“I must be happy. All the time.” – Is That True? [1]
This post may disturb those inclined towards compulsive positive thinking. But it is likely to provide much needed relief to those who feel stretched and pressured by this kind of an expectation. For myself, I have found that calling a spade a spade (and a rose a rose!) brings immense ease. So much of our energy is spent in denial and suppression of our thoughts and feelings. This very avoidance keeps alive and persistent that which we wish to run from. As also the consequent self- judgment and perpetual exhaustion. For when we cannot control what we experience, we end up feeling inadequate and helpless.
Long ago, I read a definition of suffering that made complete sense to me:
“Suffering = Pain * Resistance”
It was credited to Shinzen Young and I am most grateful for this useful gem of a reminder.