LIGHTWORKER - Galactic 7 0 7: Hitching Home – Taking Matters Into Your Own Hands! by J'Tariah En Ra El, Walk-In, Telepath, and Galactic [1]
LIGHTWORKER - Galactic 7 0 7:
Hitching Home – Taking Matters Into Your Own Hands!
by J'Tariah En Ra El, Walk-In, Telepath, and Galactic
Dedicated to My Twin Flame “Space Cowboy”
For Douglas Adams' "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"
Re-Read and Study the Previous Lightworker Articles To Learn about Ship Life
101 [3] /////// 202 [4] \\\\\\ 303 [5] ////// 404 [6] ////// 505 [7] /////// 606 [8]
This course is for ALL GALACTICS: Starseeds, Walk-Ins, Braid-Ins, Star Wanderers, as well as Lightworkers with Star Origins. You are heading outward bound to either live on ships (for school, home, and work) – or taking ships to planetary destinations. (Non-Galactics are to be sleep-shipped to terra-formed planets, and a tiny number will remain on/inside Gaia and some will return to Source.)
For GALACTICS – you are going to “new ship homes,” as soon as your individual missions are finished shortly in the Now. As stated in Lightworker 101- 606, you will be commencing ship-life, for either long or short term. This may include shipside schools, starcraft life with your star family, and/or to being educated on the way to your next planetary home. Yes, you’re graduating! And don’t forget to have a phantasmal time at all of the ship-side parties!
You are finally awake, and reality is getting surreal! Yet you’re still encased in what would be considered a higher 4th / lower 5th dimensional body. Your psychic capabilities are growing exponentially each day. Also, your body may be achy and sore from all of your “re-wiring.”
You’re now enrolled within this practicum both "here" and onboard your assigned vessels during your dream-time. This set of practica (directions) contains clear instructions on how to hail a craft, speak to people aboard a ship, record logistics for your rendezvous, and how to climb aboard for take-off into your new multidimensional existence.
Walk-Ins, Braid-Ins and Starseeds are comically and cosmically responsible for finding their own rides home. – Galactic Hitchhiker Handbook
You’re about to be downloaded with encrypted instructions and directives for your ultimate destination in space and beyond!
Smoke Signals: Hailing a Ship
You feel stuck, homesick and you’re tired of waiting. You want personal contact with your star family. You feel desperate enough to do anything just to get home! Here are some “short-cuts” needed to communicate with your ship (or a willing hitchhiker-friendly craft) quickly and efficiently.
”Hitching” (Getting Attention from Vessels)
There are many ways to get ship attention through these tried-and-true methods. Often called astral smoke signals, the best way to get attention is to do something “noticeable.” The more outlandish and weird the better! This includes sending intentional messages through:
- group avatars
(example: [10]), and;
- magnification pyramids
(example: [11]).
When doing this, create and send a list of ship-side desires (school, work, planets, etc.) with your sentences beginning with “I am and we are living on my ship/s,” [request] and ending with “in the now on all timelines.” Make sure to include your current location. Here is an example:
"I am and we are living on my Twin Flame’s ship and heading for my destination of my home planet in the now on all timelines."
Sending an S.O.S.
Another over-the-top way to get personal star craft detection is to set up a crystal grid encoded with your intentions to re-join your star family (and/or ship crew and/or Twin Flame). Get a few dozen quartz crystals (any type), cleanse them with salt water, speak instructions into them, then form them in a circle in an area where they will not be moved. Viola! A multidimensional S.O.S.!
Urgent: crystals will not hold more than three messages at a time in the present higher-4th / lower-5th dimensions, so speak clearly with long command sentences. To re-code, simply cleanse and re-state your intentions.
Desperation is the 'father' of hitching rides. – Galactic Hitchhiker Handbook
Stepping-Up Your Light
Although this sounds deceptively simple, it isn’t. It means deep daily engagement in planetary and galactic healing, through prayer, meditations, and intentions as well as spreading light (engaging in positive information and interaction).
When you increase the energy you put into LIGHTWORK, the brilliance of your merkaba increases, escalating your visibility to ships seeing you from overhead. To ships, this translates as: “Yo, I’m over here! You want my brightness on your ship! I’d make a great crew member!” …or it could translate as “Twin Flame! Hello! I’m over here! Pick me up soon, Love!”
Unless you know how to build a ship from scratch, you better get started on making some serious smoke signals. – Galactic Hitchhiker Handbook
Don’t restrict your LIGHTWORK to online and group-meditation activities. It can also include: writing uplifting letters, giving free classes, random acts of kindness, and giving away belongings. Here are other (somewhat shocking) ways to increase your LIGHT quickly to gain a star vessel’s attention:
- Be TV free. (throw it away).
