Breaking Through Personal Limits with Conscious Self-Actualisation Groups [1]
By Caroline Diana Bobart
Guest Writer for Wake Up World
There is a mysterious element of order and wisdom that underpins the consciousness and energy of a group that gathers in sacred space.
Often those who are part of such a group will refer to this unseen order and wisdom as “the hand of God”. Another equally valid way to look at it is as a powerful all-knowing force that is unleashed when ‘two or more are gathered’. This universal truth speaks directly to the force that rises as you step away from ego into sacred agreement with others, so the best outcomes possible can come into being.
Of course, when you enter into a group agreement, depending on the nature and purpose of the group, there can be varying degrees of consciousness on the part of the person (if any) leading that group. Of all the types of groups that exist – political, cultural, ethnic, humanitarian, charitable, volunteer, business – this observation relates most closely to conscious ‘self-actualisation’ groups.
- Wake Up World [3]