EARTH ALLIES REPORT 1.3.12: Death of Taxes?... or maybe something much bigger: FREEDOM... Freedom from DEATH AND TAXES... ~ by Predrag/Saint Germain [1]
Lets start with truly amazing story from Germany, where Anonymous Donor stuffed envelopes with 10,000 Euros during this weekend... and what is even more surprising, the Anonymous still continuing to gifting businesses that serve people... from Soup Kitchens to Daycares...
Even editor of local news is so excited saying: "...“Every editor dreams of such a story!” says Noske..."
I feel this is the most rewarding energy we can experience... True Gratitude with lot of love and joy... I can even feel joy of Anonymous donor who is still laughing thinking how tax office cannot even touch this money... and especially as it comes from completely anonymous source... And yet, he even did not ask for receipt for his personal tax return!?...
What?... He is not planning to pay taxes for 2012, because he does not care for receipts... She cares for energy that is generated all around the city, country and World with these simple acts of pure Gift from Heart, asking nothing in return... wow... [2]
"...All your life you have waited for the good news, and that day has finally come. Very soon you will witness large-scale mass arrests all over the world of many men and women who you have come to know as the world's political and financial leaders. These arrests will reach high into the U.S. Government and include many members of the financial and banking worlds. Many of these names you will immediately recognize, though some you may not immediately recognize, but all have actively taken part in serious crimes against the people, leaving our nations bankrupt why they looted our hard earned money...."
where in this beautiful article Greg Giles bringing simple actions that will create true tsunami of joy for all the family... when these news are wide spread, shared, and simply knowing that it will trigger everyone’s imagination and feeling that something grandiose is at our doorstep...
Two beautiful souls has crossed over, making so much empathy, so much space for Love and Compassion, so much nice remembrance that we are something much bigger that 9-5 slaves... These were leaders in their respective fields of loving work: one composing and singing some of most beautiful songs of this time.... and another greatest voice for peoples rights, and enormously courageous soul who dare to live for US all... In the public eye, with no mask on his face... Only TRUTH... ONLY TRUTH...
Truly honored that we lived in their times, and that they knew what does means to KNOW who YOU ARE... YOU WERE LIVING LOVE...
And they KNEW WHO THEY ARE... as they still know... Dear Andrew Breitbart, beloved Lucio Dalla thank you for opening the space for more LOVE and more COMPASSION... Thank you... [4]
"...The “outrage” in the business community never materialized–why? Because Businessmen and women are getting robbed blind of all of their profits and the fruit of their hard work by the very “banksters” the OWS protestors are complaining about. Instead, Businessmen and women are pouring cash into the movement’s coffers and supporting the political opposition.
The OWS protestors didn’t respond to the illegal, side-winding, venomous, lying, treasonous behavior of the “undercover” police (if indeed they actually WERE police) because they don’t have to. There are only approximately 1,000,000 cabalistas world-wide and their bought-off and terrorized minions don’t count. However, there are 6 Billion 999 million of us and an ever-growing percentage of that community is becoming fed up with the cabal’s shenanigans..."
Where this article truly shows the power of people, and that they/we are fully aware of who we are... The fake and fabricated news cannot buy 'them' not even a expired ticket for metro...
Give them chance, and they will come out fully in the open... They will ask for forgiveness, because they know now what they were doing... Conciseness of Love is here, for you as well for them... driving US all in the same direction of Oneness... in the direction of ONE GOD... GOD of Love for all...
And our ever-expanding list of resignations... So grateful dear American Kabuki...
With Love and no more Taxes, Predrag/Saint Germain