~ Full Moon In Taurus~ Three keys to preparing for the Cosmic re-set [1]
We're just eleven hours away from a Full Moon in Taurus. And, like nearly every transit that unfolds in the Cosmos -- within us and around us -- these days, what an extraordinary energetic opportunity this Full Moon brings!
Taking her spot exactly across the sky from the Scorpio Sun, she'll be calling forth the transforrmative seed energy that began to form at the Scorpio Solar Eclipse just two weeks ago. Within you and around you, the Big Shift is well underway. In fact, we are now in the time of the re-set.
What this week brings is revelation -- in one of the most powerful degrees of Taurus. Saturated with the ancient power of the abundant, fertile Earth -- of Gaia Sophia herself -- this Taurus Full Moon will show you what the Cosmic Feminine requires to renew your life -- and our world.
2. How have you been effected by the abuse and suffering of the Cosmic Feminine in our culture of domination? Have you shut down or diminished the power of your heart and soul, to avoid suffering? Have you felt so much that you've been overwhelmed, paralyzed, or wounded?
The Taurus Full Moon is precisely between the long-feared stars Algol and Capulus, sometimes called "the dragon and the dragon-slayer." Associated with the goddess Medusa, Algol has been regarded as "an evil star" since our fateful turn towards domination, millennia ago. Before she was feared as a monster, however, Medusa was a powerful wisdom goddess. She represents the feminine wisdom and power that cannot be dominated and so has been feared. At this full moon, we feel her stirring to life -- just when we need her most.
If we can receive Algol's wisdom, we can receive her enormous power. There was a reason the dominators have feared this energy that understands the power of the life force to shed old forms and be renewed. Fixed star astrologer Diana Rosenberg writes that when Algol is emphasized in a chart, "you will not be able to ignore suffeirng or horror, or push it aside. . . [Algol] confers tasks which, if comprehended and accepted, offer great rewards of power and creativity"
The presence of the asteroid Sedna, who carries the energy of the Inuit goddess of feminine misfortune, underscores even more the assignment this Moon brings us -- to confront the deep wounds to the soul that have been created by patriarchal abuse of the feminine.
3. What is the nature of the healing path that is contained in your own suffering? As the Canadian singer Leonard Cohen sings, "There's a crack in everything. It's how the Light gets in." This is the gift of the dwarf planet Chiron, the Wounded Healer of the Cosmos. At today's Full Moon, Chiron is at a standstill, preparing to end a five-month retrograde vision quest tomorrow. His energy is now at maximum potency, showing us that the healing boon we seek is contained within our ability to acknowledge -- not to deny -- the wounds we carry as inhabitants of a suffering world.
4. How ready is your own heart for a re-set and a revelation? This lunation is charged with the potent energy of stellar re-set. Exactly across the sky from a Sun that's close to completing the process of re-setting its magnetic field, this full moon's revelation shows us how to re-set our values as well.
Echoing this message of a re-set is the Comet Ison, coming into our solar system on a 10,000-year journey from the ancient Oort Cloud, believed to be a remanant of the protoplanetary disc that surrounded our Sun at its birth. In the three days before the Full Moon, Comet Ison's brilliance has increased ten-fold. The time of revelation and re-set has begun.
To ready yourself for re-set and revelation, three things are key to remember in
the days ahead:
1. Choose love, as often as you can -- and notice when you don't. Love is the energy that Venus uses to connect you to Life, within you and around you. Fear is the energy that threatens to strangle our planet, and our lives. Take some time to notice the triggers that allow your heart to expand in the direction of Love -- and to contract under the influence of fear.
2. Have the courage to feel your wounds -- they're connnected to your sacred gifts. You cannot heal what you are not even aware of. Begin to explore the cracks within you -- the places so broken that, no matter how much you accomplish, can't be fixed. Consider how they might be the source of your sacred gift -- the cracks that let the Light of the Cosmos itself shine through your heart into your life and through it, into our world.
3. Watch for messages of re-set and revelation. Pay attention to all the signals -- your feelings, your dreams, your intuitions, and any synchronistictiies or odd events. Give yourself enough space to allow the process of re-set to establish itselsf in your heart, your soul, and your mind.
May the days ahead be rich with blessings and breakthroughs for you!
Love and blessings,
Star Sister
(aka Marcia)