SaLuSa 19. 11. 2013 by MADAD~ Are You ready? [1]
Are you ready to be immersed into deeper feeling of Love that will immediately surround your being when you step into your higher reality. This Love energy is changing you now, and the more you let it in the more you will be attracted to your new experiences. Letting in Love means to look at yourself the way you truly are and accept all that is creating whole being with understanding that the love for yourself and others is giving you. Every part of your body, every memory and thought are creating unity with your Soul, your consciousness that have wished for the physical form and situations to experience during this life to perfectly lead you into the point of where you are now. This Love is giving you deeper insight of your experiences and gaining more wisdom of them and when this understanding comes, you can let the though experiences with corresponding memories and thoughts let go and free yourself completely for The New.
Feel how the energy of the word “New” resonates within you. Many of you have experienced higher realities before, but never experienced or never attached your consciousness to this kind of Ascension, so you all feel immense attraction towards living it all through. Everything new is always creating such attraction for all of us, as we know that it always brings us more wisdom and knowing that we would not reach without deeply and completely experience our choices. These last moments of living only within old reality are here for you to do this and ponder on those choices that are still somehow holding on within your mind and finally let them go with great understanding that you are now all capable of. Sense the freedom that is following closely after, and we know that you no longer will save this work for later time. We know that lower vibration experiences are sometimes very harsh and have created strong feelings of sadness and many other feelings that are denying presence of Love, but we are always with you and sending you so very much Love to make you even stronger for turning all of your experiences into wisdom.
With your final clearing also Mother Earth is ready to let go of the lower vibration energy from her body and this way she will greatly support your movement in your higher reality. She also feels the energy rising from within and it is being experienced on the surface, and we see her body glowing with wonderful pure Light of your joined Love. Feel the Oneness with her, because she will be part of your reality until you all will feel it is time for you to move somewhere else and for her to welcome other Souls for shared new experiences.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and wish that you all experience peaceful state of mind, because your heart is now speaking to all of you and is giving you the needed information for your movement higher. Do ask your heart because it is the best source of answers, as there is everything you need to know at this moment, and the amount of information is rapidly increasing so perfectly aligned with the speed that you walk or run towards The New.
Channeller: MADAD
Webpage: SaLuSa in Love and Light [3]
- Light Family [4]