Incredible Healing: Woman Uses Marijuana to Overcome Lyme Disease [1]
What do you do when you’re sick and everything you’ve been told about proper treatment was wrong? What would you do if, in the interest of feeling “okay”, you let your doctor pump you full of medications, all for naught? Like most people who have been through fruitless medical treatments, Lyme disease sufferer Shelley M. White, got fed up and started researching for herself [2]. What she found out about her Lyme disease and potential treatments changed her life.
Shelley found a tick behind her ear at the age of 14. Seven years later, after a variety of health problems, she was diagnosed with Lyme disease, Mycoplasma, Bartonella, Lupus, and Babesia. She had multiple seizures every single day and was put through the ringer with conventional medical treatments. It wasn’t until she tried treating her symptoms with marijuana that she found relief.