a velvety-dark
and stormy 5th Night The Turning Point backlash and potential August 18 - September 4, 2011 |

THE 5th NIGHT re-sending with a white background
Hi friends, I'm resending the newsletter on The 5th Night of Dr. Carl Calleman's calendar system, which I sent on August 18th (the day the 5th Night began). Many have written to say that they couldn't read the newsletter since it was dark type on a dark blue background. So sorry about that. I was going for the 'dark of night' look with the colors and didn't think about eyestrain;) So here is the same info on a white background. Much easier on the eyes! Since I am sending this, it's a good time to comment on what has transpired in the 5 days since the 5th Night began on the 18th (keeping in mind that the Midpoint is on August 26-27 - i.e. the 5th Night hasn't crested yet). Today in particular was a bizarre and stressful day. For starters, in Libya, the revolution had a major breakthrough, with reports of Gadaffi being driven out of Tripoli by the rebels. Yet another middle-eastern dictatorship is crumbling before our eyes this year. The surge toward ONENESS and UNITY of the 9th Wave is taking on a groundswell. Combined with Uranus (revolution) in Aries (war) and the continually ratcheting up of the Cardinal Cross, the urge to break free is unstoppable and sometimes frenzied. In addition, here on the east coast of the U.S. we experienced a noticeable earthquake - thankfully it was not deadly and didn't cause major damage. It was 5.8 magnitude, with the epicenter in Virginia and the tremors radiating outward as far away as Chicago. So we felt it here in Pennsylvania. The reason this earthquake was a big deal for us is because most of us on the east coast have never experienced an earthquake before. The oddest thing happened: we had no idea what was occurring as the buildings shook or items fell off of shelves. We didn't have the words to describe it so we borrowed sound bytes from our brains to try and frame it. For example, I was sitting in an armchair when the quake occurred at about 2pm EDT. My chair shook and banged up against the wall next to it. I honestly thought it was my cat Peanut who sometimes climbs up the back of the chair and shakes it a little. I said out loud: 'Peanut, cut that out" --- it was like my brain didn't know what to do with the incoming sensory input. There is no 'place' in my brain for 'earthquake' so I thought, oh it's the cat. Yes, folks, my cat Peanut caused the earthquake:) Or better put, the earthquake came to my house in a feline form;)
Many other people here in Southwestern Pennsylvania thought similar things. The building my friend was in at a local University began swaying (definitely not earthquake proof since this tremor really wasn't that major) She looked up and saw the window blinds moving back and forth. In that split second there was no place to put the experience. She went to the window to see if there were window-washers there. Thank goodness the quake wasn't serious (especially around the epicenter in Virginia). The main effect here was: did you feel that?? followed by everyone's 'earthquake' story. Yeah, I know, you folks out there in California are shaking your heads and rolling your eyes at us neophytes;) --- but I know it really isn't funny at all when one thinks of the brutal effects of the Japan and Haiti earthquakes. The significance of this earthquake on a symbolic level is filled with interesting (and a little scary) irony. Think about all of the shenanigans (yes, SHENANIGANS) going on in Washington DC this summer - especially concerning the politically-motivated and childish fighting over the budget which caused more harm to our already fragile economy. Think about the location of this earthquake - the White House and Capitol building were evacuated. Pinnacles atop the Washington National Cathedral were toppled. And inspection of Washington Monument revealed cracking in the stones at the top of the monument. Hal Bahr on Facebook makes a salient point: "And now in honor of the Washington DC earthquake centered beneath Thomas Jefferson's estate. Have things come to the point that our founding fathers are beginning to loudly turn over in their graves? Things that make you go hmmmmm. On a global level, we are literally and figuratively seeing our government (and other similar) structures crumble. The semi-planet Pluto is in the sign of Capricorn now -- a cycle which began in 2008 and will continue until 2024. Pluto is a powerful energy of re-form and is now focused upon the Capricornian structures of government, economy, corporations and other institutions. This restructuring continues apace on so many levels, and today's earthquake is an external mirroring of what is going on. The inability of us nor'easters to comprehend an earthquake because it is not a part of our paradigm is another metaphor to consider. When the ships of the conquering Europeans were approaching the shores of America, it is said that the native people could not see them because they were unable to wrap their minds around what a ship was in their current way of thinking. The shamans knew something was changing in the field. They saw ripples there and stared and stared until they could