An open letter to Mr. Drake, Cobra [commander?], Fulford, et al By KiboDabi [1]
An open letter to Mr. Drake, Cobra [commander?], Fulford, et al
By KiboDabi
Jun 8, 2012 - 1:34:52 PM
An open letter to Mr. Drake, Cobra [commander?], Fulford, et al...............
I’ve noticed that you have recently decided to ask the people to take a vote upon how they want to handle this mass arrest, money and government transition thing......
Forgive me for asking but...are these the only choices that you feel we have available? Because it makes no sense to me and I beg to differ.....
One choice seems to be an all out war over getting these old guard cabal people into custody and put on trial.
It seems to me that such a scenario would mean mass bloodshed and chaos and provide a perfect opportunity for their apparatik to declare martial law in the US and pretty much all over the world and use their armed forces to kill innocents with impunity...not to mention the time that it would take to actually finish the war and see who wins in the end...which, if it’s just the small minority of us that are actually aware of the situation and willing to lay our lives on the line and sacrifice ourselves for the cause...could pretty much mean that, when the smoke clears and the dust settles, the good guys, as we see it, could pretty much be defeated....and then what?
The second choice seems to be more of the same stalling for time and enough time to figure out how to start a war, any war, that would be big enough to get the above scenario done and, for however long it takes to get their shit together and rally against their defeat and downfall....stall and stall some more........
Please don’t tell me that you’re counting on the local citizenry to wake up, smell the coffee and bacon, grab a gun and join the cause....because I can’t really say how that would work out for you.
Sounds like a win-win situation for the cabal...but that's me...
So, really.....after all and everything we’ve been through to come this far, you’ve offered, at least, an illusion of hope, now you’ve decided that the people should vote on it before you decide what the next step will be? Never mind that the people that are aware enough of this to actually vote are less than 10% of the world population, by far....i dare say closer to 1%.... but that’s the best you can do at this point?
I can only assume that you guys feel unable to feel confident in your ability to just go in and arrest have to talk about it and get them to agree to it first...I understand, really....if they’re that big and bad, then you might want to consider my offer of a third alternative, which apparently, you have overlooked or completely ignored.
There is enough evidence on public satellite photos and NASA films and archives and a mountain of other realize that there is a whole fleet of Galactic ships out there. Some of these ships seem to be larger than Jupiter. There has been talk in such circles as yours of a group called the Earth Allies. This seems to imply that they are allies of....beings that are not of this Earth.
From what I can tell, being a little guy...[who listens to me?] That there is enough evidence to suggest that these beings are not evil and are here to help us get a leg it were....I know you guys are against all that and claim that all aliens are evil..but that would pretty much mean that we live in an entirely evil universe. Forgive me, but I have no idea how to deal with that, so I will have to go into denial and disagree with that.
There are plenty of good, loving, light filled, spiritual aliens out there. I daresay that they are actually the overwhelmingmajority of the universe and least.
In fact.......please work with me here......there are actually some people that see this whole thing as primarily a spiritual war and that this is the last place where Luciferian holdouts need to be dealt with and removed.
Since the people that you need to arrest seem to fit the description of these evil misfits, may I suggest that, if anyone out there is actually an Earth Ally, that they let the people vote on whether or not they want these beings with all these ships that are here working with the spiritual hierarchy [Really? Who could possibly believe such a ridiculous thing!] as well as other beings that seem to hold a rather high place in universe affairs. Hell, I hear that even GOD and Christ are here for this well as Muhammed, Buddha and a host of other bigwigs that have had their words and teachings corrupted for the sake of establishing religion as a business...I also hear that they would all like to have a few words with us really soon!! Cool, huh?
So look.....maybe....just maybe...all of this is actually true and all these guys are actually here to help and they’re just waiting on us to give them the word....take a vote...that gives them the go ahead to come in and remove these satanic buggers from off of the face of the Earth....heaven knows they have the fact...if I remember correctly, such a vote has been taken a few times already and as far as I know the answer was always yes from the voters...apparently they must be waiting on more people to show up and vote or something...or maybe they just want you guys to ask. Hey, it couldn't hurt! Heaven knows they've got the tools to do the job and get the job done right!
Some even say that these guys have technology that we can only dream of...stuff that makes our kiddie weapons pretty much useless...literally...they could even help us get rid of our weapons and start loving how to live without them.
I’ve even heard that they can put the whole planet into something called stasis and then just swoop in and whisk all the murderous thugs matter who they are...and their whole entourage as well.
Just think...everything you’re taking forever to do could be done in a weekend and it would just seem like the blink of an eye to us.
Couldn’t we use that kind of help? Would it kill you to consider the option of getting this thing over with quickly and cleanly? They could do it without you, you know, and be perfectly within their freewill rights. Are you saying that your free will trumps GOD's?
Hey, look at the bright side...
They’re willing to share free energy technology.
Help us learn to live without money....that’s really cool.
They’ll let us join their Galactic Federation and about networking...We could travel the friendly skies of the universe! WOW!
Then again...there is that GOD thing....Apparently He’s a really big part of all of this. Apparently, they are aware of GOD as a reality of being and just happily live to serve and do His Will and learn to live like HE does......go figure...who knew, right?
Now...I know that’s going to be a huge problem for some of you. Considering that this GOD guy considers Himself to be the actual and real owner of our little piece of real estate...and everything else it seems...for that matter....
But I hear He’s not like the rumors at all.
He’s really cool once you get to know the real Him. Real friendly and fatherly and loving and stuff...real magnanimous guy...kinda like everybody’s best friend, y’know?
Well...don’t just take my word for it...I already know The Guy. The least you could do is meet Him and see for yourselves.
He’s offered many times, to help us out and I’m told that you know that, and it sounds like a really great deal, if you ask me...which you didn’t...though for the life of me, I don’t know why......
I know, I keep telling God that for Him to interfere would be a violation of your free will...but that’s why you should let us vote on it. WE might just want God to step in and lend us a hand. Did you ever think of that? Our free will is violated constantly, every day...has been for millennia... really, what difference does it make at this point? Do we even know what free will is anymore? We’re manipulated at every turn into deciding upon and choosing between choices that are given to us...kind of like what you’re doing....right now...with this vote thing... can we even begin to make an intelligent, informed decision about this? Do we really know everything that’s happening and all of the players and who and what they really are?
I say...VOTE FOR GOD! It's worth a shot! Let whoever is on GOD’s side, come what may about our own beliefs and faiths and whatever we got right or wrong based on real information, mis-information and/or dis-information.......I AM SURE that there is one being that knows everything about this and HE knows exactly what to do!
So I say that we should invite Him in and ask Him to help us out so that we can get on with having a real world with a real life and start getting along and living in abundance like we’re supposed to...according to HIM, anyway...the guy you guys never mention in all of this...why, I don’t know. The people you want to arrest and put away, worship a dead Lucifer...WHY CAN’T WE ASK FOR HELP FROM A LIVING GOD!? HUH!? ANSWER ME THAT!
So anyway.......that’s my third alternative to your efforts to replace the old guard with the new guard and keep things going as you see fit...
I reckon we’ll find out how it went real soon
Doesn’t take Him long to count....accurately...and act accordingly...unlike some people I know........
Candace: for linkys on this for those than don't keep track, Kibo says this one has most of them and you can learn about the "vote" here. [2]
The Cobra site remains: [3] They are calling for a peaceful surrender of the cabal because the good military wagged on the courage etc, etc, etc. Pretty funny, yet Mother Earth is redemned and back in power today. OK...........
This site has some updating of material posted today: [4]
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