A Message To: The Galactic Federation Of Light...Welcome To Earth! [1]
Greetings To The Galactic Federation Of Light!
First, I just want to say, the meer thought of this message reaching you is way beyond thrilling for me.
It's been said that it's now time for Light workers to step up to the plate, and that WE, as a collective, are very powerful, and most likely more powerful than WE can possibly imagine. And, it's also been said that One person can make a difference, like ripples in a pond. Well, I'm here to manifest a WAVE. Since our governments won't welcome you, WE WILL!!!
I Am a Light worker and I write to tell you that I Am One of millions who desire to have you land on Earth's shores. So much so, that I created a petition that is NOT directed to our governments, but to you, the Galactic Federation Of LIght. WE wish to convey this message to you: Welcome to Earth! Humanity cordially invite you to land on Earth's shores. You are loved!
It's becoming quite obvious that our governments are hem-hawing where disclosure is concerned, so instead of trying to talk to those who refuse to listen, WE talk to you.
WE care about Gaia and all that resides on her, and WE care about our futures. WE realize that our governments hesitate to welcome you with open arms, but WE DON"T! WE are many, and WE are a large fraction of the 99% who want you here. So WE, who stand together (with or without our government's blessings) wish to invite you to land on Earth's shores and intervene on our behalf so as to assist Humanity and Gaia with our upcoming ascensions. WE, Humanity, feel it's time.
We look forward to seeing you soon! We Love you and are grateful.
With Love, Light, Peace and Great Anticipation.
(feel free to tell the GFL how you feel. Please comment below)