Higher Frequency Sounds ~ A sign you are shifting into the Higher Dimensions: Archangel Metatron, Council of Angels, and Pleiadian Council of Light [1]
Higher Frequency Sounds ~ A sign you are shifting into the Higher Dimensions: Archangel Metatron, Council of Angels, and Pleiadian Council of Light [2]

www.thegoldenlightchannel.com [5]
So I asked my Council of Angels what the noise is and they said it is a sign of shifting into the higher dimensions.I have been reading many of Archangel Metatron’s messages through James Tyberonn, and have deep respect and gratitude to both James Tyberonn and Archangel Metatron. As I connected into my higher self and council of angels tonight, Archangel Metatron came through to say a few words about this unique sound, which surrounds me now as I am transcribing this. ****************** You are hearing the sound of creation – creation of this new world which is coming into being now in to all your awareness now this world of high vibrations higher ideals the new crystalline world of love which is now being formed indeed as the crystalline energies lock into the crystalline grid upon your mother earth gaia who loves and supports you – as do we all from the angelic realm and the higher realms – this crystalline grid is now emitting these higher frequencies into your earch spaces. For those who are ultra-sensitive as is this channel – and her sensory perception of hearing happens to be tuned into the higher frequencies, one of the gifts of being a star channel which is a new term we have coined and brought through this channel; a star channel simply is a person who has a pre-earth agreement to be a receiver and transmitter of communications from the higher frequencies and dimensions – for those of you star channels who are ultra-sensitive, you will be able to hear this high-frequency pitch which is continually being emitted now from the crystalline grid, which is your earth’s receiver and transmitter of the higher dimensional frequencies of the 4th and 5th dimension and above (for the template will hold up to 12th dimensional energies in the future); these are energy vector waves of creation that are assisting in birthing this New Earth reality which you will be entering in real-time very soon.
Goldenlight: Wow! I am so happy to be communicating with you tonight, thank you for being here and speaking with us. Especially thank you to Archangel Metatron, who I have not ever communicated with; it is an honor.
You are most welcome, it is our pleasure in the archangelic realm to be of assistance to mankind during this most auspicious of eternal now moments which are coalescing into this grand plan of universal upgrade now occurring throughout your universe and most importantly for the earth; this upgrade or upshifting is occurring for you all on earth. Your new world is one of peace, beauty, love, goodwill towards all living beings, including your beautiful mother earth who is a sentient being; this new earth is welcoming you home as we all birth it into beingness and as YOU all are birthing into your new beingness and all is created out of Love and we are all One as you have heard many times it is indeed true and we of the higher dimensions (we are now joined again by the channel’s council of angels and pleiadian council) we are loving you as always and ever, and are a part of all of this grand new world, and cheer you on as you are transforming yourselves and your new earth which is a combination of a projection of your minds (thought manifest), gaia’s mind (remember gaia is a living, breathing, sentient being), Our minds (we as a collective in the higher archangelic realms and higher dimensional realms), and our Source Creator’s mind, our Source from which all life and love springs. We are all emanations from the Source. We are all Source knowing Source. We are all creator beings. We are all Love. - Goldenlight ☼
©2012 The Golden Light Channel. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this material as long as you quote original source at www.thegoldenlightchannel.com [5], include this credit, do not alter it in any way, and provide a link back to www.thegoldenlightchannel.com [5] at the top of the post. YouTube users: You may not use this content unless permission is granted in advance in writing. To request permission, contact info at thegoldenlightchannel.com [6]. For further reading, visit Tyberonn’s channeled Archangel Metatron message: “Mastering Creatorship in 2012 - [7]Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn [7]“
About Goldenlight GoldenLight is a receiver and transmitter, a “star channel” for the higher dimensions, including the Pleiadian and Angelic Councils of light. Her mission is to bring in the clearest possible higher frequency communications and information from the higher dimensions, during this dawning of the Golden Age upon New Earth, and to create spiritually-inspired art to assist and uplift humanity. |