Infinite Beings Don’t Wear Labels [1]
Stephen Parato, Contributor
Waking Times [3]
“Never belong to a crowd; Never belong to a nation; Never belong to a religion; Never belong to a race. Belong to the whole existence. Why limit yourself to small things? When the whole is available.” – Osho
That quote is the solution to nearly every conflict on Planet Earth.
A being who does not relegate themselves to a label is free. A being who does not identify with a label cannot be manipulated by external forces.
The tactic of divide and conquer has long been used to manipulate humanity. And it will continue until we stop attaching our identity to labels. Separation is an illusion (quantum entanglement is proof of this). When you see that everything is connected; when you see everyone as an aspect of yourself, how can you possibly cause harm to someone?
- Waking Times [4]