bring the new reality into their consciousness. Then they tried to tell the people. The 9th Wave and its companion astrological signatures are bringing in paradigm changes that we literally have no place for in our brains. Such is the nature of ground-breaking change. The 5th Night is a time to integrate the deepest aspects of our changing world. Remember that in the 9th Wave, 18 days is equivalent to one year of time as experienced between 1999 and 2011. And before that, we experienced the same amount of time, and change, over the course of 12 years. Before that, hundreds of years, thousands of years and millions of years. Time is moving so fast at this time on earth. If you want (or need, because of the previous dark color) to re-read the 5th Night info that I sent 5 days ago, keep on reading. I hope your eyes are happier;) Take Good Care, Carol 
Carol Ann Ciocco website: http://www.threemoonocean.com/ subscribe to newsletter: http://conta.cc/9q8Oma newsletter archives: http://conta.cc/j5HyG facebook: http://on.fb.me/gYNScY |
THE 5th NIGHT & the Cardinal Cross
The coming of the avatar (of higher consciousness) is portended by a Cardinal Cross in the heavens. - Steve Nelson The Cardinal Cross will govern the next solar system. In this system it governs the path of initiation which is trodden by the flower of humanity. (i.e. the Masters) - Esoteric Astrology p. 279 To bring in an astrological viewpoint which dovetails with the 5th Night, THE CARDINAL CROSS (a signature of our times) was highly activated this month. Uranus and Pluto squared off. That aspect is epochal in nature and will be with us for several years. Notice the themes occurring in your life right now. The global events are easy to see, but flip your perception inward: London was burning. Are you torching parts of your inner world via rage and self-hatred? Looters were rampant in London. Are you desperately grasping for energy emotionally and spiritually due to deep feelings of fear and lack? The stock market experienced volatile gyrations, and the U.S's financial rating was reduced from AAA, the highest rating. Are you experiencing wild fluctuations in your sense of value and your relationship with material things, money and security? The Cardinal Cross actually holds a very high- consciousness energy, an energy of ascension and spiritual mastery. The Cardinal Cross is a kind of HINGE upon which our future swings. It is like a valve which has built up intense pressure which must be released and made useful, transformed into constructive energy. The Cross twists and turns - like a screwdriver - squeezing the dross out of us and using the pressure and steam to power a new pathway. The Cardinal Cross asks us: which direction are you going? What is due North? What are the cardinal sins? The cardinal virtues? The Cardinal Cross is a moral compass, an integrity monitor, and an invitation to totally shift what's up with what's down. Flip the world on its axis. There is no map anymore. The primacy of life on earth is encapsulated in the Cardinal Cross - North, South, East and West - the four corners of our reality. This signature is the handwriting on the wall for our future selves, our more enlightened and more evolved selves. It is a directional sign pointing toward ascension-level embodiment. Due North, into higher levels of awakening. |
THE 5th NIGHTbackground on the 9th Wave
Today, August 18, 2011, is the first day of the 5th Nightof the 9th Wave of Dr. Carl Calleman's calendar system. If that sentence baffles you and sounds like Greek, check out these links of articles I've already written on this uncanny timing: Here is my most recent newsletter RE the 5th Day and 5th Night, an overview: http://conta.cc/p10T5z Here are some previous posts on some of the cycles of the 9th Wave since it began on March 9, 2011. (You may have to scroll down to find the segments on the 9th Wave): THE 9TH WAVE BEGINS - Tsunami of Unity http://conta.cc/hOvgzo The 1st Night: http://conta.cc/g3Q1bA The 2nd Day: http://conta.cc/dVpflt The 2nd Night: http://conta.cc/m51i9y Midpoint of the 2nd Night: http://conta.cc/oWousr The 3rd Night: http://conta.cc/oM4f5B Overview of the 7th Day (9th Wave): http://conta.cc/fpd6T4 Here is a calendar of the 9th Wave that I created to help you follow along with the Days and Nights. If you haven't journaled yet on what is happening in you own life as the cycles unfold, you can start doing that now and review previous cycles as well: http://bit.ly/iwbqfZ You can also go to my Facebook page and go back through past posts for info on the 9th Wave. My Facebook page can be found here: http://on.fb.me/gYNScY You will find info on a lot of other subjects (such as eclipses and the solstice and etc) that I haven't been able to send via newsletter. Also, here is an overview of the 9th Wave from The Tree of Life website http://treeoflifecelebration.com/images/stories/ninthwaveintro.pdf Note: The Tree of Life website, which is a storehouse of information concerning the 9th Wave, can be found here: http://treeoflifecelebration.com/ |
