The Power to Change Your Past [1]
By Guy Finley
So many people today are bitter, broken-hearted, or just plain angry because of what happened to them while growing up.
The reasons for their resentment or regret are as countless as are the unconscionable people responsible for the pain they unknowingly created in the lives of those they hurt. But nothing that happened “yesterday”—as horrendous as it may have been—has authority over the present moment, and its new possibilities. We may already sense the truth of this spiritual fact, but have been unable to put its power to work in our lives. So, here’s what to do whenever we find ourselves wrapped in the flames of that burning house called our painful past:
Get out of it!
Here’s the “how” part…although each of us must see the following truths (that help free us) from ourselves.
The true present moment cannot burn anything, let alone your immortal Self...
- OMTimes [4]