Suzanne Poulson Spooner ~ God & Gabriel ~ You Are No Longer Bound By Your Ego ~ 27 February 2012 [1]
Suzanne Poulson Spooner ~ God & Gabriel ~ You Are No Longer Bound By Your Ego ~ 27 February 2012
God & Gabriel
[Hello God & Gabriel.] Hello Suzy, we have a message we would like you to share with your readers. [I am happy to!]
We would like to relay to all reading this message that the aligning of the planets yesterday (2/26/12) was an opening of portals so that your frequencies and vibrations could institute the necessary planetary and personal changes for ascension. This is a universal decree and the alignment is now set to support you.
However you imagine your heart and mind opening, know that now you have access to love and joy in a most unprecedented amount. Life is now supported by a force-field of openness and assistance.
The intuitiveness that each of you possess is now rewired so that you can access your truth with greater ease. In your experience as a light-being, before you made the transition of an incarnate of third dimensional frequency, you instinctively knew how to tap this source of truth. In your awakening to your true High Self, you have cleared lifetimes of karma in preparation for this moment. Give yourself some time to assimilate this news.
You are no longer bound by your ego. For the first time, while being incarnate, you are truly capable of your greatness. Be in your heart, feel the many dimensions align with your energy and BE. You are the master of your life and its experience on this planet. Give yourself love and more love. [2]link to original article [3] / [4]