This Scorpio Super Full Pink Moon is happening at 10:32 PM CDT which is perfect for being able to see it in the sky at its peak! It’s energies will be active till we are close to the next New Moon on May 11th. This is a powerful and emotionally charged Full Moon…as it is opposite the planet Uranus…among other aspects…making things feel a bit uncomfortable at times! Because of its opposition to Uranus….be aware of unexpected events, sudden and unusual things happening, changes, impulsiveness and rebelliousness along with ingenious ideas. Being in Scorpio brings about a tremendous potential for transformation! It is a time for deep releases from your Soul…time to acknowledge what has been kept out of sight and bring that challenge to the surface so it can be released…so it can be healed. This Scorpio Full Moon is also the closest and brightest Super Moon of the 3 Super Moons this season! It is also known as the Pink Moon… because it happens when many areas of the Earth are full of wild flowering ground phlox which is widespread in the spring and ranges in colors of pink to lavender etc. This Full Scorpio Moon is also known as the Wesak Moon…or the Moon of the Buddha…a day of great Spiritual opportunity.
This Earth Day 2021 occurs with Sun conjunct Uranus. It is the initial empowered ascension of the physical Earth and the new EarthStar planetary/galactic/universal ascended life and living unified organism.
This is a very fiery New Aires Moon…with 5 other planets in Aries and the first New Moon of the Astrological New Year! Coming in on the heels of the Spring Equinox which brings in the Astrological New Year! It is a time for intentions and to visualize what you would like this Astrological New Year to look like. Right now the World, our Country, and our lives are in a bit of Chaos. We are in a place where it is hard to even imagine what this “Astrological New Year” will look like or what it will bring us. Between the Virus continuing to affect us in many different ways…world and local events getting a bit edgy, Volcanoes erupting etc….it feels like the rug has been pulled out from under our feet again. We really are in more of a survival mode…then a comfortable mode. The World as we know it….may not look the same as this year continues to play out. That is ok…remember that we have to stay out of the fear. The Universe is really serious about changes…that we as a human race….need to be making for humanity, the World and ourselves. The Universe will also help us along…if we Ask! Time to Meditate and to Manifest a better and peaceful World. The Universe is very very Serious…but will help us through. You just have to ask!!!
This Full Libra Super Moon is a powerful one! It is very energized…intense at times and presents us with some Radical Transformations! We are still in uncertain times…with the Virus still here even though we can now see the light at the end of the tunnel, and the World in a bit of chaos....but this Libra Full Moons energy is about love, relationships of all kinds and balance! This Full Moon is happening along the axis of Aries/Libra which can bring some tensions between self and the other. We have 2 squares happening at this Full Moon…one in Cardinal energy and one in Fixed energy….adding to some transformations and changes. But we also have a Super Full Moon that is ruled by Venus….besides Love and balance…it brings the energies of creativity, people pleasing/the peace maker, and diplomacy.
We have had a lot of newer energies surrounding us and being downloaded to us over these last few months. In December we had the shift into a 200 year cycle of Air energy with Jupiter and Saturn moving into Aquarius. Then through the portal of the Spring Equinox….as we observed and felt the activations being presented to us a it opened. Along with the connection to the Earth energies that surrounded us at that time, bringing us into the Astrological New Year. Wow! This is a lot of energies and downloads to process in a short period of time. The energies have become chaotic and urgent. I couldn’t help but take notice of how these energies are playing out in “real life”…with the year anniversary of the Virus and how it has affected…our own life…the political “life” and World “life”.