Becoming the Beacon of Light That You Are - New Earth Frequency Update [1]
It is our pleasure to be with each of you once again through this venue of light. We are the Unified Whole Command of Master Thoth, The Great Divine Director, and Master Einstein along with the entire God Force of the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light.
The frequencies of light that are coming into the planet are beyond what you can truly understand within your physical consciousness. It is so important to continually work through your higher essence in your physical mind and heart. We know that this can be a challenge but the more that you do it, the easier it will become.
The Lunar Eclipse on April 15th will represent the first of a succession of energy patterns that are going to be intertwining within GAIA. Those of you that know astrology are aware of the Cardinal Grand Cross and the Solar Eclipse on the 29th of April which will herald the frequencies of light for Wesak on May 14th, 2014. These energies are all part of the design plan of 2014.
We know the magnificence of these energies represent the Unification of Oneness and grounding these energies into the planet and into each of you. We can look to the science of astrology for detailed information but in truth what does it mean for each of you, individually?
That is the big question to ponder but travel no further.
The plans of this Earth have been changed quite often as the inhabitants of the planet bring more of their higher essence into their physicality. It is a proven fact through the last century and what has occurred. The 1960’s reflected an awakening but it was stopped by dark forces infiltrating within the earth. The time was not right and most individuals were not ready to look to themselves for the answers while still looking to others.
Then the Harmonic Convergence occurred in 1987 which was a pivotal point in time in which the forces of light through the Christed Inter-galactics were able to move through a huge shield that had been placed around the earth. Individuals within the planet were now ready to accept their Divine Right of Passage. Granted, these people were a minority but represented a very powerful group of individuals placed around the globe. They showed themselves to work with the light and offer their teachings to others through books, lectures, and gatherings. There were a few very pivotal important individuals that helped to open up the awareness upon this planet.
Many of these people have chosen to no longer be on the planet and several are still doing the necessary work. A few individuals are very much in the limelight of the acceleration of the planet but most work is behind the scenes as they have delineated themselves to be the watchers of this Earth. It allowed for the entryway of many individuals that would awaken, many that would be a very young age. They would prove to be the souls of light that had traveled far to arrive into GAIA with very special gifts to share. But the result of their arrival was not what they thought. The planet truly was not ready as a consciousness to support their energies. So many of them have fallen prey to the lower energies that this planet has endured for many eons of time. Others that have stayed strong become so self-involved within their gifts that they have lost sight of their journey and what it means to them along with humanity.
The God Force and the Brotherhood of White Light decided that the only way that humans could receive the help they needed was to infuse the energies within the planet along with the structure of the solar system. After the New Millennium, it was shown that many would awaken and be ready for the teachings of the Brotherhood which is now called Ascended Mastery. But yet, there was concern for the others that had fallen prey to the Other Side and how to best help them evolve into what they wanted to be, not where they ended up.
This has caused great concern amongst the Hierarchy of Light. It was decided to form an alliance of light through the 144th dimension reflective of the Source. We call this the Unified Whole, and we asked one person to be the messenger of this frequency of Light. He is no longer on the planet, but he gave the message to several individuals that we thought would be able to take this information and put it to good use for all of humanity.
One of these chosen souls was Christine Meleriessee. She alone was unsure about the information but with the pathway she had taken, it would be a necessary component for her work. With her partner Michael Aranathanara they have developed a way to teach these energies to others. This is how we have come into alignment with their message of light, and we want others to do the same.
We share this information, because it is of great importance at this time. The allegiance of light is very important but yet there are still many lower forces that are trying to infiltrate within GAIA and those that are standing in the forefront of information. We are at a very important time of acceleration.
The energies of the festivals of Ascension, Christ, Wesak, and Humanity are now upon us along with the planetary shifts of consciousness that are coming into the planet. This surge of light is beyond the understanding of anyone’s physical mind so we urge each of you to fully come into alignment with your own Higher Self’s energetic exchange.
The time is now to align with your own purpose, and we need you to do so. We are giving humanity an opportune moment of creation but it must come in the context of your self-preservation upon this planet. This may sound very dramatic, but this is an important time of your own awareness.
