By Predrag/Saint Germain
reply on beautiful comments and questions from Little Phoenix about Lucifer and His twinflame... [2]
Dear Little Phoenix,
I am truly honored you found US GFP as one of sources that resonates with your heart... And I can feel you have quite beautiful understanding that messages are only here to trigger our deep cellular remembrance... to provoke feelings, to engage in discussion, to create Love...
Brief comment of doubled message with same title was done very concesly, so You can make and confirm your statement of truth in your heart... as well it will give US opportunity to untangle a bit more this wonderful Lucifer Love story of pure Creation of Love... Thank you for following your inner self...
As Love is something that we are searching for, not fully realize that Love does not exist in this density, till we Create IT... Till we Create IT... Until we realize that if we can create a city or a war, we can create Love as well...
Indeed, this story is the most profound link with God's Play of Creation... And IT/GOD/UNIVERSAL DREAMER/ did this for US all to discover our true self... our full potential as Creators...
So, to start creating we have to put a seed in the darkness of the soil to germinate, to grow, to be feed, so when time is right to germinate... If you apply this analogy to trees, the seed needs darkness of soil, food from dark and moist womb of mother earth, to reach its full bloom, and sprout on the surface of the ground...
This is the point where we as Humanity are NOW... We are just sprouting from the darkness or higher density...
And, if we learn from nature, simply observing... we should not be
'angry' or 'upset' for wars, oppression, controls that we experienced for hundreds of thousands of years... We can only be thankful that this feed our spiritual seed to grow... and NOW is time to see the light of Creation in full swing...
Do you think that seed complains to Creator: "Listen YOU, It is so stuffy here... it is so squishy and moist here... Give me some break, c’mon..." and Creator listens, makes it dry, makes it very sandy... Wind comes and blow the sand, expose this 'demanding' seed to the Sunlight, and voila... Seed has so much light, that actually stops him from growing, and makes its so dry and wrinkly... Not been able to grow...
And to elaborate a bit more on nature example: Did you notice where tree has its roots?... On the Sunny side or within the dark and moist soil?... Can tree live and grow without darkness of soil and its food?... Could tree give oxygen in to atmosphere if there is no water from the darkness of the soil?... If roots are exposed to sunlight too much, they recess, they withdraw in to darkness of the earth?... Did you notice how many times You read word 'darkness' with most beautiful connotations and very thankful feeling in your heart knowing this is true existence of darkness?...
So, if we go back to your questions and truly beautiful post, I say you deep down Know this is TRUE LOVE story, like any others you mentioned: Urantia has its own reasons why in 1954 came with this way of presenting story of Lucifer... Again, my view of this is that Urantia time was perfect for US to discover there is much more than only our limited view of God and creation from local religions and local scientific philosophies...
Indeed, Lucifer, one of God Creators for this Universe [parts from Urantia Book are quite detailed and true about Universe 7] took this task on his wings, to prepare area [or playground... if you wish] for greatest and fastest germination of /nonHuman/Human/other than Human/ Spirit... Place where Awareness and Conciseness will grow exponentially from most dense environment possible...
Lucifer took this task for his own growth, yet he knew not challenges that Creation will bring for him... You see his act as biggest sacrifice, yet I feel it as most noble act of caring for all other beings that will/did benefit by his actions.. He knew perfectly when separating from God's Love that this temporary thing [if you call 6,5 billion years temprary...] is the only thing he want or can do...
This was, and still is, God's will and God's plan... Simply by knowing that ALL IS PERFECT IN GOD's UNIVERSES, he jumped in asking nothing in return... He has/have perfect and undoubted FAITH and KNOWING OF Universal DREAMER, he has perfect Knowing of God's LOVE for all of Creation including Lucifer...
As well, Lucifer is only one of the names that we got to know Him... Some others from our not so recent history is Zeus, or Crist Aton from Urantia Book...
As Lucifer created playground, or better words, he created darkness for his and other souls growth, where we all can put our spirit seeds, not to suffer and to be in constant pain... But to create for US individually events and experiences [most of these looked and feel like dark ones...] that will keep our spirit seed growing and Germinate till NOW...
As we all know, now it time to Sprout in to pure Light, on to the Surface of Galactic Human Society... Only at this moment we will be able to meet our Galactic Brothers and Sisters, and be able to see them, as they are on the surface of this growing process of Conciseness...
