
More Predictions for 2017 and Beyond

Tom T. Moore's picture

Here are more predictions given to me by Gaia, soul of the Earth and my Guardian Angel Theo, as I’m a self-trained telepath.  These questions were sent to me from all over the world on a wide variety of subjects as you’ll read.  

Theo, what is the probability of a private space company, such as SpaceX landing on Mars, before NASA does in the next six years?
Tom, there is a very small probability that this will occur. Go with the 25-year period that has been quoted in the past. These private space companies have not even sent their own Mars rovers and such instruments there yet. There has to be a basis of being able to fly several people to Mars, and then a landing and takeoff have to be accomplished, not to mention the length of the voyage, along with the large amount of supplies that must be taken along.  Brash claims of being able to safely travel to and from Mars are just that—public relations to manipulate the stock. These are, after all, businessmen.

Gaia, how far will plans proceed on building a wall on the U.S. Border?
They are just that—plans—and have a low probability of being fully implemented, Tom. Yes, there will be more walls built, but these things take time and there will come other priorities and a softening of the Trump regime’s relationship, we will call it, towards Mexico. There will be fierce opposition as you can imagine, and work will come to a halt. The wall will become a ‘Trumpism’—used in political cartoons and such to mock his Presidency. But again, there will be more wall added to the border, but not completed according to President Trump’s promise.

LIGHTWORKER - Galactic 7 0 7: Hitching Home – Taking Matters Into Your Own Hands! by J'Tariah En Ra El, Walk-In, Telepath, and Galactic

JTariah's picture

LIGHTWORKER - Galactic 7 0 7
Hitching Home  – Taking Matters Into Your Own Hands!

by J'Tariah En Ra El, Walk-In, Telepath, and Galactic
Dedicated to  My Twin Flame “Space Cowboy”

For Douglas Adams' "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"


Re-Read and Study the Previous Lightworker Articles To Learn about Ship Life
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