The New Moon & Partial Solar Eclipse of Oct 23, 2014 represents a period of REGENERATION
Greetings and Blessings to All,
We are the Unified Whole Command within the 144th dimension of Oneness as the Great Divine Director, Master Thoth, and Master Einstein along with the many Christed Beings of Light.
The energetic exchange of the Universal Consciousness is being felt in many levels of existence. We are sure you have been experiencing it within your feelings, thoughts, dream-states while walking upon the Earth. Since the Autumn Equinox there have been extensive light energies that have ensued upon the planet with the Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon moving towards the partial Solar Eclipse and New Moon.
The portals of light that have been actualized within GAIA are here to help every individual to receive more of their higher essence within the avenues of their physicality. In the midst of these elements it is causing more debris to be removed from the Etheric level of the Earth along with each human being. So as a result, it causes a feeling of uncertainty within each individual unless they fully understand that those thoughts and feelings do not belong to them any longer.
Some may say, “What do you mean they don’t belong to me? I live upon this earth; I have emotions and I am affected by what is happening within the world.” This is so very true but since the earth is going through her acceleration, the light infractions coming into the core of Gaia’s being are affecting more Light to be acknowledged than the Darkness. But in order for the Light to be realized, the Darkness must be removed. So what happens is a period of regeneration, the old leaves in order for the new to be realized.