Spiritual Path – The Journey of Your Soul [1]
By John Holland
When you travel a spiritual path, it’s not uncommon to feel alone. After all, it’s your path and yours alone. But, it’s important to remember that there are like minded souls out there just like you. Reach out and search for different groups and organizations that feel right for you. Even when you don’t consciously reach out, you’ll find that people of the same vibrational level are attracted to you. It’s a wonderful thing when you share your experiences, because not only are you conveying what you’ve learned or experienced, you’re letting your soul educate, express, and show itself to others. The whole process can be liberating.
You’re on your spiritual path, so please honor that it’s meant for you. You shouldn’t try to drag, pull, bribe, or coerce anyone else into believing that what you feel is true. One of my favorite sayings is: “Everyone is exactly where they are supposed to be.” I believe that you have...
- OMTimes [4]