"Public gets Free TV with no monthly bills" [1]
Greetings Dear G.F.P. Family!
Today, my friend showed me an article in the July 18th USA Today newspaper that said "Public gets Free TV with no monthly bills". The article was set as a 1 full front page, with a large picture in the middle showing a spokesman from "CompTek" standing at a podium with is hands held high. In a nutshell, this is what they're saying:
"Federal law makes TV network giants broadcast Free TV signals regionally in crystal clear digital picture in all 50 states allowing U.S. households to pull in Free TV with a sleek $49 micro antenna device engineered to pull in nothing but Free TV channels with no cable, satellite or internet connection and no monthly bills."
Then it goes to say: "Who Gets Free TV: Listed below are the U.S. zip codes that can get Free over the air TV channels. If you find the first two digits of your zip code immediately call: 1-877-287-4230".
So, what does this mean??? Are the new technologies filtering in as predicted by our star family, or is it a new ploy from the Illuminati, or what? I did a little research on this and found out that what looks like a huge break-through was nothing but an advertisement to sell this "sleek $49 micro antenna"!
What an excellent ad! The picture in the middle of the advertisement shows a spokesman standing at a podium with his hands held high, while in the back ground showed 8 different t.v. stations, and stars, (like on our flag). Evidently, they were going for the "patriotic" effect.
This is how it goes: You have 48 hours to either call that number, or respond via www.clear-cast.com. [2] Those who respond within the 48 hours will receive the antenna for $49, whereas those who do not respond will have to pay the normal price of $98. The zip code list was extensive, and it covered a large portion of the U.S. (My location included.)
This ad hit a wide variety of newspapers, and people all over the U.S. are eating it up! They say that the phones are ringing off the hook. However, what they don't tell you is that the antenna must be set up on a window sill, and most likely you won't receive all the stations that you used to get, but it's possible to receive "different" stations that you've never heard of or seen before. I also found that there are some people who are NOT happy with this new antenna and it's set-up, with having to set it up on the window sill being the biggest gripe.
Is it "new technology" that's been suppressed, though? You know, I don't know. Seems surreal that something like this would come out at this time frame, when predicted that the times are changing for the better soon.
What caught my eye about this article in the USA Today paper? It was located on page 7C in the "sports" section, and in very little print right above the headline saying "special advertising feature". All I can say is that whoever had this idea was pretty slippery, don't ya think? They are making A LOT of money!!!
With Love and Light,