Hello Beautiful,READY FOR A RE-SET? Meredith Murphy [1]
This Hybrid Eclipse/New Moon Sunday, Nov.3 which takes place at pre-dawn-ish hours here in the City of Angels (California) will ripple through our world for a long while and provide some powerful momentum, along with other planets in our galaxy providing some amazingly poetic supporting energy.
All of which makes October and November of this year, huge opportunities for transformation,
The transmission of energies from the Great Central Sun to our Sun, have been ongoing of late, and New Codes of Creation will be given in a flash.
Transmitted in the wake of this re-set created by the Eclipse, in this brief yet clear opening.
The planets in our galaxy are sentient, as we are, and all participating in this evolutionary momentum in which we too are powerful players.
Inspiration and illumination are available in abundance during these amazing days of clearing, spaciousness and new potential.
Tune in and tap into all you feel would serve you in creating your vision of LOVE.
After reading many insights and perspectives on this Eclipse/New Moon, what strikes me as most amazing is the potential it offers to really eclipse the past, permanently
- Light Family [2]