
One Light Force

SophiaLove's picture

For it is love, self love, that brings you to an “ascended” state.  It is agape that is key, the pivotal action; necessary in these times of upheaval.


Remain steadfast in your love.  There are no greater or lesser beings than you – you are One.  A mass of love, all rolled into One – humanity. We have not known this truth.  We’ve been admonished via our religious texts to love as an action, as something we must do.  Yet their missing ingredient is a definition of where this action called “love” is sourced.


It comes from you.  You are the wellspring of agape.  The supply of love in this world does not come from outside you – it springs from your soul.


You are love; not a body with a soul, but a soul with a body.  The soul/heart/generator of life is love.  This is truth. This is you.


We are drifting in a sea of dates, predictions, wishes and fears – conditions.  The truth is without condition and exists without requirement.


Stand in your power and love.  This is who and what you actually are.  What you can do right now is utilize your power of visualization to get you through this swirl of conflicting reports and information.  When overwhelmed or confused or anxious, recognize that now your love is needed.  It is needed more than ever.


For love is truth.  See yourself lock arms with every other being, our feet firmly planted on a groundswell of agape; the force of our light emanating out, altering our world.  This vibration of love attracts every light being and repels all that are not. We are a force that broadcasts “The dark shall not pass”.


The Carrot and the Stick

SophiaLove's picture

It’s okay to love yourself.  In fact, it’s more than okay, it’s necessary.  We are coming to the end of duality and the contrasts are everywhere, trying to get our attention.  The sharpest ones have to do with your worst fear.  Your worst fear is so intensely personal; you may never have put voice to it.  Yet today, if you think for a moment, there it is.


It is asking for your attention, wanting to be examined, waiting for release.  You don’t need it anymore, and the part of you that is ready to move on knows that.  Where we are going, there is nothing to fear.  We are heading towards agape, a place without conditions.


Our deepest fear is that somehow we aren’t good enough; that there is an unmet condition.  If only we could meet it, we’d be fine.  We are chasing after that carrot on the stick – so close, yet ever out of reach.  This condition is not something you need, it is something made up, a part of this third dimension you’ve decided to hang on to.  Let it go.


Maybe it’s a body or a bank account, a status or a role – if only you had it, you’d be perfect.  Perhaps its forgiveness, a big eraser that will wipe out all the terrible things you’ve done, thought about, or still think about doing.  Without these, you’d be worthy.


I am a Light Worker ~ Part 7 ~ Listen, Consider, Observe, Act

SophiaLove's picture

Listen for the answer.  Look for the idea.  Pay attention.  All around you, your answers lie.  There is no mystery without its solution, no problem unsolvable.  You are here to experience life and that is just what you are doing.  Every moment you are faced with this question of emergence.  The answer is given in your response – will you react and retreat in fear? – will you respond and act with love?  Always the choice is yours to make.


Most of us have retreated internally, hidden in worry and preoccupation while life swirls around us with exit doors wide open.  Today I hear the gulls cry, calling me to places far from this suburban deck.  I see the boats and buoys; hear the waves slap against the hull.  I grew up on the water.  Our memories are associative and although today’s gulls cry above a little nearby lake, for me they call from the ocean. 


We learn gradually, repetition eventually becomes truth.  Awake now, we can consciously choose what it is we wish to repeat.  New information is streaming forth in a flood, along with a new vocabulary (LIBOR). 


We are light workers.  It is up to us to bring light to the new without judgment.  Refrain from dismissing what is initially uncomfortable.  Look at everything.  This change will bring the unexpected.


There is a joke that goes something like this.  A man near death prayed for a miracle.  His faith kicked in and he expected to be saved.  While he was waiting, he turned away procedures, medicine and doctors, claiming they weren’t necessary because God was going to heal him.  He died.  When he got up to Heaven and finally spoke to God, he asked what happened.  God said “I sent you the finest medical procedures, medicines and doctors and you refused every one of them! What were you thinking?”


I am a light worker ~ Part 6 ~ This will be a re-learning

SophiaLove's picture

You have come now to spread the light that you are.  Many of your years you have spent in darkness, not understanding how to brighten things up.  Perhaps you have been unaware of your brilliance.  You’ve been told now that you are the light.  This is not dependent on age or race or religion.  All that you need, you have.  Everything required for the mighty oak tree is present in the seed.  You are like that tree, choosing once again to be a seed, just for the thrill of becoming.


Only this time, the journey has more at stake.  This time there’s an awareness of the forest and the soil and the impact on it all.  These things you know, yet you have forgotten.  It is time to re-learn them.  We are each others teachers now.  It is time for us to listen.  This is how we love.


