Astrology Forecast for the 2014 Gemini Full Moon [1]
by Kathy Biehl
4:26 AM PST / 7:26 AM EST / 12:26 PM GMT
14 Gemini 17 / 14 Sagittarius 17
2014 Gemini Full Moon
This month’s Gemini Full Moon spotlights the quality and power of our thoughts. Forget the old saying that ends “words will never hurt me.” This Moon reminds us that they are not theoretical concepts, but forces that touch us deeply and shape our experience of reality.
Full Moons always culminate a cycle and bring emotions and story lines to a head. This Gemini Full Moon is particularly high-energy, catalyzing and clearing.
The scope of the Gemini Full Moon is enormous: It’s inspiring awareness of the chatter in our heads, along with clarity about who we are. It’s inflaming situations, beliefs and prejudices past the point of toleration, inflaming vocal reactions and demanding that we see and respect our interconnectedness...
- OMTimes [4]