- Be eco-conscious and cruelty-free
- Be non-materialistic (buy only essential purchases)
Separating (Detaching!)
Separate yourself from non-children while awaiting “contact” as much as possible. Endeavor to maintain silence during your waking hours. This means no energy output (i.e.; no computer on, no TV, no music, and no loud noises) that may block your much-needed conversation/s. If your housing situation is noisy and chaotic, go somewhere quiet often– like nature or a library – to maintain a calm and still state.
Detach mentally and emotionally from your current perceived reality. Live your life as if you are leaving on your ship tomorrow: this opens a causal portal (see Lightworker 505) to CREATE A REALITY IN WHICH YOU LEAVE THIS PLANET IN A SHIP. This means giving away all non-essentials, keeping your car and/or backpack loaded (some clothes, food, plus cash), and cutting cords several times a day.
Once you start actively sending smoke signals – through hailing, hitching, sending S.O.S. signals, and stepping up your light, as well as separating and detaching – you are well on your way to setting up sonants (new physicality).
Setting Up Sonants: New Physicality
It is urgent for you to know that this communicating with a ship is far beyond “listening only.” You are required to be bodily and emotionally ready to send and receive information in the present. This communication is a pro-active exchange.
Shifting Sensations (Acceptance)
Before ship communications you will undergo some clear bodily changes. You will feel a tugging at the upper part of your back, which will hurt at first: this is the opening of your higher heart chakra for communication. You will feel strong tingly sensations across your forehead and a tightening in your throat area.
Salpinx Calibration
For continual calibration, make sure you are consistently wearing lapis and/or meteorite crystals near your throat chakra and your higher heart chakra (on a necklace cord without metal) whether sleeping or awake. These crystals help higher dimensional communications. Also, metal worn on the ear should be replaced or removed.
Before you learn more, you desperately need this essential “NEW PHYSICALITY” information about how your body/soul will be speaking! The communications you consciously SEND OUT (to a Being on a ship) will go from your higher heart to your throat chakra, then out. The exchanges you RECEIVE will go through your ear, down to your higher heart. A tingly sensation along your brow or crown will happen immediately before most exchanges.
You have already heard a repeating high pitched sound in one or both of your ears (which is NOT a medical issue). The next time (and every time) you hear this squeaky sound, simply state your version of this sentence out loud:
“Ship, I hear you, and I am ready to receive instructions for rendezvous and RECALL.” Repeat this every time you hear the high-pitched sound, to ensure further communications.
Persistent nagging hitchers get picked up first. – Galactic Hitchhiker Handbook
Now you have learned the basics for setting up sonants (i.e. new physicality) through accepting shifting sensations, plus salpinx calibration, and you’re ready for space speech (ground to ship spiel).
Space Speech: Ground-to-Ship Spiel
At this point, if you want to attempt a shortcut – and you have dependable guides – you can ask them to *DIRECTLY CONNECT* you to your ship crew and/or Twin Flame and/or Star Family within the ship/s above.
If this does not work…continue to speak aloud the aforementioned ship sentences after each “ear squeak” that you hear. Eventually – after the squeak – you WILL hear a voice. At first you will feel like it is inside your own mind’s imagination, but it is not.
If you are thinking “Did I just say that in my head?” you probably didn’t. – Galactic Hitchhiker Handbook
Substantiating Soundings
An authentic ship conversation will commence with direct questions. You may be asked your Akashic name – or you will be asked what ship you are assigned to. You may be asked what you know about your galactic background.
In turn, a true ship contact will ALWAYS tell you what ship they are on, and what their name is. Bona fide ship members – who are speaking with you – have all of your multidimensional (Akashic) information, and will openly relate this data to you. Genuine communications will include information about your current mission, and your contract.
Urgent discernment information: If the individuals you are speaking to are giving nebulous answers and/or requesting unreasonable actions, you may be speaking to an “entity.” If so, immediately thank Source in advance for sending this being to the Light. And then state out loud:
“Merkaba and body, from this moment forward, only allow my true ship crew and star family to attach telepathic messages to my chakras, my heart, higher heart, and my auric layers.”
Then, once again, get ready to connect with an authentic ship representative.
A successful hitcher never bothers to talk to someone who doesn't have a ship. – Galactic Hitchhiker Handbook
Sharpening Focus
Focus your exchanges – in grounded terms and questions – about your ship assignments and where you want to go next. This helps you determine what options you will be offered.
Always state what you want in your future contract and/or future destination so ship commanders will be ready to negotiate with you. (Lightworker 606) Writing down lists of preferences for locations and assignments is a great way to communicate your now and future desires so they quickly become reality.
