How To Make Big Decisions With Your Intuition [1]
By Lisa K.
If there was a way we could solve our problems instantly, we’d do it wouldn’t we? One of the reasons I wanted to learn how to develop my intuition was so I could make those big decisions with more clarity and may be a hint of what is the best choice to make. Well, there are two things about making big decisions with your intuition. First, you need to know how your intuition works, and especially how it works for you personally. Second, using your intuition on big decisions doesn’t always happen by asking one big question and getting one intuitive answer, sometimes you have to ask a few questions or wait for more information to appear.
Tackling the first item, you must know how your intuition works and especially how it works for you individually. It’s like learning how to play tennis, you can’t really just read about tennis to know it, you have to do it! That means you need to experience what it’s like...
- OMTimes [4]