How to Stop Chasing Happiness and Start Experiencing It In Your Everyday Life [1]
HJ: Experiencing lasting happiness requires you to be ok with not being happy in every moment. Happiness comes as the result of acceptance and letting go of what we think should be happening or what we think we want to be happening in favor of what is actually happening. The surest way to create energetic blockages in the mind and body is to resist whatever emotions you are experiencing in the moment.
Emotions are like clouds. They come and go and evaporate very quickly. It is only when we resist them or try and hold on to them after they have passed that problems being to arise. The great irony is that as we accept what life is giving us in the moment, fear, frustration, anger, resentment, whatever… happiness eventually returns. Perhaps a state even better than happiness, which is contentment and ease, as Sangeeta explains below in her wonderfully insightful article.
- Truth
“I must be happy. All the time.” – Is That True?
By Sangeeta Bhagwat | Serene Reflections [2]