free – free as a bird? Where is it that you’d like to go? What is it that you’d like to be? If you could simply take flight into the experience of your heart’s vision, what would it be? This is New Earth Living. This is the shining sun, radiating grace within your every intention and manifestation. Use your wings now. Fly into that higher grace. Let the heaviness and density float away from you now. Come be with the angels, and human angels, ascended into a higher, lighter, free-er form.
channelled by Marie Mohler, 29th June 2010
After reading this message, I so often felt heaviness around my spine and shoulders and imagined my essence with the wings.
About end of the month of April, I followed my guiding spirits to Cyprus Island, to the same mountain top, where I was named as Strong Wings. I was carrying with me, my university diploma, higher school and elementary diplomas, old journals and letters which were heavy with feelings of depression and loneliness, my seaman passport, certificates and licenses which were proving me as Ship Navigation Officer. I prepared a fire pit. I threw all documents in to the pit. I opened my wings wide and strong. There was a storm. Heavy wind was bending the tree branches. Dark clouds were covering the sky. I called it the ceremony of independence. I burned them. I burned them all.
I chanted by the fire and danced like I was doing very long time ago when I was a Hopi child. I believe my guiding spirits were around me and they were smiling.
This was most joyful moment of my life. In my conscious mind I kept repeating;
I am not G.A. I am Strong Wings;
I am not Muslim, I am creator’s light and love;
I am not Turkish, I am a universal being.
This big step carried me to Position 10 on the Matrix of illusions. I was officially out of prison. I was not only out of prison but also prison was collapsed behind me. It was a glorious moment.
I felt like I was cleansed from all fears but this was not true. My deepest and oldest fear succeeded to remain in my subconscious mind and followed me to Japan.
On 1st of May I made the leap of faith. I flied to Japan with 133 USD in my pocket. (Leap of Faith: Trusting to creator completely and jumping from a high cliff to straw bale with closed eyes.)
“ 1st of May to Moment of NOW” (Leap of Faith)
One of the first thing I said to Yuuka, after reaching Tokyo:
“I lost a 1 thousand dollar worth airplane ticket, but that’s not a problem for us because we will accept this experience will we not?”
To be honest I felt little bit of scared when I was telling it. Then we laughed so hard out of anxiety.
In the morning of 1st may I woke up so peacefully, washed my face, made meditation, made planetary cleansing and healing, then very calmly found the ticket and read it carefully. The time of the flight was not 16:00 as i remembered (misremembered) but it was 12:00. I calmly looked at the clock of laptop. It was showing 11:40.
I rushed out of home with my heavy bags, stressed the taxi driver to drive faster. Whatever I did, I could not catch the flight. My dream flight was already in the sky and I was in front of the closed counter, hardly breathing. There was last 1133 USD in my pocket. I paid 1000 for a new ticket and flied to Japan with only133 dollars in my pocket.
This was a very necessary experience for me and for Yuuka. First of all to make it a real leap of faith, I should have less money in my pocket. Another lesson to learn was to honor the guidance messages of the angels, because few days before the flight, I picked up one angel card which was telling me to make my travel plans very carefully.
Worrying would not solve anything, but would create more incidents in the future. Because of my carelessness Yuuka had to work again, even she quit her job before and she did not want to do it anymore; but this was her experience to have. She practiced not worrying for her experience and not accusing me for anything and I practiced not worrying for our experience and not accusing my self. Result of the lost ticket thought both of us deeper lessons. We accepted our experience in the deepest level and focused on our pure love and focused on a beautiful future for us and for world.
After a week staying with Yuuka’s lovely family, we began staying in her friend’s houses. I began using my channeling ability to clean chakras of people by Angel Energy Therapy. Yuuka was working hard for collecting money and I wanted to help. In time more clients began to come for me which made me feel better.
I was all the time researching, reading and talking about the ascension subject. (I read most of the articles about ascension at Galactic Free Press since beginning of April) I began to notice, most of the problems of the clients who were coming for Angel Energy Therapy could be solved if they understood ascension. Just understanding the process of ascension, just understanding what was happening in 2012 could solve their problems or at least would give them power to solve their problems.
I prayed to Archangel Metatron and asked him to let me channel his energy for DNA activation of the clients. The new session name was “Wake up call and DNA activation”. In the sessions explained to people, ascension and 2012. I explained them how to cleanse their energy fields from negative energy cords of other people, how to forgive others and forgive them selves, how to change the fear with love, how to accept completely the incoming energies of the Oneness, how to be friends with their guardian angels, how to work with their ascension angels etc. I wished to meet more people who we could help for their spiritual awakening and attraction law worked quite fast. We began sharing what we know of ascension in the home parties-events, to bigger group of people. Not only knowledge but also peace and love we shared by our singing bawl chantings. Because of helping people with pure intention I was receiving divinely gifts. All of a sudden dolphin energies, fairy energies, Mother Earth energy, and stronger energies of the universe opened to me for channeling. Later on I understood that they were open for all humanity but humanity was not aware of them. It is just matter of pure intention. When you ask with a pure intention, they give. Ask from Archangel Michael or Jesus Christ or Lord Buddha or a Goddess or a God to send their blessing energy on you. It will happen instantly and strongly. Beyond all of them; ask from Creator to bless you. It will happen before you finish your thought. You will be filled with pure love and light. This is true cure.
