Twisted Barricades (excert) [1]
Let me give you an in-sight into the setting. Danlock Stryder, the main character, is being interviewed with world famous revolutionary pioneer, Anouk Saber. They both took the world by storm through their power to create a reality that would be in alignment with the highest morals towards the benefit of all life. They are bothwell-known worldwide for being creative geniouses, their actions and those they connected with, successfully created peace, abundance and freedom for all. Danlock is also an author and has gained a lot of inspiration upon first meeting Anouk. His writing and philosophy is currently being taught throughout all levels of education with startling and near instant results. His theories and ideas have started being implimented into political systems, education systems, technological systems, economical system and many other systems including environmental systems, his creative genious has lead to everything being brought into a truly unified state. The world now recognises them both as saviours, they both proved to be very humble and loving in one of their previous speeches together, it was seen worldwide and it was what greatly influened their power to set people free in global unison. Danlock is often travelling to meet world leaders that have invited to discuss the future of our planet and life in general. Anouk is a charasmatic character who is also the master of disguises and mind trickery and he uses this in a way so that the world is able to forget the past and go and be free in the new golden age of awareness. Anouk is well travelled also and initially used his travels to become well connected but later discovered that he was travelling to create a network for his organisation called SECOPE. Anouk and Dan met whilst travelling and both of their visions matched and they rapidly developed their ideas into our reality, their mission was to achieve global enlightenment, they are both true leaders, the world is finally ready to trust and have faith in the idea of peace.
So Dan, lets return to what it originally was that made you wish yourself to become the most powerful being to have ever existed or ever exist?
"You could have put it a little more gracefully" he said to begin with before breaking into laughter.
"It's OK, I think I will manage to this as I answer the question. It was as much the desires and wishes of everything else in existence as it was my own desires and wishes".
There stood a pause...., it was accompanied with a look of truly deep concentration and full attention, his whole being radieted and suggested that he was going to say something, something that will matter.
"We are only here for one reason, everything in existence including all of us, has wished us to be here right now. We are each an externalised being, born through the entire collective wish. For me personally, I felt the world needed something powerful to happen, it could have been something negative. I decided the world needed something powerfully positive, something that would effect and successfully transform the lives of everyone and the environment, something that would take no prisinors in setting the world free from unnecessary suffering."
A startled audience starred with their eyes wide open waiting for him to continue.
For something powerful to happen then something or someone powerfull needs to create this powerful movement. I had consciously wished for things before in my own life, things that were in alignment with my needs at the time. I had always got the necissary things to fulill this wish. I began to focus on the bigger picture with a little more knowledge of how simple solutions can be. So, I consciously wished to be the most powerful being to ever exist so that I may carry out the most powerful transformation towards the benefit of all life".
There was a long focussed pause, there was a lot of emotion stirring in the air; I could feel the radiation of his love and gratitude, it was the strongest force I had ever felt and I knew everyone else could as well, it was almost like I could feel the goosebumbs of the entire world.
He was drawing a tremendous amount of love through something he referred to as "The abundantly infinite and the unimaginably awesome inspiration of limitless love, at least that is what he once told me I was feeling.
Sitting right next to him felt deeply healing, he put so much information of love into each moment, sometimes without even moving his lips, it was like being right at the centre of the universe, he was unbelievably magnetised.
I remembered back to when I first heard his name. I actually only overheard his name being mentioned but something in me just switched on. I also recollected that word about this man travelled far and fast with lightning speed, it actually took the world by surprise but I had met him on his journey before meeting Anouk. I remembered when I first met him some people would occassionally laugh and not take him seriously because of his excitable joy at the time, he never seemed to bother though and I realised when this happened his energy levels would raise as he sent piercing love into those who laughed, he went along with them in a very intellegently humourous way. Things have changed a lot for Dan, he always knew though, he learned quickly how cause a transformation within anyone. When Anouk appeared on the scene it was like whole world just woke up in unison with them.
Suddenly he began speaking again, snapping me out of my intense thought sequence.
" I will tell you exactly what you want to hear, that is the only reason I have been invited here, and the reason that yourself and everyone else, including myself, is present here. We want to experience something profound; something that will bring us greater enlightenment and insight into your own true self."
Although he was directing this towards the camera, the audience and the host I knew it was something he was directing this towards everyone. OK I thought, perhaps this is why I am, and why everyone is here. We all know how extremely accurate his every word resonates, like I said before, he makes every word count. His presence was constantly becoming more penetratingly powerful with each new moment; he seemed to be in a constant mindful meditation; he was very aware that each moment was the pinnacle of his existence and a moment was never wasted.
When ever there was a pause there was great learning, even the space between his words had as much power as his words, probably infinitely more power considering if what he is saying is true and has constantly proved to be true. Although I was extremely aware of his very deep spiritual nature he seemed mechanically crafted and precisely perfect in every word and action, I had to leave it down to my imagination about what he was thinking. You all need to keep in mind that I thought the whole idea of spirituality was all a load of nonsense before hearing about him, seeing him or meeting him for the first time. I got the feeling that he had been mentally preparing for our encounter his whole life and I would not be surprised if everyone did not feel the exact same way when they came to know him like I now know him; this alone instilled a great sense of honour and divinity within me. Everything he ever done was for me and everything in existence, just so we could all reach a higher understanding of what and who we really are and more importantly, what we are all capable of achieving through his wisdom and the examples he has set. I was beginning to understand and that made me feel extremely amazing, I wanted to know more. I wanted to consume the information that he was so freely giving away into and through all in existence. I began to believe that he was in fact, the most powerful being to have ever existed and I was more than happy about this. I think it could in theory have been anyone's wish for him to be this power-full and he claims that is exactly the case, only much deeper; he said it was the wish of everything in existence, to have ever existed and yet to exist.
His power is shared abundantly for all to know their own true power, so it makes sense that he is who he is and I am who I am. He said that it is giving that we are enabled to recieve, so you must first give and direct your thoughts and concerns towards others, you drop all judjements, focus on the benefit of everything in existence and then allow everything you need to carry out this task to be received. I also remembered him saying that what you see and focus on in others is what you become, he taught me how to see everyone at their highest vibration, then how to send love to them as they speak by listening carefully, then sending them more love as one provides insight into how the thought patterns that lead to suffering can be transformed. He was a prime example of how this can be done but I seen the proccess grow through him and as I seen this in him it happened to me also.
The silence was far from uncomfortable, in fact it was far far more comfortable than I could have ever possibly imagined, yet, when he spoke it seemed to be perfectly timed and in harmony with the very essence of my being. He effortlessly took me far beyond anything I could have ever imagined; my perception was instantly transformed beyond all dimensional realities in a clear and simple way. I began to understand what he meant about it being my wish for his existence, and the wish of all that is - but I also began to understand this to be true for myself and others, the very fact that I was near him as he was growing in power helped me grow in power.
He never said a word for quite some time, he just sat peacefully with a smile that seemed infinitely big. That was when I thought I began to really understand the significance of him being here but somehow it always managed to escape any notion I previously had. He was teaching me about my true self and everything in which I was, by being the embodiment of just that, a living example. I remembered him speaking to me in a previous encounter, months and months ago, but not in physical form. I somehow had no recollection of this encounter until now, this very precise moment. I knew him very well, far before I met him or had this said experience, perhaps even way before he was born into his present form, he is after all only half my age. How could this be?