Russell Brand: $4 billion spent on elections, but feeding the homeless is illegal [1]
Russell Brand weighed in on the recent controversy [2] surrounding the arrest of a 90-year-old Fort Lauderdale, Florida man whose only crime was violating a new city ordinance against feeding the homeless.
“He couldn’t look any more like an adorable old man, could he?” Brand began. “And yet he’s being ushered away by the police.”
“These values now aren’t the preserve of extreme activists, loonies in Anonymous masks tipping over police vans — they’re the values of elderly old war veteran men, because the values we’re talking about are just compassion and fairness.”
“There’s a prevailing idea,” he continued, “that there’s something ethically wrong with being poor, and that America’s run according to Christian values. But when people are practicing genuine Christian values, they themselves are directly prosecuted.”