Living The Grand Dream [1]
By Nanice Ellis [2]
Guest Writer for Wake Up World [3]
Live your dreams “they” say, but how can you fully live your dreams when most of your time goes to financially supporting yourself and your family? Many people say that their dreams don’t pay the bills and they have no choice but to work 9 to 5, in order to put food on the table and a roof over their heads. When you have to spend 40 hours or more a week working so that you can eat and have a place to live, there is no time to live your dreams. Sometimes there is not even enough time to dream. Something is wrong with this picture.
Although most of us have been convinced that “this is just the way it is”, this way of life is not natural and certainly not spiritually, emotionally or physically healthy or conducive to well-being. Working to support your life instead of allowing life to support you is out of whack with the natural order of how life truly works.
- Wake Up World [4]