EARTH ALLIES REPORT 29.2.12: today's feature: James Murdoch EXITS NEWSCORP... GOTCHA! ~ by AM Predrag/Saint Germain [1]
About three minutes ago, Newscorp announced that James Murdoch was ‘stepping down’ from all his roles within Newscorp.
More to follow…." [2]
"...“The crown prince has been sacrificed to appease the public horror at what is being revealed of the collusion, corruption and criminality of the Murdoch empire as it bought politicians and police indiscriminately.
“As at the end of Citizen Kane, the sight of a great media mogul losing it is full of pathos but the Murdoch reign is drawing unpeacefully to its end..."
So, what do you think?... we started this report on 2.2.12 about Murdoch' empire crumbling, not even dreaming that events unfold with such a speed, that in mere 28 days we have head of Newscorp and one of most influential and controlling individual over our main stream media... Yes, we have seeing him EXITING...
And this does not means that he will only loose his salary and bonuses, yet he may end up in jail, and fully disclose all the wrongdoings, all the profiteering over peoples tragedies and problems...
Yes, it is here... TRUTH is Here... and if you add WikiLeak's Julian Assange with his patient and steady postings that are arriving hourly... wow... I feel that lies are disappearing like a mist in the sunrise...
"...On February 27, 2012, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files, over five million e-mails from the private intelligence organization Stratfor, a US company based in Texas. Confidential emails obtained from the US private intelligence firm, Stratfor, reveal that the firm’s Sydney based watch officer, says he has connections with a friend of one of the Swedish women in the Assange case..." [5]
"...Confidential emails obtained from the US private intelligence firm Stratfor show that the United States Government has had a secret indictment against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange for more than 12 months.
Fred Burton, Stratfor’s Vice-President for Counterterrorism and Corporate Security, is a former Deputy Chief of the Department of State’s (DoS) counterterrorism division for the Diplomatic Security Service (DSS)..."
Or another one showing how far these agencies would go, and how scrupulous they were... pay attention WERE... [past tense...], as of how I feel their energies, they are in total horror what we, the people will do to them when all the TRUTH come on surface?...
What do you want to do to these people who simply believed that this was their right?... What else you can do to other who did not know any better?... How far your anger and revenge can go before start hearting you from within?... Did you consider that you were maybe Murdoch to someone else, simply by lying, deceiving, stealing or just being jealous and gossipy?...
What to do?... How to deal with this grand amounts of truth that will start flaring from every aspect of our controlling life?... Did you ever consider that they/you/me did not know better at that time, and that we simply learn not to respond to every negative impulse from outside... Maybe if we allow to see our own peace within, and allow to see our own Murdoch within and forgiving him/her for he did not know there is better, much better way of dealing with your own evil...
As story of awaken Humanity continue, and here are some more:
"...Meanwhile, the banks described constantly by Brussels as ultra-safe stole a record 530 billion Euros from SuperMario’s ECB, so great was their desire to lend to eurobusiness. The only problem being that, thus far, there’s zero evidence of so much as one centime being lent to business. Whatever can they be using this money for?..."
as ECB still buying bonds, and having Greece defaulting in the open, confirmed with all ranting agencies [i mean rateing...] waiting for dedline of March 23, 2012 where there will be no more Euro...
Now we have direct and open involvement of US Justice dept. against Euro banks turned from bad to very ugly... This is just a precursor of massive arrests based on criminal charges... wow... TRUTH is here... and TRUTH will bring US FREEDOM...
John Ward – Libor Probe : US Justice Dept. Turns It Into Criminal Investigation – 29 February 2012
"... What started out eleven months ago [9] as a commercial lawsuit against various European banks regarding alleged LIBOR rate manipulation has now turned into a criminal investigation by the US Justice Department. Banks thought to include Barclays Citigroup, HSBC , Royal Bank of Scotland and UBS are undergoing investigation at present..." [10]
and now some very probable [or may I say certain...] resignations, simply based on TRUTH pouring from WikiLeaks... [11]
"... Four days ago, it appeared to target Mr Bildt - Sweden’s prime minister from 1991 to 1994 and it Foreign Minister since 2006.
WikiLeaks’ “smear campaign” is aimed at stopping Sweden from deporting WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to the US to face possible espionage charges.
The first Bildt email came through early today, in a group of 200 emails released within an hour of WikiLeaks starting the dump..."
Or this one... Huh, I start feeling their sorrow and fear on their faces... Please, see for your self... Please, forgive them as well... As only forgiveness will bring your light to much higher grounds...
"... The four directors of Lombard Finance - including former cabinet ministers Sir Douglas Graham and William Jeffries - have been found guilty of making untrue statements in the company's offer documents.
Graham, Jeffries, Lawrence Bryant and Michael Reeves received the verdict in the High Court at Wellington this morning, and were remanded on bail until a hearing for sentencing on March 29.
"...I do not know under what circumstances these individuals have left their positions, I make no judgment on that. I just find the timing of so many resignations extremely curious and a bit of temporal marker in history of very high significance. No one should assume I make any judgment about the character of these people. I frankly don’t know their reputations except for a few rather famous ones. I don’t mind if you re-blog this listing, information wants to fly free, just do me a favor of including [13] and this header when you do so. Save yourself the wear and tear on your karma. Thanks Kauilapele for the heads up on the broken links..."
Some more extensive reading, and please do not believe what your read... feel it with your Heart... as this is not written against anyone, yet it is written for your information and truth knowing... [16]
Can you imagine world without these kind of stories... not because they will be hiden or never be told, but because they will never happen again... Can you imagine living in true abundance and having abundant TRUTH about everything... Can YOU PLEASE JUST IMAGINE...
With All my Love to deceivers and deceived, Predrag/Saint Germain
- Earth Allies Report [17]