Delete this Program or "Does my Butt Look Fat in this Human Suit?" [1]
Delete this Program or "Does my Butt Look Fat in this Human Suit?"
by Luminance River
Our beliefs are handed to us, by a large extent, by our families. Those beliefs were handed to them and they passed them on unknowingly, even though many beliefs are harmful to us and them as well. Media and culture has shoved certain belief sets down our throats without us even noticing, or noticing what it does to us. You probably have noticed that the fashion and entertainment industry create an image of what the perfect man and woman should look like.
This program is something most of us are running and it effects us in several ways. It says there is a perfect look, and when we attain that, it makes us a valued person. Of course, that perfection in look is virtually impossible to attain. Perhaps you have seen the videos on how they doctor fashion model photos with Photoshop make a young woman look even more perfect.
The program says that thinner is better for women. Men look more attractive if they look muscular.We sense the wrongness in this cultural norm and it is something that we haven't been able to quite put our fingers on, maybe because we have been so steeped in the program since birth. We have internalized it individually and collectively.
It makes us judge others and divide them up by attractive and unattractive. We may treat fat people differently than thin, attractive people. We may speak to some people and ignore others based on this conditioning. our culture encourages this by rating the looks of a woman as to whether she is a "10" or not. Then people, including me, internalized the barometer for our goodness based on how we look. For example, a thing that is said is "I am having a bad hair day." If our hair looks good, it must be a good day and vice versa if it doesn't. Program? How could this be a program? It seems pretty benign, even cute to say that you are having a bad hair day.
The program, when we internalize it, makes us strive to make ourselves fit in, as best we can, to what the culture has taught us is the best look. We start to look outside of ourselves for approval or maybe acceptance. People interact with us differently depending on our looks. Since the standard of what is perfect shown to us in films and magazines is often doctored beyond what is humanly possible, we are likely to come up feeling like we didn't make the grade. We internalize our lack of perfection. We may hate ourselves for not being able to attain it. We obsess over how each part of us looks and how perfect it is, especially our body size. Small and thin bodies are good while large, heavy ones are not. Those with extra pounds which includes average sized people internalize their lack of perfection to the standard and even hate themselves and their body. "When I get thin, I will be happy" is what we think. I will love myself when I look better.
The programming causes a sense that you are your body. You don't think of yourself as a 3D vessel in a multidimensional world. You don't see yourself as having guides, higher selves, alles in the non-physical. Your programming causes you to see your body as you. And your body comes up short as far as the cultural standard, in your head. The culture tells you what perfection is from outside of you and that you don't meet that perfection. You internalize that you are not loved from not looking like you wish you did. Now you have a self-esteem issue which causes you to dislike yourself and you are looking from outside yourself to know your value. From a controller's point of view, it is easy to control a person who already thinks they are not powerful and are looking outside of them for acceptance. The controller is the matrix and it sells products to make us look more attractive so we can feel loved. It sells the illusion that those who look perfect in the media we see have wonderful lives and feel loved by all. On a rational level you don't buy this story. Your unconscious level is likely to buy the story as it is so pernicious.
The wayshowers and lightworkers and starseeds have come in and discovered they are more than their bodies. In fact, our bodies are magnificent vessels for experiencing the third dimension. We have learned that we are beyond the body and have part of us that is non-physical and very powerful. We have guidance from our higher selves. We have latent powers that are coming in more and more. We are always loved and supported from star family and benign enlightened beings beyond our physical perception. In this shift, our new abilities include discerning truth. All of this is a threat to the matrix. The house of cards and lies that holds it up can fall when some and then many realize who they are.
The program takes from outside ourself looking for approval and love to inside ourself where self-approval and self-love already exist. It takes us from seeking to knowing. It takes us from being a body level being to being a soul level being. Inner connection, intuition replace programs.
The programs that this one interface with are the food program. Another program gives us a treat of food if we are good. This sabatoges the love we would feel for ourself if only we were thin. I sense food addiction is fed by the conflict of internal beliefs. Meanwhile the food available is processed, filled with additives and sugar which is addictive in itself. I used to drink diet soda which has aspartame. It turns out aspartame is a neurotoxin and they won't have it available in Coke Zero in Venezuela because of this. Donald Rumsfeld did some maneuvering so that we would be drinking it.
A mind controlled slave is willing to hurt herself because of programming, and I did just that by consuming diet soda. In fairness, I didn't realize it was bad for me and many of us don't. The food addiction programming also stems from programs about having enough and abundance. One program says that we can never have enough money because you don't know what is going to happen. Food is an important thing that we buy with money and is right in the recesses of our reptilian brain as something we don't want to ever do without. In fact, we will eat too much because we are really afraid of not having enough and of lack. Fear of lack is the basis of the program. Of course there is a conficting program that messes up our mental circuits, and this could be something like "I don't want to be wealthy because people who are wealthy are not very nice." We are seeking money yet rejecting it at the same time all due to programming. We are seeking the perfect body yet making sure we have enough even too much, from another program inside of us. Conflicting programs within us cause cognitive dissonance. We become unsure of our own knowing and it causes us to look outside of ourselves for answers.
If we didn't have the programming about the perfect body and self-acceptance, I sense many of the issues we have around overeating and food based addiction would go away. William Linville is a walk-in who has a story like this. He entered a body of a man who was 425 pounds. He came from off planet, from a higher vibrational place. He "walked in" to a person who wanted to leave the planet on agreement. William's integration was intense as he had heart attacks and was wheelchair bound. for awhile. He didn't feel sorry for himself as he was here "to have a blast." He says that he came to show us what is possible. His way was to disconnect from the family role he was in and to release the beliefs he had, effortlessly. Now he looks very healthy and average sized just from the release of his beliefs and dysfunctional role playing in the family. Our beliefs are the programming and questioning them is our liberation. It makes me think about who I would be if I walked into this body, fresh, without the conditioning and remembering the oneness of a higher dimension.
Back in this world, the matrix can keep people enslaved much more easily if they hate themselves. There is no need for a personal controller when the controller is inside the person.
The antidote is simply to notice these programs and identify other ones and tell people about them. What is healed in one person of the collective is healed in more of them due to the holographic principle. We are all one. The more we throw off the programming, the more free we will be. I sense that the energy of the universe is compelling us to discard the programming that no longer serves us anyway. Each day we step into our creator unlimited selves more and more, remembering who we are. That remembering could be simply remember who we were "before," before we came into this vessel when we were swimming in oneness which was before the density of 3D that makes us forget that we are always loved and valuable, just because of who we are. As we move into higher states of consciousness, we will see the wider perspective and rise above some of these things that cause personal and collective suffering. We will see one another and ourselves as souls, beyond the body. We will value our physical vessels just as we created them in the first place, as a means to learn and experience the deliciousness of physicality. Imagine a society of people who love themselves and come from a place of self-love with healed psyches all around. Imagine our freedom and what that could look and feel like.
~ Luminance River ~