And yet... [please read this with discernment, as this is only my view and feeling...]
And Yet, we will keep our roots in the dark places of our experiences, we will keep remembrance and recordings of all our 'bad' and 'terrible' and 'dark' deeds we did to others, self and Earth... Not to feel guilty for what we did, but to Grow even more when we come to the surface of Universal Life... But to cherish our experiences and feed self and others...
When we realize that our true purpose is to serve others, simply from our experiences and experiences of beings like Lucifer, or Zeus, or Martin Luther King, or Gandhi, or Hitler, or Jesus, or Buddha, or Obama, or You... to share it with all others, our wisdom and our knowing...
Trees are not doubting and restricting who is going to breath oxygen they produce, and they are not restricting that only 'good' animals can breath, and who cares for 'bad' ones'... They know that all benefit from their creation of O2 ... All of US who breath...
Same applies for Earth/Gaia... She choose to go through all these events and experiences, all these known and unknown [yet to us...] Civilizations, all these destructions and growths... So she can Ascend in fully concuss being sharing her experiences with all other planetary beings, small and big... Simply Gaia knows that she is doing service to Humanity, to Galactic Societies, to other Planetary Beings, and finally to God...
Do you notice that you can create things, you can create babies?... Do you see self as creator of Life, or you see self only as dirty dipers producer?... Do you notice that female womb is not so bright inside?... Do you notice how much male seed love to go in there?... Do you see how we procreate with an ease, and even enjoying ourselves?... not worrying about how the seed will grow, how it will find perfect spot on womb?... Simply because we know all is PERFECT in Creation...
Same as trees in Amazon... Their trunks go hundreds of meters in the air, searching for Sunlight, yet their roots go hundreds of meters deep down in earth, searching for dark and moist places...
This place, this Earth has been created to have the most dense energies of darkness and complete oppositeness from Central SUN Light... This place created WAS CALLED Earth... Now, this place is called GAIA... Gaia as fully concuss being, who truly Know who She is...
So, to answer your question about 'un-creation' of 'bad' gods: Did you consider asking self: how you can uncrate Creator?.... Can you uncrate tree essence/energy by burning the wood?... And you simply omit the millions of seeds that tree had planted already all over the Earth?...
Can you simply burn parent tree when it gets old or ill, not considering that this tree is doing you a favor, by providing warmth and light?...
Can you destroy experience?... You can forget it, yet can you remove it from Universal records?... Can you remove from existence remembrance of ww II, or you can feed with this expirence your own awareness than we do not do same or worse next time?... Ultimate question is: can you ignore on purpose atomic explosion in Japan, and continue being ignorant in 2012 for what is happening around You?...
Can you notice that you pay lot more attention on environment and destruction of Gaia, than ever before?... Can you say thank you to all profit corporations who poisoned US, and abused Mother Earth for bringing you in this Awarness?...
Can you say thank you bankers for teaching me greatest lesson that I have to take my own life in my own hands, and experience Freedom... IF was not because of them, their oppression, their greed, their control, you would never experience this level of awareness of FREEDOM, EQUALITY, FREE CHOICE, or TRUTH...
If we do not experience lies and deceptions, we could not KNOW TRUTH...
If we do not put our feet in darkness of our soul, we cannot recognize LOVE...
If we do not feel oppressed and enslaved, we cannot sense TRUE meaning of FREEDOM...
So, if you ask me, darkness and light are concepts created by God, simply for US to grow our creativity, our awareness, our conciseness of who we truly are... We are GOD... We are OUR OWN Creation...
Even God need nothing from US, but only to fully enjoy this process of our own Creation... Devine Creator is not needy GOD, She is not vengeful GOD, HE is not GOD of UN-creation... HE IS GOD OF CREATION....
Small disclaimer for myself: Please read this as any other story or book you found on your path... With joy and curiosity... Please, do not take me seriously as maybe soon I will change my story, simply knowing that we cannot avoid change.. But, I promise you, when change in my views occur, I will post it here at Galactic Free Press...
Extremely Honored for this opportunity, as if there was no question from you, there would not be this post... Thank you for spreading this feeling of KNOWING in your heart with ALL... Thank you for co-creating with me this writing..
Love you dear Little Phoenix...
With All my Love, Predrag/Saint Germain and Andrea [She is my twinflame...]