Death Is Love [1]
Death Is Love
Whatever you try to control, you become equal to in the mind.
Just look at the criminals and police for proof, as corruption is
equal in both. Depending on where you live, police are more or
less corrupt depending on the crime of the region. What kind of
person wants to join a police force that has a dirty reputation?
you do the math. If that isn't collective karma than what is?
The quality of our being is the thing that can change another
thing... If you are suffering, then you can do little to stop suffering
in its tracks for another, although you may temporarily modify it
with simple trickery; by tugging on the strings of the ego.
Temporary alleviation, but not real change. No one can stop your
suffering but you, and it is the same for others. How then can we
Help the world? Please continue reading..
As we seek for things, we already know what we are going to find.
How is this a change? If the mind has an image already of change
then will you not merely attract more of the same to yourself?
Seeking is a desperate attempt to control things. Unless of course
we are seeking the source of our being, which is free of suffering.
The only way to stop suffering in the world is to stop your own
suffering, and that does not require healing. . . it does however
require work, sacrifice, and understanding, until all of the thoughts
that govern our ego are understood as "not i", down to the core of
our emotions and mind. Until we are free from the ego delusion,
and become One with the source of our being, the all that is, there
can be no end to suffering. Being In the world, but not Of the world.
Affecting the world with our pure of essence.
This is a mere lip service. But Is it true? Is it possible?
Question; Can we have a greater impact on the world than the Self
is capable? The ego would want to think so. But when we go beyond
our Own suffering, then we Actually change the entire world. Not just
modify it. It is our ability to understand true change, and true cause
and effect, that we begin the real quest to help mankind. Perhaps
this is why we came. . but we can be dependent on no person or
thing . . . how many will make the sacrifice, with whole Heart Mind
and Soul ? to Empty the mind, instead of filling it up, or mirroring the
things we hate? The original sin is thought itself.