The Time it's now.. [1]
The Time is NOW for the Butterfly of our soul to Fly absolutely FREE and Be completely Whole............ See Our NEW Earth NOW that Lives within You....... ((( FEEL ))) ALL as You from another point of view Within your Heart where we all connect into too. Bless All that their Highest Dreams may all come true! Forgive All NOW, for they know not what they do. RELEASE Fear to BE your real you that is so true! You are Loved beyond compare ..Your life is this very special moment, embrace it. Your divine right is to joyfulness of true prosperity in the full spirit of knowing who and what you really and truly are. Claim it with the power of your Heart. Dream your Highest Dreams and Passions and Let them Live within your Heart Now, as if SO. May the Light of all Divine truth and Divine Love expand throughout this planet and beyond in all dimensions to Fill, Bless and Free all Hearts and all Souls of all Life..We are alll one just only love it's the keyyyyyyyyyyyyy...stay follow your heart and look mutch in the sky,you will see so mutch beautyfulll magic things only you have the believe and not be afraid..Our famely from the Galactic Federation from the Light is here for show us the way to back home.. [2]
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