Expect the Unexpected ~ 12:12 Energies [1]
A Special Edition of New Earth Frequency Update ~ Unified Whole Command of Oneness reflects on the energies of 12:12 ~
Due to the changes that we are experiencing in December 2012, we would like to share some vibrational energies to help create an understanding within the physical mind. We are the Unified Whole representing the Source of Creation from the 144th dimension.
We come today as a group consciousness so to speak as we want each of you to sit and breathe deeply by allowing your Higher Essence to come into your physical being. Do not read the words without perceiving the energies. We do this for one reason: 12:12 is not about understanding the process but going through the doorway without an expectations.
Due to the advancement of your world there is so much information available for each individual soul. It is for this reason that we want you to feel our essence which in truth is your essence as We are One. If you can have that experience, then the resulting moment will be acceptance, because you will not receive all of this information we share. You will bring into yourself the aspects of your Self that are awaiting to be acknowledged.
This is exactly what 12:12 represents to each individual soul. As you progress upon your spiritual pathway, there are times in many moments when reflection is needed in order to receive more. On a cosmic level the energies are shifting dramatically and Earth is the focal point of these creative energies to be infused within her existence. Within the creation of Earth there is each of you. The human beings that have chosen to arrive to assist the planet. Bur first, the assistance, must come to each of you in your physical self as you are like the child relearning everything that you already know. We know it can be frustrating but we are here to assist.
Physicality is an element of existence that is perceived as the ultimate challenge of acceleration. Humans have the ability to be many things, but yet they can persist to resist what they truly know to be true. Each of you as lightworkers have stepped away from that arena and are standing at the forefront of a new world. But yet some of you still perceive life from a cosmic experience without the infraction of the physical body. Some expect to be taken care of and when an acceleration occurs, you may think that the frequencies of light will whisk away all that is not good in your reality. Remember, one thing: you chose to be on this Earth to give service and in return you would receive the highest elevation of light that your body could hold. But you would have to ground it into a foundation and it may take quite a long time due to the past timelines in all levels of dimensions you have experienced. The energy would be given to you but you must be RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SELF.
We mention these words because it is important to realize that there are so many elements still inflicting upon your planet and this is why these changes happen for acceleration. As you are accelerated, you will accelerate others. It is part of the process. As each of us stepped into Unity Consciousness, others followed including Planet Earth. But yet, when you step into that consciousness, it is not immediately rectified. Steps then need to be taken to rid the previously lower energies out of the consciousness. Each of us experienced this element and each of you are experiencing it also. In order to be in wholeness we first must look at the separate parts.
So now that brings us to the element of acceleration and 12:12:13. Yes, this year has proved to be tremendously life changing to each of you. You have stepped into the world of removing elements that do not fit your purpose in order to receive more. We are so happy to see so many experiencing the effects of the planetary accelerations. It makes us look at the entire process from the Harmonic Convergence in 1987 until now to see how powerful and wonderful the experience has been for so many. Gaia is learning to heal just as each of you are so it brings us great joy to see how well it is going for so many. For some, it is much more difficult and they will be unable to accept the changes that need to occur; but yet, each of you as an initiate are the pride and joy of all ascended masters. There is hope for a new world to evolve which still will take some time.
12:12 represents another doorway of light. You have created a new foundation every time you experienced an acceleration. It is important to stabilize the energies presently as this month of December at the end of the year is magnificent and will be a vision within you to see the depth of your soul. Many will feel high energies within them through the process and many will accept more of their Light Body. We caution you though that you must ground everything that is occurring for you and not to hold onto any of the energies as that is not for you as an individual but to share it with Gaia and others around you.
Experiences are happening everywhere within the planet. Many of them you are not hearing about; sometimes you only see the ones that are devastating. All of this is in balance and part of the transformative process that is necessary.
During this phase it is important to have the realization of No Expectations. It is when you try to perceive what is about to happen that you dislodge any future accelerations that will occur not to happen. That is when you put your physical mind, the lower mind in place and then the expectation cannot be accepted due to the lack of integration of your Higher Self. Many of you are still struggling with the essence of your higher self to be fully integrated. Please do not worry about this element. Remember you probably have 500 or more timelines that you are healing through and each acceleration is helping you to do so.
What we want for you at this time is full acceptance of the energies. Balance yourself by feeling the foundation that you have created. This is the best advice we can give. Anything less than that will cause the foundation to crack and possibly put you back a few notches. When you have a strong base to stand upon, nothing can upset you. That is when you can receive more.
These energies that are coming in are to help humanity be more to each other. So let’s start with the Self first and fully embrace the light and love that your higher consciousness is giving to you. It will help you through the end of the year and into 2014.
It is our desire to always walk with each of you within this frequency.
We come to you with the Commanding energies of the Unified Whole, Master Thoth, Great Divine Director, Master Einstein, Archangel Metatron and Michael, Lord Melchizedek and the entire God Force.
Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee
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