Why you cannot fail [1]
Because in truth, if you so choose, you can only evolve.
No matter if out of 10 steps 8 seem to be leading you on the wrong path.
You learned how to avoid 8 path on your journey.
Well done!
Cause finally all 10 of them bring you closer to your goal.
If you so choose.
Or of yourse, when you feel your choices are not serving you, you can stop and feel lost, wrong, mistaken, and that you'll "never get it".
It's your choice how to see and live your path.
It's yours.
And yours is the goal you have for yourself.
Thus if your goal is to open your consciousness, no matter what... you cannot fail!
It is simply impossible.
The You who truly seek is not afraid of a so called mistake, as You know that in every moment of Now there's a message for the Soul. Be it a message of "not useful" or a message of "this works good right now".
For an open being will never fail into the old thought of wrong/right, and will take any experience as part of One's path.
This way, there's only growth.
This way, failure deos not exhist.
As failure is an old paradigm of not being "good" enough.
To jump into the new paradigm of Oneness, one needs to let go this way of thinking where failure is a risk. It's an all win/win. Thus to get to a win/win state, believe systems need to be let go.
Though even if you feel you're not ready yet... fine, why not? You're free.
Thus you must also discern if the "being not ready" is an excuse of the ego mind or a true feeling that your path is not into that direction.
Ego will tell you he's not ready to be kept alive and going.
The Soul will say "no matter what" I'm evolving, learning, re-membering.
And all One has to let go will be fine to leave in the present moment of Now.
Tha Planet is ready and so are you.
Whatever happens, it happens for evolution.
And you're ever evolving beings of Love.
And Love knows no failure.
That's why, in Truth, You cannot fail. Ever.
All our Love, ANdReA & Earth Allies