Soliciting Recordings
Also, it is good to ask those you are speaking with to “record” your responses and use them as part of your near-future debriefing. This will shorten your debriefing time, which may be as long as three months of work time (120 ship hours) onboard. Note: if you’re going to be picked up by your star family, de-briefing is not applicable.
You may be speaking with Beings upon a ship or ships – for several weeks – before pick-up. Take advantage of this time to learn as much as you can about ship life (and future homeworld life) before you rendezvous with your ship.
Now you’ve learned the basics for Space Speech (i.e. speaking to ship crew members) through substantiating soundings, sharpening your (conversation) focus, and soliciting recordings. You’re ready for the last practicum, Scheduled Soaring.
Scheduled Soaring: Speeding to the Meeting Spot
Time will pass quickly (in sped-up time) from the beginning of your exchanges to your rendezvous. Optimize your time by acquiring logistical information.
It is key to ask questions and write down your answers! Make sure to record these answers when you receive them:
- When am I going to meet with the rendezvous team?
- What ship or ships am I assigned to?
- What ship or scout vessel will I be meeting?
- What is the specific date and time for the rendezvous point? (repeat daily: this changes)
- Where specifically will I be meeting you?
- What skills or practices should I be engaged in to get ready?
A hitcher who doesn’t ask questions could end up on a class II swamp planet. – Galactic Hitchhiker Handbook
Steering Towards Ship Logistics
Plans will begin to cement (solidify) after a few weeks or longer of communication. In general, these are the parameters (also called logistics) of your instructions of which you will receive:
- where to meet;
- how to get there;
- what to bring (in weight);
- who to bring (children, spouses, etc.);
- who is meeting you specifically (name and description), and;
- how you will be getting on the ship (beaming or walking up a ramp, etc.).
Once you have the logistics of when and where to meet your ship, time will slow down drastically. (This is often called a short-timer’s period.) You WILL receive a week or more notice, and you will be told what to do to prepare for your rendezvous.
Make sure you follow the directions precisely, and to bring along what you are told to. You will probably be given about a ten to twenty lbs. (4 to 9 kg) limit on what you can bring, so choose carefully. (Crystals are very heavy, clothing is lighter, and paper is lightest.) Don’t insist on bringing too much clothing: you will be given garments to wear, once aboard.
Smart hitchers travel light: some photos, a towel, and some writings and some essentials in a backpack should do the trick. – Galactic Hitchhiker Handbook
Typically, you will be meeting your ship somewhere that is somewhat desolate: forests, deserts, and vast expanses of nature are standard rendezvous locations. However, you may be told to meet on a mountaintop or in a vortex area.
Get ready, get set, and meet up with your ship! Hurry and Hurray!
Starcraft Salutations
Remember to be super-friendly when you meet your rendezvous representative and when you get onboard. A smile works wonders!
Smiling will get what you want in 99% of star race cultures. Just don’t smile at Dragons. – Galactic Hitchhiker Handbook
When you get onboard, immediately attempt (pantomime) to ask for two things:
- a pad of paper and a writing implement, and;
- a translator to be attached to your ear. You will need both of these things to help your communication once on board.
In your immediate time onboard (Lightworker 505 and 606), you will be taken care of and cherished. Don’t worry: this will be a time of celebration, peace, grace, and reunion.
Now you’ve learns the basics for Scheduled Soaring (i.e. Speeding to the Meeting Spot) from steering towards ship logistics through Starcraft Salutations.
You’re on the brink of living within your assigned space vessel, and your star family is eagerly awaiting your arrival! Stay attuned into the NOW with all of your psychic faculties for further instructions. Focus, focus, focus! And hold on tight for the re-unification of your soul, plus reunion with your Twin Flame and star family! 5…. 4…. 3…. 2…. 1… BLAST OFF!
About the Author:
J’Tariah EnRa El is a Chloglian (also called "dolphin') Arcturian-Sirian Hybrid Walk-In from Arcturus and Sirius B. She has spent eons working with the Sirian-Pleiadian Alliance and Sirian Peacekeeping Forces. Every night during lucid dreaming and astral projection, she is within the ships above with her Twin Flame. She is a mother, published poet, author, and artist. Her Lightworking includes being a PR specialist for Sananda’s Eagles: J’Tariah and her son wander all over, all the time.
Lightworker 101: [3]
Lightworker 202: [4]
Lightworker 303: [5]
Lightworker 404: [6]
Lightworker 505: [7]
Lightworker 606: [8]
Distribution Information:
You are free to distribute this essay only if you do so in its entirety, including the article and graphics plus the “about the author” bio with the article links. Thank you and enjoy your new Freedom. This writing is NOT copy written.