The shift from our current consciousness to that of ascended consciousness is going to be very natural. I said very natural, not problem free. This will be a very natural transformation, like an ice cube melting or water turning to vapor. Imagine yourself as one of the atoms in an ice cube. You've got your close friend atoms hanging with you slow. You're limited by your structure. You can't move much - you're in a damn ice cube. This is the current state of our human mental body. // To one of these frozen atoms, being introduced to a fluid state-able to interact with all other compounds-would present an infinite opening up of opportunities completely unimaginable to the atom when it was in a frozen state. // Both water and ice transformations require a stimulus, a heat source. All heat is obtained from force applied against resistance to that force, both in friction and in the transmission of electrons. // Heat happens when atoms are excited to a higher vibrational frequency. Vibration is the vacillation between two poles or dichotomies. When this vibration is accelerated by physical force, or, on more refined levels, by the force of new consciousness, against resistance, you have the oxidation of material or rapid erosion - and eventually combustion - of the accelerated material. This combustion is the rapid, totally natural conversion of material into heat, released free gasses - then LIGHT. ~ Ian Lungold In order to understand the 5th Night of the 9th Wave, we need to first understand the enrgy of the 5th Day, which we just finished. The 5th Day and 5th Night are deeply connected, in that the breakthrough energy of the 5th Day leads to an inevitable reaction during the 5th Night. The 5th Day began on July 31, 2011 and continued until August 17, 2011. The 5th Day is a BUDDING phase, a time when our creations become visible to ourselves and the world. This is a BREAKTHROUGH TO LIGHT. The seed that was planted during the 1st Day of the 9th Wave (which occurred on March 9, 2011) appears as a bud which it has naturally and inexorably been moving toward since that time.
The 5th Day is the brightest period of light in the entire cycle. In a plant's life this is when new chemicals are produced that carry the message to form buds. In human history [as expressed through the previous 8 underworlds or levels of consciousness] the 5th Day was when Art found its place within human expression. This was also the time when the message of Jesus moved over the earth. In addition, it was during a previous 5th Day that Einstein developed the theory of relativity. - Ian Lungold. The 5th Day is a time of enlightenment for humans as they walk on planet earth. It is time to create space for the alighting of this higher consciousness and the breakthroughs that will occur as this light and information is pulsed from the Divine. You may have received downloads or experienced a breakthrough in your physical/mental or emotional/spiritual life during this time. It's also helpful to look at what's going on globally for clues as to what the 5th Day held for us. Since the economy is so pivotal right now, we can focus on that. The 5th Day saw US debt issues coming into mass consciousness in an unprecedented way. This included the passing of a last minute budget and raising the debt ceiling, as well as having the US rating downgraded by Standard and Poor. As a consequence the stock market went on Mr. Toad's Wild Ride (which continues today). Although these events don't seem to hold a lot of light, they are indeed a part of the 5th Day, the pinnacle of glorious breakthroughs in the 9th Wave cycles. The Light is synonymous with The Truth. The Truth about the economy emerged during the 5th Day. We experienced a breakthrough in consciousness which could - in the long run - prevent an economic cataclysm which would have stemmed from unawareness of what is REALLY going on. The debt problem and other factors of the global economy have been with us - and steadily getting worse - for many years. But most people had no idea. In the 5th Day, the icecube breaks free from its limited consciousness and life-giving water is created. The $64 trillion question now is: how might the backlash of the 5th Night occur? To understand this dynamic, we have to look at how the 5th Night is the YANG to the light or YANG cycle of the 5th Day. |
Turning the heat up on water creates diamonds (look at the picture here - the boiling water looks like diamonds!) and what follows is the mist-ical. "A serious moment for water is when it boils." This serious moment is the moment of its transformation. It can be dangerous, just like the 5th Night. The slow-moving molecules of ice, with heat applied become water. And further heat/light ... creates diamonds ... followed by myst. It's hot up in here these days, due to the Cardinal Cross influence. And this means that our evolution is accelerating rapidly as heat and light are applied to our consciousness, expanding us into our diamond perfection and our true mystical connection with Spirit and humanity. As Ian Lungold has said, the process will be natural but not problem-free as the density of matter seeking freedom does encounter resistance. - my Facebook post Here are the stats on the 'infamous' 5th Night cycle. As mentioned above, the 5th Night of the 9th Wave occurs from August 18, 2011 (today) to September 4, 2011, with the Midpoint being August 26-27.