What is it that you are going through in your consciousness, with your thoughts and feelings?
How do you feel with others around you?
What issues are not resolved within you?
These are all very important questions to ponder within yourself and the present energies will help you to change them if you are willing to do so. Let’s face it ~ you are reading this text because you are a lightworker. Then, how do you bring your lightworker status into your present conditioning? Many individuals may think that being a lightworker is a privilege, and then, you can just have the gifts of miracles at your fingertips every moment. Magic is a way of life, right?
For the New Earth it is, but not the present earth. We are not there yet by any form, but yet we are aspiring to be there. When a lightworker falls prey to the elements of magic by thinking they can transform elements into ways of receiving, receiving, receiving, then that is a form of the darker energies enfolding within the planet.
Did you know that there is a Brotherhood just like the White Brotherhood incorporating the lower energies to stay within the planet, and that many lightworkers fall prey to this evolving energy? It is a trap to make an individual feel they can manipulate any kind of energies in any shape or form. It also keeps the planet stuck in the frequency of the 4th dimension and creates an illusion that is truly unreal from your Higher Self’s energy.
We share this information not to alarm you or scare you, but to prepare you. The frequencies of light that are enfolding within the planet are to create more light infractions to be part of your environment and your livelihood. It does not mean that everything will be right immediately, but you will start to evolve from your Higher Self, then your Monad, and I AM Presence. It means that there is a way to create elements in your life, and you must have a foundation to stand upon.
The present upcoming energies coming into the planet are going to help each of you to be more within your higher essence. It also means that whatever level you are working within on an energetic frequency will be increased. This represents the ability to heal so deeply that the wounds can be removed and replaced with the higher light fractions. It also means that if you do not take stock of where you are in your four-body system and how it is affected within the world, then these energies will take it for you.
It is no mistake that on the Spring Equinox more frequencies of light were able to infuse within the planet. As this occurs, it comes into each individual soul to remove the elements of darkness within them on all levels. But if you do not take care of what needs to be looked at through the eyes of your Higher Self, then you could be feeling some pretty damaging energies resulting in your field. The dark is no longer allowed on this planet. It does not mean it is not here. It is within each human being not matter if they are a Star Seed, unaware human, or an enlightened being. Each individual will be asked to go into a deeper level of themselves by accessing all aspects of their Higher Essence. The ones that cannot do so will be affected adversely, but we are here to help.
It is important to realize that the pantheons of the past have ruled this planet extensively. Each of us is part of those pantheons. This is what you are experiencing with your purging. You are taking those elements from your Etheric Body and allowing them to no longer exist in your consciousness. But it can be painful and sometimes we are affected by other’s energies that make it seem worse.
And when it does not feel right, do something about it. Remove it with the Rays of God, and allow the expression that you are from your Higher Essence to be the only element you want to be expressed within you. That is becoming the Beacon of Light that you are. This is going to help us tremendously to help each of you. We cannot do it without you and you cannot do it without us.
That is our Truth in this moment.
The power of the frequency of light within the next month will take you into a deeper part of yourselves if you allow it to be. If you do not, then the darkness will ensue within you; the parts that have been hurting will hurt more.
It is our beginning of the Light to enfold within the planet and we are honored to be part of it with you.
Call upon our energies of light no matter what ascended being you are working with:
000-144-000 Unified Whole Command Online;
Count upwards from 0 to 10, then increments of 10 to 140, then 141, 142, 143, 144.
Always use this command and when you are finished bring the numbers back down to 0, then 5 to align with your 5th dimensional self. Say the words, “000-144-000 Unified Whole Command Offline.”
The work you do will be through this Council of Light and no other aspects of lower forces can enter through this space. It is our Divine Right to work together and be One within each other. We are honored to come to this space of time to offer our assistance to each of you in the Light that We are Together.
Blessings and Joy for the Unification of our Hearts Together
We are Master Thoth, The Great Divine Director, and Master Einstein walking with you each step of the way.
©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery [2] by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara. Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.
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