New rules apply. Energy streaming from the heart of the galaxy, solar flares and the upcoming solstice on June 21 spurs on planetary and human evolution. If you pay any attention to the news, you cannot have missed the recent geological events. The tremendous 7.9 earthquake in Nepal shifted Mount Everest to the southwest and was followed by a 6.6 earthquake two weeks later. Recently in a 48 hour period, there were earthquakes up and down the West Coast of the United States, possibly due to an erupting underwater volcano off the coast of Oregon. There was a 7.0 quake off the coast of Alaska, a 7.8 off the coast of Japan and a 7.4 off the coast of Papua New Guinea. Seismologists agree that the number of earthquakes has soared and their intensity has dramatically increased. Two new volcanic islands have appeared in the Red Sea and there are 130 active volcanoes in Indonesia. Can you imagine? The ring of fire in the Pacific is reacting to the energies coming into the planet. The activity is unprecedented.
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