This Senator Has A Lot To Say About Gaza, And We Should All Listen [1]
Meet Senator David Norris. Norris is an academic and civil rights activist from Ireland. Norris has been raising hell in Ireland for decades, having been credited with successes like eliminating the anti-homosexuality law that was on the books back in 1988 after fighting it for 14 years.
This video of him popped up on the web recently and has been getting a lot of play time. In this video, he condemns Israel for their aggression in Gaza, saying that they’re simply using the holocaust as a means to perpetrate their own.
From the video:
“Israel is afraid of Palestinian unity, that’s what all this is about. It has nothing to do with the murder of Israeli children, the Israelis knew that Hamas had nothing to do with it before this war started. With regards to Hamas, Israel created Hamas in order to split Fatah, so they’re responsible for Fatah, and I have that confirmed in the highest level in the foreign ministry in Jerusalem...