Nesting, Ariel's Moxie, and Her History Of Gaia [1]
You might not 'get' the significance of the title; I will explain it to you. One, there are some pretty funky energy shifts going on in me, as in 'full-term', 'ready to give birth in spirit' energy changes I believe are related to The Event. Two, Ariel De Angeles has some pretty amazing blogs that 'went by' the last few weeks, and I have put them together for you in one place. Her 'Moxie' series speaks to the Highly Advanced Lightworkers like she is, I am, and possibly you are too. The last four links are amazing, channeled from Archangel Metatron history of 'things Gaia' and are a must read. You will be glad--if you like Galactic Free Press, you are going to be in for a treat when you find what 'intel' is shared there. Click here for everything: [2]