Twelve - More Powerful Than You Know [1]
Twelve - More Powerful Than You Know
[4]Q: Should I lie when others ask me how things are going? I don’t want to tell them the hard facts that I don’t have the things that I have asked for…yet. And I don’t want to lie and tell them everything is peachy when, in the physical, it’s not.
This is why you should pray for what you want behind a closed-door. The process of creation is just between you and Source – establishing a relationship between you and the thing to be created.
You are not going to convince the others that you have all these magnificent creations in the works when they cannot see them with their eyes nor hear them with their ears. From their physical perspective they do not have access to your vortex of creation. From our nonphysical perspective we can see all of it. We can see how magnificent it is, and we can see which elements of it are ready to bloom into physical form and which are not.
So it is vital to the process for you to spend some time each day engaging your creations in that vibrational realm, nurturing them, tending them as you would a precious garden not yet ready for harvest. And we certainly wouldn’t invite just anyone to go trampling around in there.
You see, on the physical level they don’t have access to it. They cannot see your pre-emergent garden of creation. They cannot measure it with a ruler nor count it with a calculator. So for the time it is not-yet-to-be, you should just keep it between you and Source and whatever nonphysical guides you commune with. And certainly if you have friends who you can trust not to judge with their egos, you could involve them as well.
But the whole point is to avoid resistance; to allow the process to flow unimpeded. And all egos, including your own, would love to get in there and trample that garden. That is why you turn the process over to Source, and allow the Universe to figure out how all of this is going-to-be. It’s not the ego’s fault; it’s just the way it is. Like a herd of goats or pigs it’s best to keep it fenced out until the harvest has come.
So when your friends ask, we would tell them how wonderful your world is now. We would find the positive aspects of anything physical and already manifested to share with them. Your job is not to convince your friends.
Your real job is to convince yourself of the reality of your new creations. You have to feel them, touch them, see them, hear them until they become so real that they can’t not manifest. Until then they are just a special secret between you and the Source of All Being – confidential, employee privileged information, industrial secrets.
~Twelve [5] link to original article [6]