One night while Yuuka was healing me from negative past life memories, she said: “You have wings and they are big, and they are violet and blue color and they are strong.” I asked: “Really?”
She said: “Off-course really”
I asked in wonder “Why haven’t you told me this before?”
She answered naturally “I thought you knew it”
I said “I never truly knew it.”
Then we laughed hardly. I was so happy. Not because learning that my aura has wings but because it was a proof that I was not a crazy person. Because since I read the message of Archangel Sandalphon I was feeling my wings on my back. I wanted to ask more questions about my wings but I didn’t, because she was so tired of her healing job.
Not much from this day, at another beautiful event-party I met another psychic friend of Yuuka, namely Takao Nukiyama (Ryu-chan). “Spiritual counseling” and “Inspiring people to their authenticity” was written on his healer’s business card. He offered his house to us for staying with him. We stayed with him few days. At our last night, him and I, sat and drank a lot of tea and chat on spirituality. He communicated with my Leading Angel and Guardian Angels and he told me my oldest and deepest fear which was still hiding in my sub-conscious mind. “Fear of hell”. Because of this deep fear, I was not able to truly and fully accept my self as light of oneness, therefore as oneness. I was still not able to use all god given talents to their real potentials.
I also asked him about my wings. I asked him why I had wings on my aura and he answered: “They are the wings of a spiritual teacher.” At the same moment with this answer my heart chakra began moving. It expanded. I was feeling it in allover my chest. Joy of finding the true life purpose was a bliss.
At the end of his session while he was giving me his blessing he recalled a very old past life memory where he was the grand mother and I was the grandson. “Grandmother was blessing her grandson who was about to begin his vision quest.” He told me that we were from the same soul family, same higher self.”
Next morning, while we were leaving his house, I felt that my old guitar was heavy for my shoulders, because it already served me well and finished it’s duty. I was not playing the guitar for long time but just carrying on my shoulder. I was interested in new music instruments. I realized that I was attached to my guitar. My ego was screaming : It is MINE. MY GUITAR. But I knew how to stop voice of my head. I stopped it by my heart. I gave the guitar to Ryu-chan. I told; “ This guitar travelled with me all around the world, seen oceans and storms, this guitar was played on the streets, in the bars, on the beaches, with family, with friends for over 17 years. Please take it. If you need it keep and play. If you don’t need it give to someone who wish to play guitar”.
Few days after his session, in my daily meditation, I realized that higher self was giving answers to my questions by playing with my center; moving my body forward and aft for “Yes” , left and right for “No” answer. First, as a test I asked simple questions, the questions which I knew the answers; then I asked harder questions. It was so wonderful. There were answers for the all questions of universe. There were answers for all past and future life questions. There were answers about other people’s lives. I realized that I was receiving the answers from universe through my higher self.
In the moment of now, whenever I feel I need guidance, I am asking to my higher self. Answer is coming to my heart. I know that this is the birth right of every human. We are all gifted with this technology. We can use it only after breaking the illusions, only after accepting the true self.
When I was wring this book, when I was writing about my spiritual development, questions appeared in my mind and I asked to higher self.
“Hello higher self. Am I writing these things with my ego?”
The answer was yes.
To be honest, for a second I felt upset with this answer. Because I was thinking that my ego was already gone. There was a new kind of ego developing in me, which we can call as spiritual ego. I faced the result with my heart. I focused to right direction with my heart. The right direction was my pure intention, which is; to inspire and awaken souls of people. I wanted to make you imagine feeling of breaking illusions, finding your soul mate, make you imagine finding your true self and life purpose, I wanted to make you imagine your wings. With this pure intention my writing was purified, so was i.
“ Moment to Moment” ()
Ayakochan, was inspired to publish “Gaak and Baap” even before I come to Japan and we had a conversation on Skype before I came. She is now translator (translating to Japanese) and Assistant Agent of this book. I asked to my higher self about her;
“Hello higher self. Is she the right person for translating this book”
“Do I know her from any past or parallel life?”
“In that shared life time, are we blood relatives?”
Finally answers were that; we are brother and sister in a parallel life in Andromeda Galaxy. There could be no other person better for translating this book to Japanese.
I am sharing this with you, because I also want you to imagine your selves as universal beings. You may have several life times on earth and several life times on stars.
In the channeled messages, Archangels are saying that many old spirits were chosen to reincarnate on Earth at this time, to help awaken others and to help Mother Earth to increase her frequency. My higher self is telling me that I have 355 life times on Earth and 435 life times on other planets-stars and 235 life times in other universes.
Dear reader, I want you to understand that you are much more than your body.
Higher self is telling me that the New World is being created right now, by us. He/she is telling me that very big events and global changes are about to happen for awakening the masses.
Wherever you are, who ever you are, don’t be afraid when you see your government is collapsing, your money becoming garbage, the guns of your army is not working. The old is leaving and giving it’s space to new.
Please don’t be afraid, when you one morning switch on your Tv and see star people speaking.” They are your sisters and brothers from far stars and planets and realms. All they want is to help, is to remind you who you really are, is to help to leaving of old.
If you stay in the moment, you will succeed to see the truth. The truth is love and light present everywhere.
Peace Love-Light and Harmony
Star Child Yuuka Shimada & Strong Wings
We are looking for advises and helps to publish our story in many countries.
Can be book or magazine or blog... If you have any ideas or help to provide, please shoot with love ;)