Feel Like You're Losing Your Mind? ~ by Ornesha De Paoli [1]
Feel Like You're Losing Your Mind? [2]
26 February 2012
by Galactic Love Reporter Orneaha De Paoli [3]For the purposes of understanding why our memories may not be functioning the way they used to, and to help halt the worries that are surfacing of Alzheimer’s setting in, I want to share a little about the side-effects of balancing, neutralizing or clearing old dense emotions out of the body.
Normally and up to this point, the information that has been received by us from an event or experience has been taken in and retained in two ways. One of them is through the mind as we all are aware, and the other is through an emotional theoretical interpretation.
The mind, on one hand, does its job by taking in and storing information to be re-accessed later. It does this by re-firing the same neural pathways originally used in the experience to mentally re-create the experience for you.
While this is happening, the information is also coming in through the emotional state we were in at the time of the experience and then gets stored in the body’s cells, naturally charged with both positive and negative attributes. As a memory is re-accessed, there is both re-firing of the neural pathways along with the instant re-firing of the original emotional interpretation of the experience. In both cases the essence of the experience is extracted into one memory which is then used by us to make decisions and move forward in our lives.
Now however, and as a result of the emotional cleansing so many are in the process of, something new is happening. Many see and are accepting this process as just that…a process that each one of us must go through individually, through our selves, our lives and our experiences so that we may we understand that we are now and will continue to be our own best teachers. Therefore, as it becomes apparent that there is an emotional charge (or an emotional interpretation of an experience), it is also becoming recognized that there is an internal imbalance or held emotion asking to be released. So after it is seen and released, it then becomes basically neutralized of its polarities allowing that person to no longer act or respond through that emotional interpretation.
In doing this, the original emotional interpretation is removed and this creates a “side-effect”…a loss in the details of a memory…or maybe a blurring of the details of a memory. The reason this is happening from what I can see is that we’re literally cleaning out 50% of the original input when the emotions behind the experience become balanced. Or in other words, imbalanced emotions get release so that what is left over is simply the knowledge of the experience.
Energetically and within the body, that newly balanced space then becomes pure potential to be utilized by proceeding forward through the high heart without having to contend with imbalanced emotions clouding the path.
So all in all, it’s not so terrible to feel senile at times. Maybe much of what we’re “forgetting” is truly best forgotten…
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The Gathering
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