Texas' Roswell - 1897, Aurora [1]
GFP Note: The Aurora, Texas, UFO incident reportedly occurred on April 17, 1897 when a UFO crashed, killing the pilot. The body is reportedly buried in an unmarked grave at the local cemetery. For more information on this incident, visit Wikipedia.org [2] or search Google.
A Texas Historical Commission marker outside the Aurora Cemetery, alleged burial site of the UFO pilot, which briefly mentions the incident. Source: TexasEscapes.com [3]
UFO Files Texas' Roswell
Published on Jul 23, 2012 by spacechannel100 [4]·68 videos [5]
The Aurora, Texas Crash of 1897
For reasons unknown, the Aurora Cemetery Association fought the attempts to exhume the alleged alien body. They were successful, and the dead alien's remains stayed a mystery.
The town of Aurora still shows traces of Military intervention today, and the question must be asked, "Why would the U. S. Military be in the town of Aurora?"
More: UFO Casebook [6]
Can a space alien rest in peace?
Chron.com - EYDER PERALTA, Copyright 2007 Houston Chronicle | February 28, 2007
I ask an old man at Tater Junction whether he believes the story.
"It would surely be a shame if the good Lord made just this one little planet," he says.
More: Chron.com [7]
- Freedom Project [10]