5 Ways to Rewire Your Brain for Positive Change [1]

It’s so simple. Everything we want is just a step beyond our comfort zone. So why are our feet so glued?
Because making decisions in the face of the unknown is paralyzing, even if our current situation is awful, we prefer the comfort of familiarity.
When the first plane hit the North Tower on September 11, Marissa Panigrosso who worked on the 98th floor of the South Tower didn’t hesitate, not even taking her purse, she made her way down all those stairs.
The impact from the North Tower knocked Marissa [2] out of her chair, and the heat through her window was like a furnace. Yet many colleagues remained in their seat, and even returned to meetings.
Behavioral psychologists [2] call it “negative panic.” When faced with an unfamiliar or harmful situation, the brain struggles to process the unknown; it goes into mental freeze.
So, just when you’re about to take that step toward your new dreams and goals, the uncharted territory brings on negative panic, your brain freezes, and your feet are glued.
- The Utopian Life [4]