In stark contrast (and direct cause-and-effect relationship) to the 5th Day, the 5th Night is a time of DESTRUCTION and BACKLASH. This is the darkest period of the cycle. In human terms, this is when an individual reaches the stage of puberty - an awkward and some might say 'dangerous' time of growth and rebellion against the previous cycles of one's life. The caterpillar cracks open the chrysalis and becomes a butterfly. This is the crisis stage. The ice cube melted - breaking through from the confines of the dense and slow-moving frozen limits - and became life-giving water during the 5th day. Now continuing heat is applied and the water boils. 'A serious moment for water is when it boils.' During the 5th Night a serious, and possibly dangerous, moment occurs. How can it not? Just as night follows day, so an equal and opposite reaction follows a breakthrough energy burst. Frankly speaking, the 5th Night has a very difficult energy to it. In human history this has been a time of great physical hardship and major conflicts. The Illonian Ice Age, Neanderthals going extinct; the Fall of Rome, the regressive time known as "The Dark Ages"; and the rise of Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini (as well as the dropping of the atomic bomb) all correspond to this time period, the infamous 5th Night. The good news is that whereas in previous cycles, each Night and Day lasted for hundreds of millions of years, for centuries, for decades, or for a year... in this cycle the intensity of the 5th Night will last (just as all the Nights and Days of the 9th Wave do) for only 18 DAYS. This is also the bad news, as the challenging changes of the 5th Night are condensed into an intense and mind-boggling two weeks. With the compressed and accelerated time factor of the 9th Wave comes a need to integrate changes at a breathtaking rate. Off we go. |
I believe in humanity. We are an incredible species. We're still just a child creature, we're still being nasty to each other. And all children go through those phases. We're growing up, we're moving into adolescence now. When we grow up - man, we're going to be something! - Gene Roddenberry So what might 'happen'? What form might the backlash and destruction take? Just as seeds of darkness (i.e. seeming darkness) were contained within the light of the 5th Day, so there are seeds of light contained within the darkness of the 5th Night. Like the Yin-Yang symbol with the dot at the center, the two forces of duality are always flowing freeform without either pole being reached conclusively. Such is the rhythm of life on this dualistic planet. There are radiant diamonds in the darkness. The Illonian Ice Age (which occurred in a previous 5th Night) aided, abetted and was the foundation for a leap forward in evolution. Where would we be if we were still Neanderthals? Seriously! The Dark Ages gave rise to the sublime flowering of human consciousness known as the Renaissance, also known as The Age of ENLIGHTENMENT. The rise of violent and devastating dictatorship - and the release of primal nuclear energy from the atom - during and after World War II led the way to a significant victory over darkness and that kind of dictatorship has not occurred in many 1st world countries since. In addition, the events of World War II also led to the Baby Boom of the 1950's. However we might feel about the ME Generation, we must admit that the Boomers have transformed the landscape of American life. They explored expanded consciousness in the 60's - helping to pave the way for yoga and meditation to become a part of mainstream American life. And now they are re-defining how we age - how we face death and how we comprehend the Oneness of the Universe and our place in it. This paved the way for the leap in consciousness which we are preparing to take now.
