Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-03-2012... [1] not seen on the mainstreem media
by ANdReA
As We've said in the last Press Release, [2] Gaia is spreading Her Wings. Stay centered in your Heart! Let go all fears for everything is as it should be and as We told You would happen. And IT IS happening NOW.
We ARE in the shift Right NOW.
EveryOne who left this dimension is safe Home, where we're ALL leading to NOW.
As for today, we have to start from what happened during the last evening/night in the US:
3/2/2012 -- Tornado ALERT -- Severe outbreak -- Midwest, South, and East Coast
Ohio, Indiana, Tennessee, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, West Virginia, Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, and New england... TORNADOES are on the ground in each southern state heading east northeast towards the general direction of New York City, Washington DC and Richmond VA. Time to prepare is now ! Make sure loose items are stowed away -- and make sure personal property is protected... most important, you and your loved ones need to have the plan of action in place (IN CASE) severe weather hits your area. Use the links here to monitor the severe weather: [3]
3/2/2012 -- At LEAST 10 tornadoes on the ground !! East Coast / Mid Atlantic states ALERT ! [4]
3/2/2012 — Next storm forming out West — Mid-Atlantic States and South USA = Alert all night [5]
Record breaking!
The NWS has confirmed well over 50 tornado reports (separate).. right now at 545pm CST — there are over THIRTY (30) active TORNADO WARNINGS issued by the National Weather Service.. … these are WARNINGS … not just tornado watches… but actual confirmed tornadoes developing.
Multiple towns completely destroyed.. multiple F4 and F5 tornadoes plus hail, damaging winds and excessive lightning.
These storms are headed towards HUGE population centers like New York City (NYC) , Boston, Philadelphia — entire states from the South Coast of Georgia/Florida .. through South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Vermont, Connecticut, Delaware, Rhode Island, New York, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Washington DC, Maryland, and Maine. [6]
144-Several critically injured in Tennessee from tornadoes;Marysville,Indiana completely devastated
Posted by Mobile Tribune [7] on March 2, 2012 at 4:49pm
View Blog [8]
Critical injuries are being reported in the cities of Harrison and Oolteweh, Tennessee as a major tornado outbreak pummels across the Midwest and South. At least seven people are reported critically injured in Tennessee in a monting that began in Merdiansville,Alabama where a tornado touched down and leveled several houses and damaged a high school. Another tornado struck a correctional facility in Limestone County, Alabama. There are some 19 active tornado warnings across the country - not watches but warnings meaning tornadoes have been spotted. They are being reported in Indiana, Tennessee and a significant outbreak underway in Kentucky. The worst of the outbreak may just a few hours away, and other states could see tornadoes including Ohio, Illinois and Michigan. Although this outbreak is not thought to be as potentially devastating as those in Joplin, Missouri and Tuscaloosa, Alabama last year, the number of tornadoes and the area covered could be more widespread. The storms are being driven by a fierce jet stream with upper-level winds exceeding 140 MPH. Those are winds in the upper atmosphere, not on the ground.
The outbreak is expected to continue through the night.
Update: The town of Marysville, Indiana completely devastated by one or more tornadoes-
More hail in Jasper, TN
For more infos about what hit the USA yesterday go to the Breaking News [11]
Our Sun is lighning up again as well, helping in the OverAll Consciousness Process.
M3 Class Solar Flare /Weather Warnings [12]
Da: MrCometwatch [13] | 02/mar/2012
Live updates are being posted on the channel comments section.
Please Help with any post that could give a heads up.
This is a link to the latest nationwide weather warnings. [15]
Solar Flare Risk | M-Class: 55% | X-Class: 05% |
Solar X-Rays:
Geomagnetic Field:
VHF Aurora:
The solar wind did show a gradual increase to near 550km/s on Thursday and combined with a predominantly south tilting Bz, it did trigger minor geomagnetic activity at very high latitudes. The Kp reached 4 at its peak. The increase in geomagnetic activity was most likely due to a solar sector boundary crossing.
Solar Wind Increase
Updated 3/2/2012 @ 17:00 UTC
Solar Update / New Active Region
A new and active Sunspot is now rotating into view on the northeast limb. It produced a moderate M3.3 solar flare at 17:45 UTC on Friday afternoon. All of the other current regions have been stable since the C3.3 flare around 1423 on Thursday.
Another Region on the Planet is having severe Wheather... [22]
An overall Latest Earthquakes Report - Mar. 2, 2012
And todays HUGE EQ Mag 6.9
Oceans Turning Acidic Faster than Past 300 Million Years [23]
by Galactic Love reporter Wynne Parry,
Live Science
Fri, 02 Mar 2012 09:00 CST
© Ellen Thomas
The single-celled organism Stensioeina beccariiformis survived the mass extinction that killed the dinosaurs but went extinct 56 million years ago, when the oceans acidified due to a massive carbon dioxide release.
The oceans are becoming more acidic faster than they have in the past 300 million years, a period that includes four mass extinctions, researchers have found.
Then, as is happening now, increases in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere warmed the planet and made the oceans more acidic. These changes are associated with major shifts in climate and mass extinctions.
But while past increases in the atmosphere's carbon dioxide levels resulted from volcanoes and other natural causes, today that spike is due to human activities, the scientists note.
Comment: This is a total lie. The increase in carbon dioxide is coming from changes in the solar system that include all the other planets and is being released from Earth itself. The amount of carbon dioxide produced by humans is a minimal contribution to the effect.
"What we're doing today really stands out," lead researcher Bärbel Hönisch, a paleoceanographer at Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, said in a news release. "We know that life during past ocean acidification events was not wiped out - new species evolved to replace those that died off. But if industrial carbon emissions continue at the current pace, we may lose organisms we care about - coral reefs, oysters, salmon."
Comment: Not to mention stupid humans who can't even get the science right.
As the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increases, oceans absorb that carbon dioxide, which turns into a carbon acid. As a result the pH - a measure of acidity - drops, meaning the water has become more acidic. This dissolves the carbonates needed by some organisms, [25] like corals, oysters or the tiny snails salmon eat.
In their review, published Thursday (March 1) in the journal Science, Hönisch and colleagues found the closest modern parallel about 56 millions ago in what is called the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, when atmospheric carbon concentrations doubled, pushing up global temperatures. Extinctions in the deep sea accompanied this shift. (The PETM occurred about 9 million years after the dinosaurs went extinct.)
But, now, the ocean is acidifying at least 10 times faster than it did 56 million years ago, according to Hönisch.
Ocean acidification may also have occurred when volcanoes pumped massive amounts of carbon dioxide into the air 252 million years ago, at the end of the Permian period, and 201 million years ago, at the end of the Triassic period, they found. Both are associated with mass extinctions.
Comment: You have your clue right here. Think "underwater volcanic action"!
"The current rate of (mainly fossil fuel) carbon dioxide release [26] stands out as capable of driving a combination and magnitude of ocean geochemical changes potentially unparalleled in at least the last 300 million years of Earth history, raising the possibility that we are entering an unknown territory of marine ecosystem change," the researchers conclude in their paper.
An owerview on the Global Coherence Program...
NOAA ACE Solar Wind Speed & GOES Magnetometer |
Global Consciousness Project – Random Network Variance |
ANdReA & the Entire Press Staff
- Ground Crew Updates [27]