I've Come To Share This Wonderful Message With You. [1]
Greetings, Dear Hearts! I Am known as d'tewa, and I have come to share a wonderful message with you.
First, stop what you're doing, sit down, take a few breaths, and open your ears and hearts. I have much to tell you. This is a message from Our Prime Creator, known by most of you as God. So, during this message, I'll refer to Our Prime Creator as God, so that you'll understand. Please listen carefully.
God wants you to know that He loves each and every one of you. So much so, that He has sent me to you to give you this message. You are His Children, and each and every one of you has His Divine Spark withn you.
Many of you are hurting. Many of you are suffering, and many of you are struggling in your daily lives. God wants you to know that the time has come to lay down the heavy hearts that your reality has taught you, and to embrace a new life that is rightfully yours. It's a life filled with Peace, Love, Joy, Happiness, Bliss and Abundance. This new life IS here, NOW, waiting for you! All you have to do is let God back into your hearts and lives. I give this message from God freely, with Love. this is His desire. The only thing God asks in return is your Love and Honor back.
You are God's Children. Live as though you see from His eyes. Speak as though He speaks from your lips. Listen as He would listen with compassion. Live and walk with each breath as He would, because He is with you 24/7. Drop the barriers that bind you up, regardless of what's holding you down. Forgive those who have wronged you. Drop the fear, the hate and prejudices. For, Dear Ones, He lives through you! He is in the hearts and souls of every single man, woman and child upon this planet.
Live life to it's fullest. Embrace the beauty that your Dear Mother Gaia, formally known as Earth, has given you. It's time to respect and honor your Dear Mother. Stop torturing her! She feels the pain many of you have inflicted upon her. She loves you all dearly. Love her back. She deserves it!
Lastly, He wants you all to do something for him starting today. To really know God is to find Him within your hearts. This means you need to sit quietly and start talking to Him. Tell him your troubles, desires and dreams. Turn off your t.v. sets, radios and phones. Stop the bickering, hating and warring. They only distract you from hearing His voice, and that of your many angels that love and guide you throughout your daily lives. Listen, Dear Hearts. Listen! Once you do that, you will find your Peace, Love, Joy, Happiness, Bliss and Abundance. I promise you, God promises you, that it's well worth the find.
He misses you and is awaiting your return.
God's Blessings and my Blessings to each and every One of you.
Love, d'tewa