It's possible that in 18 Days our reality could be vastly different. I'm not sure how long it would take to see the results?? But no matter how it might LOOK through our dualistic vision, it could be an amazing shift forward into a brave new world. These are growing pains. The level to which we RESIST this natural process of 'melting' and 'boiling', is the level to which the violence and destruction of backlash will flourish. Again, we are becoming CONSCIOUS CO-CREATORS in the 9th Wave. We are practicing for a time in the (not-so-distant?) future where we will have the chance to take the reigns of evolution beyond a pre-establish timeline driven by the Divine. We are stepping into EQUALITY with the Divine by opening our consciousness up to higher levels of consciousness - which is simply a definition of Divinity. The essence of the 9th Wave boils down to (pun intended) one sentence: We are growing up. Will we be reckless rebellious teenagers in how we express in the 5th Night, or will we move through the vulnerable time of coming-of-age with some semblance of grace, allowing ourselves to walk through all of the confusing feelings and outcomes without allowing them to destroy us? It's time for us to step into Unity Consciousness so that we can take RIGHT ACTION in how we treat our fellow humans, and can embody RIGHT STEWARDSHIP of the earth and our place in the Cosmos. |
Every action is followed by an equal and opposite reaction. - Law of Physics
Evolution is a series of breakthroughs. - Christine DeLorey
Having said all of that, what does the 5th Night feel like - and what can we expect over the next 18 days - in practical terms? First of all, here is a newsletter I wrote back in 2007. That year was the most recent 5th Night cycle (in the Galactic Underworld which spanned 1999-2011): http://conta.cc/pRm7wE During the 5th Night, we can expect equal and opposite reactions to the growth we recently experienced in our personal lives. We may react to what we have learned about ourselves, acting out in ways that surprise us. The 5th Night can be compared to the deepest level of sleep: Delta. We will go deep into the subconscious, and more profoundly away from higher consciousness than at any other time in the cycle. It may appear that we have taken 10 steps backward from our previous position of light-filled being! Density - and its companion, materialism - may ferociously rear their heads. When we are going through massive changes, the opposing force within us musters its strongest resistance at the moment before we come into the dawn of a new and anchored reality. Prepare for this and try to remain conscious of what's happening and not to react in a negative way. Go easy on yourself. You are still on the path. This is a necessary - albeit challenging - part of your evolution. In addition, to give you a quick feel for the spiritual essence of the 5th Night, think of Sufism, that ecstasy-drenched, mystical sect within the Muslim religion. According to Carl Calleman's calculations, the religion of Islam was founded during the energies of the Night. Calleman writes:
"Islam's symbols are the crescent moon and the evening star are symbols of the NIGHT. And, indeed, Islam was founded as the Qu'ran was completed in AD 632, at the exact midpoint of the NIGHT of Baktun 9. Thus, Islam's role may be seen as one of bringing LIGHT into the DARKNESS. Because it was formulated and shaped by a NIGHT, Islam has also mostly spread during the NIGHTS when the Cross was absent in the Heavens. It has also mostly expanded toward the East, which during the Great Cycle was the SHADOW part of the planet... Although Islam is a monotheistic religion, its message has become somewhat different from that of Christianity. While Islam was formulated...during a NIGHT; Christianity was conceived during a DAY, which generally is a time when human creativity flourishes. (Christianity's) emphasis has been on the individual crafting his own destiny, while that of Islam, conceived during a NIGHT, has been on submission to the will of God. - Carl Calleman, "Solving the Greatest Mystery of Our Time: The Mayan Calendar," p. 73 There is a deep, mystical side to the Islamic religion, as reflected in Sufism, where practitioners seek to align their wills with the Divine Will of LOVE. RUMI is the penultimate example of the beauty of this mystical component of Islam. Rumi had a universal approach: "Rumi once said that if the Kaaba were suddenly lifted up out of the world, we would see that each person is really bowing (five times a day) to every other person. In other words, if the icons of religions could dissolve, we would be left with the radiance of each other, the one honoring the other as the same glory." - Coleman Barks, Rumi scholar, "Rumi: Bridge to the Soul" (published in 2007 during the 5th Night, this book unveiled 90 newly translated Rumi poems, many of which had never been published before). What Coleman is describing here is a timeless Truth represented in the Hindu phrase Namaste (the God in me honors the God in you) and the Mayan In Lakech (I am another yourself). In addition and for your meditation exploration, The Goddess Nut from the Egyptian pantheon has a deep velvety 5th-Night quality. She cradles the night and brings the dawn. Just as you, along with all of Humanity, are doing now. Have a Good (5th) Night. Sleep tight, dream deep, and soon we will wake from our sleep. Peace be with you and with all of us. |