~ The Galactic Free Press ~ 2~28~12 ~Energy and Event Update~ Prepare for the Upcoming Changes~ We All Stand Up~ [1]
~ The Galactic Free Press~ Daily Update~ 2~28~12
~Bringing Humanity Home~
~Energy and Event Update~ Prepare for the Upcoming Changes~ We All Stand Up~
Greetings Love Beings, energy is on the Move preparing everyone for the Inevitable upcoming events that will assist In Humanity's Freedom from the shackles of illusion.
Artwork By Father God Amon Ra
We just zipped through one of the Most rarest Galactic Alignments as well, and Now this Incoming Energy is Preparing the Entire Planet and Humanity for the Anticipated changes. AS we end February of 2012 we can say a forever goodbye to the old, cause its all dissolving quickly now, so that We can Arrive on your shores. These upcoming events, will assist Humanity in Standing Up with US so that we can make this Happen.
Already as we have shared, Your Earth Allies are standing Tall and Firm Across the Planet, and are now at the forefront. We are Patiently waiting to make our move. All attempts to delay the inevitable have been thwarted. We stand ready as your Transitionary Government this will be required to Bring Humanity into where they can be Completely Free and Sovereign Galactic Beings. The transitionary Government will be a period of re~ uniting Humanity with The Truth, to Prepare everyone for Mother Earth's Destiny of a Starseed Nation. We intend a smooth transition. AS March Arrives we should see much Movement towards our Goals.
Currently, The Galactic Free Press, is Representing the Oneness Energy on Planet Earth=Heart. WE are Happy to Report that These Message's and The Press are gaining Momentum and this is a Very Good Sign. As more connect in with the Oneness Energy the faster we can bring in the much needed changes and relief from all that has occurred on this Planet for these last 13,000 Years.
Here is Predrag's Daily Event Update
~Here is a Short Article we wrote about these energies, in which we are adding to this Update~
Fractal By Will Harader
This energy we are bringing in, is now quickly dissolving the dream, all energy of atoms have been decreed to arrive right now into pure Love form. All that is not in the Frequency of Love and The Highest Possible Thought in Motion cannot manifest.All that can now occur is Love.
All of Humanity have been Called Home and if they have not picked up the telephone which will keep ringing until they answer, we suggest Now is a Good Moment!!! We Suggest dropping your dayplanners and giving them up for lent.
~The energy you are is connected to the Energy of Everywhere, it is all just consciousness. It has no Limits, edges, boundaries, the energy is all Interconnected, interwoven. The More of this Energy you are able to Embrace, the Grander your Experience of this is YOU.~
The Energies that are coming in are going to be moving you in more ways than one. You must be in Match with Your Vibrational Frequencies to the Space you are in, or else you will feel a lot of discomfort. AS the dream dissolves, WE as a Team of Light Together will BE Co~Creating in The New Reality. Each of you have Your own unique Aspect and mission as per your part of the Divine Plan and it will be up to you to fulfill this plan.
In Choosing Love and Light, You are being Called, and you will need to travel light. For In choosing Love, The responsibility is that You Let go of all nothing and You are Return to Spirit Form.
~If you can right NOW, get to the Understanding all is JUST Energy, you will move directly into Transforming the emotional and mental into Unified Passion to Experience your Natural State of Feelings~
~Humanity is moving into 5D, which means 5 times less dense in thought. Through this Experience they will be, as gently as possible, pulled out of their inertia with Complete Unconditional Love. Just Like a Bubble Floating to the Surface. Who is Humanity Really, but a Bubble of Spirit. Once We can Get them to 5D, then Humanity is going to have some Wonderful Choices.~
~End Transmission in All Love is, We are So In Love With Humanity~
If You Have Missed Our Last Update you can follow this Link http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/galactic-free-press-22712-energy-and-event-update-love-coming-lion-and-truth-spilling-out [4]
~Thank You for Keeping the Press Going~
WE are Now about 613$ from our Goal for this Month. with only 2 days remaining to make this goal! Thank You for SHARING and Keeping Us Going.
Total Love Shares for February 1387$
Funding Needs and Costs for Site and Team 2000$
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http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/donate [5]
~ Its Our honor to Be Here for Everyone of You Everyday, Humanity's Awakening is Our Greatest Joy, and Its our Pleasure to Be of Service~ Thank You for Sharing, to keep us in service everyday without any interruption~A Simple 5 or 10$ share adds up.
Last Press Release we recieved 4 Love shares.
~We are Here to Assist In Humanity's Complete Freedom into The Present Moment of NOW~
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Love Mother and Father God and The Entire Galactic Free Press Staff
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