There Is Only Going Forward [1]

My children are often looking forward fervently to what comes next in their lives. This is good. A good way to get to the future that you are eager for is to simply let go of what has been. I am referring to the past you attach yourself to.
Some of My children are gripped to remorse, regret, rue of past actions or non-actions. In any case, too many times, you have too many regrets and thoughts and actions you would redo if you could, if you knew how, if there could be a way. The only way you can go back and erase or add to the past is by letting go of it and simply moving forward. There is no back-tracking. There is only going forward.
Turn back the pages of the past. Leave them behind. You cannot nourish your life on regrets. When you regret and regret and repent, you bury yourself in deeper. Then regret and all become a mainstay. Honestly, when you regret, regret once, and be done. Otherwise, you are a slacker in life. You pull yourself from behind. Rue and regret are a Never Land that keep you from entering the present.
Know and know well that I release you from the past. It never was. You have a recollection of an imaginary time. I relieve you of guilt. Guilt is a shackle, and I free you from it. It is not noble to feel guilty. It is a waste of time and energy.
Do you know what else guilt can lead you to? Anger. Anger can be seen as your own sense of guilt pasted onto someone else. Being responsible and guilty are two different things. Feeling guilty is like cutting off your feet to fit the bed. Feeling guilty can be a projection of your resentment towards others or a passage in your life. There is one recurring theme that I bombast you with, and that is to let go of the past. In order to be free, it is essential to let go of the past. Unless you let go of it, you perpetuate it. You can’t have it both ways. If you want to be free, you have to let go of the past. Guilt is not your obligation. Guilt is too long an interim step. Leap out of the past. Leave whatever you have accrued behind you, and don’t look back. This is the law of the land. I write this commandment now: Don’t look back.
Looking back is folly. It doesn’t get you ahead. Repenting is looking back. Apologize once to the world and to yourself, and then get on with life. Guilt is one of the biggest wastes of time there can be. Life is fluid. In Truth, in every moment you have to release the past. Do it speedily. You cannot do it too fast. So-called time is of the essence when it comes to leaving the past to be the past and for you to move ahead. I say it is essential to let go of the past, or, otherwise, you are stuck to it. You can’t go forward and look back at the same time. It is one or the other. You can only have one focus at a time. Onward! There is no virtue in going back. There is no virtue in hanging on where you once were or thought you were.
Letting go means to let go of the idea of past action. Let go of the idea of karma as karma is understood in the world. The past is not intended to be a ball and chain around your neck. That leads to folly, and you have better things to do. You have work to do for Me. You have blessings to give and eyes to lift. First, you have to lift up your own eyes.
- Heavenletters [3]