~Desert & Odilove~ Reading for December 12, 2013 [1]
Angel Card Reading With Desert Gypsy
I call in the Light!
I call in the Angels and Archangels for assistance.
I connect with the crystalline core of Gaia and the great central sun.
I ask for a message that is of the highest benefit to humanity at this time.
In this wondrous time of illumination, the angels ask us to set intentions for the highest good of all. Keep your thoughts positive and let love flow through you. It is a great time of spiritual growth for all as we ascend to higher vibrations than we have previously know. Seek out friendships with others of similar vibrations as you go.
Continue to pay attention to healthy diet, exercise, and obtaining enough rest to allow these new downloads to integrate into the physical body. Notice the physical thoughts and feelings that recur for you throughout the day, as these signal divine guidance. Also, be sure to share your newfound knowledge and light with others. Don't be shy!
Mother Mary comes through with the feminine energies this day reminding us to nurture ourselves. Do the things that make you feel love. Love yourself unconditionally!
Pendulum Reading with Odilove
Love floods the planet bringing in a lightshow with melodies, stay tuned!
Wishing you all much love and many happy miracles in your lives!
Earth Allies Odilove and Desert Gypsy
Tune into Soaring With Spirit on Fridays at 10 am PST at http://tinychat.com/galacticpress [2] for individual readings.
Healing With the Angels Oracle Card Decks by Doreen Virtue