~Walking The Path of Love in 2012~ [1]
Walking The Path of Love in 2012
by Peter Melchizedek [2]
Peter – 16th January, 2012
Dear God I Am of Holy Incorruptible Matter, of Infinite Speed, from my Heart and in the deepest gratitude for the Divine Love and Light in my life, I wish to call upon my Christed Over Self of the Light to share with me some guidance or inspiration for the coming year of 2012 so that it may offer me and those who may read and feel it, some insight to its importance to Walk upon the Path of Love.
As the Peace gathers around you, Know that We Are Here. And so We begin this communiqué with the message of Peace, for this Dear One and All shall be your greatest ally as you transit and traverse through this most auspicious year of change. For many, this year shall bring great challenges that will ignite memories of the past and this alone shall require due diligent consideration and attention on each individual’s part. 2012 shall be a year of many crossroads that nearly all who walk here will be asked to face and choose what path to continue upon, if any?
There will be many levels of such potentials at each juncture of meeting the Self there, but in each one, no matter who you are or where you, no matter how much you know or how little, how educated or uneducated, no matter if you are an active soul or an inactive one, Peace will be what shall guide you through it, in the easiest, most harmonious and miraculous of ways. The Energies of Divine Love and Truth will guide, support and nurture the people of this amazing planet, so that by the end of this year, brand new perspectives will have been grounded within the Hearts and Minds of men, women and children! 2012 will be a year that the people will become even more aware of their own abilities, gifts and indeed their Humane Rights and Human Rights, to be free on every level, both individually and en masse.
Those whom have stood over you for so long are now beginning their falls from their own self aggrandizements, their powers of control, manipulation and greed, all these are most abruptly coming to an end for them and their kind. The people of this Earth are now just beginning to realise they actually do have a voice and when they stand together as One, unified with the same core essence in Love, all they have to do to turn the cards away from control, is to say “No, my heart does not align to this any more, sorry I do not agree and therefore I say NO!!” All you need to do then is simply to turn your back upon that which you no longer agree with and no longer give it your energy. If human beings only knew how powerful this statement is, stated from a place of Self Empowerment from the Heart within, without judgement or criticism, there would be no more demonstrations of the like you have seen during 2011.
We inform you that when these realizations occur and acted upon, there are already in place, in every field of mankind’s life, those people that will step in and activate the desired Shifts of Consciousness of the People and for the People! It may not happen overnight as some situations and circumstances due to their complexities, will take several generations, but know that the potentials are immanent for the Greatest Good of Everyone Concerned. All is appropriate and timely during this year, for the planets and the stars and the Cosmos support and align all matters of human consciousness to God and as such humanity is now realising to a much greater degree their connections to the planets and stars and the Cosmos along with the Creative Forces that they themselves represent here on Earth.
2012 shall be a time to share your experiences of all kinds in Love with others. One to one, in small groups or large groups, it matters not, this year will energetically encourage individual and mass healings within humanity and the planet. Interaction with others through Faith, Trust and Willingness to share, shall leave no stone unturned to find yourself firmly upon the Path of Love that connects to Source. You will never know how your story may change another person's life. It shall matter not who you share with or what you share about, for the Laws of Attraction shall bring those to you that resonate energetically with you, there shall be no coincidences. We wish you to know this also. That all imbalanced memories are now being activated and recalled by the Higher Aspects of Self and these callings are for the purpose of release and making whole again, raising their vibrational field into the higher realms of Love and Grace.
This means All memories, this and past lives, ancestral, genetic, hereditary and more, call them fragments of Self if you like, but it is the true beginning of becoming Whole to embody the Christos Energies. The energies of this Earth can and will no longer support those old memories that reside or were founded within the old paradigms of fear and judgement. Those energies Dear Hearts have now lost their strength to hold the people in controlled cycles of bondage, slavery and manipulation any longer. This year will offer many opportunities to clear the way for greater awareness and re-Union with Self.
We could repeat much of our last year’s message for 2011, which We entitled “Scramblings of Insecurity” and many of the points raised then are relevant still, but for those who do make the conscious choices to step up to the block and jump into the challenges, then the insecurity’s shall indeed fade into the abyss of “powerlessness” and Peace shall fill its place Empowering Love, Wisdom and Power within. (For anyone who wishes to read that communiqué, here is the link or if you are reading from my blog site, see the blog Scramblings of Insecurity by scrolling down:)
We would highly enHearten and counsel you to spend more time in nature and in communication with nature, for it can never be expressed more ardently or fervently, that your future shall depend entirely upon your connections with the Elemental and Nature Kingdoms. We wish you Peter, to continue your present endeavour with the Elemental Grace Alliance and not be discouraged again by the lack of response or the support of others, for your support shall be the Elementals and Nature Kingdoms Themselves, They will lead you and They will show you sights and give you experiences that you have never had nor could ever have imagined from the old paradigm of beliefs, misperceptions and misgivings. In addressing this We say that the sharing of one’s experiences with the Nature Realms shall open Hearts quicker than any other form of healing here on the planet.