Carefully, relentlessly, pay attention.  There is not one aha moment as we awaken – there are multitudes of them.  As a baby who sees’s it all for the first time and finds every inch of it fascinating, so are we.  It all matters.  There are no insignificant moments.


We are light workers.  It was our choice to come here now.  It is our choice to think, say and do whatever pleases us.  There comes a time in the raising of my children that we stop controlling their portion sizes and bed times.  After years of restrictions and explanations, we let go.  It is our belief that it is only then that the child can determine for himself or herself what kind of life he or she will experience.  There are stomach aches, sleepiness and new choices every time.


I am a light worker ~ Part 5 ~ I am here to love

SophiaLove's picture


Love is a listening.  It is a recognition.  Love enlists a sense of care.  There is a comfort in love, yet at times love demands the uncomfortable.  Love is a response and a responsibility; love is a physical expression, an intellectual connection, an emotional response.


Love is the field in which you were born and the fertilizer stimulating your expansion.  Love feels so right because it is truth.  There are no “shoulds” or “have to’s” or requirements of love – love merely is and love merely does.


You have been told it is necessary to do certain things in order to be worthy of love or to demonstrate love or to attract love.  This is not true.  You are worthy right now; you are love in every moment.  Love is who you are.


You are a light worker.  You have come to work for the light.  This light is the physical expression of your core.  At your very center you are love.


I am a light worker ~ Part 2

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I have thought deeply about what it is to work for the light. I ran across this meditation:


I really like it; it is not too different than what I already practice.  Yet this light work goes beyond meditation.  We are physical beings, here to transform a planet.


We have a world to illuminate.  There is only one place to begin.  It is your own heart.  Sometimes when I see what I imagine is a good sale, I buy cheap batteries.  What happens is that they work great – for a minute or two.  When they inevitably run down, I end up buying batteries again, only this time I get the ones that last.


The time we are entering is the time of stocking up.  We’ve been told of food and dry goods shortages – yet what about the rest?  We will not go where we intend with cheap batteries.  We need to shore up our supply of agape.


Agape is the source of your light.  Source loved you into being and chose to experience that love through your life. You have come in this time now to share your light in what has been a very dark place.  It will take strength, tenacity and vigilance.  You will need to be absolute in your convictions.


It's show time, really.

SophiaLove's picture

Those of you, who’ve read my blog in the past, know I mostly focus on love.  Today, I will focus on what happens when you love yourself enough to believe you are worth something.  Today I would like to talk about power.


We are stepping into a sort of “suspended belief” system – a way of living in a world that is not quite the world we have expected.  This feels strange and yet we know that it is temporary.  It will change decidedly when we do something to make that happen, and not before.  It is, and has always been, up to us. 


This change is gradual, it cannot be sudden and dramatic; our ability to assimilate it demands that this be so.  We are unable to recognize and absorb radical, we are associative beings. The reason advertising and propaganda and the education system works so hard transmitting a message (conform, obey, work, defend, fear, etc.) to us over and over again is because they knew a long time ago the truth about us.  We will not need to be convinced that anything new is not true – we will disbelieve it all on our own.  We have learned to trust “authority” more than our own gut.


David Icke has said for a very long time than an army of enforcers has been created – each one of us is our own police force.  Fear will keep us quiet and distrusting of anyone who speaks out.  Fear will keep us obedient.


Plant your feet on the floor

SophiaLove's picture

It is all about agape.  What happens when you are unconditionally self loving is that the world looks very different.  The world transforms.  It becomes a garden; at every turn, a new delight, a plaything, seen through eyes of love.


Ascension Road Takes us there.  We are your mirrors.  When you love yourself, you will look everywhere and see only love reflected.  That’s it, the answer, the keys to the kingdom.


I’ve been pretending when I am in a crowd or judgment rears its ugly head that I am looking at me; and me, and me and me… It changes things.  I feel more accepting and become more understanding.  Separation vanishes.


Unity is something we already know.  Our process now is to unlearn these habits of division and judgment and come from only love.  It is the answer to everything.


As we move through these next months, there will be a lot going on.  We will need a grounding point, a place to wake up to each day.  That place is your heart.


As you awaken, greet yourself with love – no judgments, this day has not yet begun.  Immerse yourself with adoration.  Find the place, you know its there, where YOU exist - the real you, the one who knows the truth- the one speaking beneath your daily masks. Then bask in love for this is your truth.  The divinity from which you spring is found in your very core.  This is the love that makes miracles.


Now plant your feet on the floor.  Smile. You are one step closer to the next dimension.  You are on solid ground.  Agape is the starting point, the ending point and the whole point.  Oneness is truth.  Your miracle has begun and it was started by you alone.


You are the one you are waiting for!



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