Plant your feet on the floor [1]
It is all about agape. What happens when you are unconditionally self loving is that the world looks very different. The world transforms. It becomes a garden; at every turn, a new delight, a plaything, seen through eyes of love.
Ascension Road Takes us there. We are your mirrors. When you love yourself, you will look everywhere and see only love reflected. That’s it, the answer, the keys to the kingdom.
I’ve been pretending when I am in a crowd or judgment rears its ugly head that I am looking at me; and me, and me and me… It changes things. I feel more accepting and become more understanding. Separation vanishes.
Unity is something we already know. Our process now is to unlearn these habits of division and judgment and come from only love. It is the answer to everything.
As we move through these next months, there will be a lot going on. We will need a grounding point, a place to wake up to each day. That place is your heart.
As you awaken, greet yourself with love – no judgments, this day has not yet begun. Immerse yourself with adoration. Find the place, you know its there, where YOU exist - the real you, the one who knows the truth- the one speaking beneath your daily masks. Then bask in love for this is your truth. The divinity from which you spring is found in your very core. This is the love that makes miracles.
Now plant your feet on the floor. Smile. You are one step closer to the next dimension. You are on solid ground. Agape is the starting point, the ending point and the whole point. Oneness is truth. Your miracle has begun and it was started by you alone.
You are the one you are waiting for!