They shall be the Key for New Knowledge and Wisdom that will finally shine New Light of Awareness unto mankind. So share your stories, offer your truths, be the Shinning Star you came to be, become the Leader by Example you are and have always been, We say to come, come out of hiding Dear One, you have and are too much to hide!! In 2012 mankind will once again understand that the Elemental and Nature Kingdoms actually make your existence here on Earth possible. This will in itself give humanity new hope, New Life! It may seem a dream away for you, but Dear Soul, “What Dreams May Come!” as in the film by the same name. If one does not dream, how can one create! Some of the greatest creations known to mankind came from a single thought form or dream.
All of Creation is manifested by the Elemental and Nature Kingdoms. The imagination of a single individual soul, who dared to be different, can change the world as you know it. So We say, continue to be different, each one! Then make your connections with Nature and see what potentials really are possible. So Dear Beings of the Light, Your Soul and Spirit challenges each one of you to be different. God does not challenge you for He/She loves you no matter what you do. You can come back a million times and God's Love will never change! But Soul and Spirit will challenge you to step outside of your comfort zones and lead you to understand the concept that you have a vital part to play within the transmuation, transformation and transfiguration of the Energies of 2012, else you would not be here! Do not see the catastrophes others may believe in, for you have the power to change such beliefs, if enough of you say “No! that does not align with my Heart Centre!” then gently and in Peace turn your back and then see and believe and give your attention and energies to that which will save and improve lives.
Uplift lives to new heights and give Life Itself to the new and exciting adventures of your evolutionary growth and realization in Love and Truth. Those whom wish to control you will soon get the message, They have already got the message!!!! No matter what the imbalances that are presented to any of you, whether it be, government, religion, economics, food production, health and wellbeing, community, mining or the manufacturing industries, remember people have the Power to change the world and human consciousness en masse of the world. The People know what resonates within their hearts and from now on the Energies that will continue to outpour from God to you and the planet will support the People to ground the changes throughout this world for the Highest Good of All Concerned. Do not, and We repeat do not give your power to anyone else outside yourself to do it for you! If you do this then you shall be bitterly disappointed and Peace will not be yours to keep!
You are the drop of water that makes the creek, that makes the river, that makes the sea that unites in the Grandness of All the Ocean of Life! The ocean of consciousness that shall anchor all the new potentials for each Child of God! It is time Dear Ones to come out of hiding, live your lives like you have always imagined, share your dreams and aspirations, take the routes less travelled, stand up and be counted in LOVE! This year, 2012 will encourage you to move forward, away from old patterns and programs at their deepest cores and causes and they will seem to take place in huge and gigantic steps, more than ever before. However, when taken in small steps, one thought at a time, one word and one action at a time, the feelings of Peace that arrive within the New, will become MONUMENTOUS, EXTRAORIDINARY, EMPOWERING AND FULFILLING! In fact SUPERCALORIFICEXPIALIDOCUS! (YOU'D BETTER USE IT CAREFULLY OR IT COULD CHANGE YOUR LIFE.... AS THE LYRICS GO FOR THIS SONG!)
So we shall say that 2012 shall a MONUMENTUS ONE for all of mankind. History shall be rewritten, but it does start with each one of you and each of you MUST participate fully for without you the ONE remains incomplete! We in Spirit are all here to support each of you within these changes, so call Us when you need Us and We shall let you know We Are Here by amplifying Our Love for you, You WILL feel the Peace!!! In The Light and Love of God’s Grace All You Need Is LOVE! Think Oneness!
Thank you so much for these few words of encouragement. Can we summarize all that you have shared?
Love Peter
Indeed! In no order of priority for all are just as important as the other.
• Seek Peace at ALL costs
• Find the Stillness and Silence within you where your Inner Voice can speak of Love
• Think, Speak and Act in Love from the Heart
• Do not judge or criticise anyone or anything for ANY reason
• Give Love and Gratitude for everyone and everything in your life, no matter how awful or how dire they or it may seem. They come with a gift you require to grow
• Think, Speak and Act outside the square you have been living in
• Create and offer Random Acts of Kindness
• Recognise your challenges are in fact great gifts in the conquering
• Share your experiences with others, they have the GREAT power to heal
• Get as much sleep and rest as possible
• Do not try to do anything, trying will only activate resistance
• Gather in the name of Divine Love and Divine Truth
• Make choices with your feelings from the Heart Centre
• Ask Spirit or God for help or guidance when needed
• See only that which you believe to be True!
• See God in every single person no matter how dim the Light may seem!
• See only the best in people, it may be the best you see in them that allows them to open the VERY best in you
• Do not accept the reality of negativity, no matter what form it may come.
• Do things that you have never done before, EVER! Dare to Risk!
• Challenge Fear – call your fears in and envelop them in Divine LOVE and walk through them.
• Stand up in the Name of Freedom and Power to the People!
• Do not expect others to do it for you! They won't, they can't!
• Face all challenges with the Knowing that you hold the Power to rise above them
• If you feel it, get on and do it! Always follow your Heart no matter what!
• Speak your Truth
• Turn away from all that no longer serves you
• Learn to Be Your Self!
• Spend time in Nature and open the avenues to communicate with Them
• Open to the potentials of Spirit, the Elemental and Nature Kingdoms
• Create a desire to dialogue with your High Self, Guardian Angels, Spirit and God and then create the space to do so!
• Forget everything you have ever learned
• Trust in the process and find understanding through Peace.
• Only do what makes you happy, what makes your heart sing! We remain In Love and Joy And So It Is!
Thank you, I Am Grateful Peter